Hey guys, been browsing the site for a few days and decided to do roll call this morning. Well, I'm on day 8 of my quit and it's going okay I guess. I've been telling myself all year that I would quit when I turned 30, which was 11/16. Took my a couple weeks after that date to actually get started. Been dippin for about 15 years, can a day for the last several years. Married with 2 kids, 1 of which is an 11 year old boy so I think about him during this quit. He's nearing the age of when I started. I know its much easier to take that first dip if dad does the same thing, also how the hell am I gonna say shit to him with a dip in myself. However, make no mistake this quit is for myself. Anyway, feel like I'm pulling out of the fog stage but these fuckin dull headaches are pissing me off.