I'm newly registered with the site, but have been reading some very inspiring stories since my second day. These stories of success have given me the strength to work through the fog and stay quit since 12/12/13. Very grateful to know there are others on the same journey as I and to those who have traveled that road or are traveling that road, I'm going to stay on that road with you.
Steak, welcome to KTC, are you posting roll? Posting roll in our promise and it's the cost of admission here. This should be your primary focus in your quit.
The brotherhood and the desire to quit is what makes us work.
Hit the welcome center, pinkish link up top. Read up, tells you what you need to do it and why.
Glad you're here, and I can promise it's worth it. You just need to dig deep and find the testicular fortitude to do it.
I will quit with you every damn day.