Author Topic: Not sure what to say  (Read 5302 times)

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Offline Jamesp

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2019, 09:48:49 AM »
I’m happy to see you get some help slag. Also happy to see you put some time and effort in your answers as they are more for you than they are for us. I’m one of the guys in January you shit on but I’m damn glad to see you back.

Being your second time here, you have to step it up a little bit. You cannot be just a post and ghoster. You should take a leadership position within this group. Learn how to update the spreadsheet of accountability for your group. Reach out and get uncomfortably close with all these weird dudes who want your number. Then don’t be afraid to be the weird dude who offers your number to someone else. I’m here to support you but that will quickly evaporate if you start making the same mistakes again.

Drink the kool aid man! Your life depends on it.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.
-Deep thoughts by Jack Handey

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2019, 12:24:16 AM »
My explanation/accountability for January, June, and the HOFers:

What happened?

I was weak and screwed up. There's no excuse for it. I broke the trust of the January group.

Why did it happen?

I was hanging out and drinking with my regular crowd. A buddy opened a can and I caved. I'm an addict, and I was weak. At that point, I'd lie, cheat, or steal to get my fix. Addiction, even though that lame attempt had only been a few days, dug its claws in even harder than before.

What are you going to do differently this time?

After my screw up, I still wanted to quit, but knew I had to make some changes. I made an appointment with my doctor, who then sent me to a shrink. Told my shrink that I didn't want to be medicated, so he worked out a plan for me. First, I had to give up drinking. I've been dry for around three months now. Other people drinking around me doesn't bother me now. Second, I had to change the way I hung out with my friends. We'd all hang out and half of us were dipping. Last weekend, I told them that I was prepping to quit, so not to be offended if I wasn't around to keep away from the temptation. Most everyone understood, but there were a couple dippers that were kind of jerks about it. I know the temptation will never go away, but I have to get it under control before I can be around it again. And now I'm on the last step, the actual quit.

I know none of this excuses the fact that I bailed last time, and I completely deserve the lack of trust. All I can do now is give my word that I'm all in this time.


How about you exchange digits with other quitters and use the resources at your disposal.  If you find yourself in a similar situation, you can call a brother for support instead of caving to the bitch.

Check your inbox for my digits.  I expect yours in return.  If you call me at a time of weakness, I will help you through it as will any other quitter on this site.  The help is there, you have to ask for it and accept it when it’s offered.

Quit with you today,

If you want my digits, just ask and they will be yours, but I expect yours in return.

Accountability is a statement of personal promise, both to yourself and to the people around you, to deliver specific defined results.
Brian Dive

Do not be complacent about your achievements and not to strive for continual improvement when you get to the top. As soon as you let success go to your head, you sink into following familiar patterns and play it safe. In other words, you risk losing your edge.
Roy T. Bennett

You need anything, ask.  You feel strong, help.  This quit is for you but we got your back.

Do not let the actions of others determine the direction of YOUR quit.

There are no dumb questions, just dumb people who ask questions.

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2019, 11:52:12 PM »
My explanation/accountability for January, June, and the HOFers:

What happened?

I was weak and screwed up. There's no excuse for it. I broke the trust of the January group.

Why did it happen?

I was hanging out and drinking with my regular crowd. A buddy opened a can and I caved. I'm an addict, and I was weak. At that point, I'd lie, cheat, or steal to get my fix. Addiction, even though that lame attempt had only been a few days, dug its claws in even harder than before.

What are you going to do differently this time?

After my screw up, I still wanted to quit, but knew I had to make some changes. I made an appointment with my doctor, who then sent me to a shrink. Told my shrink that I didn't want to be medicated, so he worked out a plan for me. First, I had to give up drinking. I've been dry for around three months now. Other people drinking around me doesn't bother me now. Second, I had to change the way I hung out with my friends. We'd all hang out and half of us were dipping. Last weekend, I told them that I was prepping to quit, so not to be offended if I wasn't around to keep away from the temptation. Most everyone understood, but there were a couple dippers that were kind of jerks about it. I know the temptation will never go away, but I have to get it under control before I can be around it again. And now I'm on the last step, the actual quit.

I know none of this excuses the fact that I bailed last time, and I completely deserve the lack of trust. All I can do now is give my word that I'm all in this time.

Slag—I’m not in your quit group..but I am still an addict quitting each day. I think you are smart enough to understand the frustration and hurt by those that have stayed the course. Sometimes, we need a huge kick in the nut sack to realize what we have done. That being’s all on you brother. In the end, it’s your decision if you quit or not. We are here to support you but you have to surrender to the quit and let us support you. Stay strong!!!!!! Don’t give in. If you have friends that won’t support your quit, they aren’t your friends. Stay away from situations like drinking that make you want to dip. You can do this. It’s a matter of if you REALLY WANT to do this. We are here for you. Use us. I will get personal here...that’s why my wife and I have major issues over this...I lied to her for a long time about my dipping. She doesn’t believe me at all now. Learn from me...just be honest with us. Come to us. Call us. You failed once...we all mess up sometimes. I’m not excusing it. You got this brother.

Offline campbellmi13

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2019, 10:24:40 PM »
My explanation/accountability for January, June, and the HOFers:

What happened?

I was weak and screwed up. There's no excuse for it. I broke the trust of the January group.

Why did it happen?

I was hanging out and drinking with my regular crowd. A buddy opened a can and I caved. I'm an addict, and I was weak. At that point, I'd lie, cheat, or steal to get my fix. Addiction, even though that lame attempt had only been a few days, dug its claws in even harder than before.

What are you going to do differently this time?

After my screw up, I still wanted to quit, but knew I had to make some changes. I made an appointment with my doctor, who then sent me to a shrink. Told my shrink that I didn't want to be medicated, so he worked out a plan for me. First, I had to give up drinking. I've been dry for around three months now. Other people drinking around me doesn't bother me now. Second, I had to change the way I hung out with my friends. We'd all hang out and half of us were dipping. Last weekend, I told them that I was prepping to quit, so not to be offended if I wasn't around to keep away from the temptation. Most everyone understood, but there were a couple dippers that were kind of jerks about it. I know the temptation will never go away, but I have to get it under control before I can be around it again. And now I'm on the last step, the actual quit.

I know none of this excuses the fact that I bailed last time, and I completely deserve the lack of trust. All I can do now is give my word that I'm all in this time.


I appreciate you stepping up and posting your thoughts. I can't speak for all of the January 19 group, but I am here to give you support and hold you accountable and welcome you back to KTC. I am proud to quit with you today. There are no easy parts of a quit from what I have experienced so far, but you are definitely in some of the worst of it right now. It will get better and it is the best decision you will ever make in your life.

Offline Slag

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2019, 08:59:13 PM »
My explanation/accountability for January, June, and the HOFers:

What happened?

I was weak and screwed up. There's no excuse for it. I broke the trust of the January group.

Why did it happen?

I was hanging out and drinking with my regular crowd. A buddy opened a can and I caved. I'm an addict, and I was weak. At that point, I'd lie, cheat, or steal to get my fix. Addiction, even though that lame attempt had only been a few days, dug its claws in even harder than before.

What are you going to do differently this time?

After my screw up, I still wanted to quit, but knew I had to make some changes. I made an appointment with my doctor, who then sent me to a shrink. Told my shrink that I didn't want to be medicated, so he worked out a plan for me. First, I had to give up drinking. I've been dry for around three months now. Other people drinking around me doesn't bother me now. Second, I had to change the way I hung out with my friends. We'd all hang out and half of us were dipping. Last weekend, I told them that I was prepping to quit, so not to be offended if I wasn't around to keep away from the temptation. Most everyone understood, but there were a couple dippers that were kind of jerks about it. I know the temptation will never go away, but I have to get it under control before I can be around it again. And now I'm on the last step, the actual quit.

I know none of this excuses the fact that I bailed last time, and I completely deserve the lack of trust. All I can do now is give my word that I'm all in this time.

Offline campbellmi13

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2019, 06:25:25 PM »
Back after making some life adjustments. Had to give up drinking. I wasn't even a big drinker, just a few on the weekends. Problem was, if I had a few beers, I lost the self control to stay quit. Been dry for about 3 months now. Definitely ready to get this quit started.

So just say it.  You drank too much and caved?  You shit on your brothers in Jan?  You decided that your word wasn't worth jack shit?  You need to answer the three questions in here, in your new group, and apologize to your old group.  I sincerely hope you're actually committed this time.

Slag I hope you check back in on your intro. I am a member of the Jan 2019 group that you abandoned. You really need to put the time into answering the three questions in detail before you can expect to get any support. Giving up drinking is a good start, but that does not absolve you from answering the questions. I have been quit for 145 days and you would be at similar numbers if you had not abandoned the brotherhood and accountability. My phone number is just a pm away from you if you want to buy into the accountability part of this program.

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2019, 10:52:40 AM »
Back after making some life adjustments. Had to give up drinking. I wasn't even a big drinker, just a few on the weekends. Problem was, if I had a few beers, I lost the self control to stay quit. Been dry for about 3 months now. Definitely ready to get this quit started.

So just say it.  You drank too much and caved?  You shit on your brothers in Jan?  You decided that your word wasn't worth jack shit?  You need to answer the three questions in here, in your new group, and apologize to your old group.  I sincerely hope you're actually committed this time. 

Offline Slag

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2019, 09:00:04 AM »
Back after making some life adjustments. Had to give up drinking. I wasn't even a big drinker, just a few on the weekends. Problem was, if I had a few beers, I lost the self control to stay quit. Been dry for about 3 months now. Definitely ready to get this quit started.

Offline Jamesp

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2018, 04:26:38 PM »
Slag where the hell are you? You posted 4 straight days now you're MIA. Lets get back on that quit horse and get to it.
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.
-Deep thoughts by Jack Handey

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2018, 01:30:10 PM »
Been ruled by nicotine since 1986.  It's time to quit.  Today is day #1.  I honestly don't think the nicotine will be as hard as the habit.  Not sure if that makes sense.  I felt pretty stupid about googling "help quit chew" when it's only been 15 hours, but at least it led me here.  Not sure how all of it works, but I think I figured out the basics (roll call).  I look forward to quitting with all of you guys.

Welcome, and congrats on your decision to quit.  I am glad to see you posting roll.

I completely understand what you mean when you say you "don't think the nicotine will be as hard as the habit."  The nicotine is the addiction and the shit in your lip is the habit (delivery mechanism).  Both of them can be a bitch to beat, but trust me when I say the nicotine is the 300 pound guerilla in the room.  Beat that guerilla into submission every damn day and that habit will go away quicker than you think.  But, that big ass guerilla isn't going anywhere without a fight.  You have to kick that guerilla's ass day after day until it becomes weak enough that you can drag it's hairy ass out of the room.  Then you bolt the door shut and lock his nasty ass outside. 

I look at posting roll every morning as the equivalent of jiggling the door knob every day to make sure the door is still locked.

Life gets better and the battles get easier if you don't ever crack that door open again, no matter what you might hear coming from the other side. 

"No regrets, that's my motto. That and everybody Wang Chung tonight."
"That's what's great about the outdoors, you know. It's one giant toilet."
"i thought I could stay at the party forever, it don't work that way, cause that shit will kill ya" -- Stevie Ray Vaughan

HOF date: 4/16/182nd Floor: 7/25/183rd Floor: 11/02/184th Floor: 2/10/195th Floor: 5/21/196th Floor: 8/19/197th Floor: 12/7/198th Floor: 3/16/209th Floor: 6/24/2010th Floor: 10/02/2011th Floor: 1/10/2112th Floor: 4/20/2113th Floor: 7/29/2114th Floor: 11/7/2115th Floor:  2/14/2216th Floor:  5/25/2217th Floor:  9/2/2218th Floor:  12/11/2219th Floor:  3/21/23

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2018, 11:24:49 AM »
Feel stupid about googling help... yep.  Remember that day well.  Finding this place will change your life, brother, and more importantly it will make it so much better.  Because you will own it going forward.  No more hiding, no more making excuses to leave late at night when you run out, no more panic about the local 7-11 being out of your brand and running all over town looking, no more nasty spit bottles, no more fear of going to the dentist... just freedom.

I see that you are in the fog part of your journey.  I hope you keep posting here and detailing what that is like, because nothing will piss you off more than coming back here and reading the bullshit that nicotine put you through.  The fog is a theft of your life right now.  And that is ridiculous.

You are in the right place.  Come here and use this place to help you and to help others.  We lose doing this alone.  We win together.  I'm honored to quit with you.

Offline Jamesp

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2018, 04:05:37 PM »
Plagerized by another quitter, but pretty much sums it up.

You have found the very best place to "be quit". No Nic, no kind, no way!
We don't fuck around, we don't hope, we don't wish, we don't romantasize the poison, we don't quit for anyone for mommy, the wife, kids or the dog.
We do this one day at a time...
We wake, we post roll, the earlier the better for your quit.
We keep our word for the day, your word is good, right?
We make it to bed and wake and repeat.
For you, now that you're in the fog and simply cannot think clearly, read this website like your life depends on it, cause it does.
Get in the chat it out, get help. Trade phone numbers with those in your group.
Read and learn to use the tools that this site can provide...It may very well save your life, it will no doubt help you live 10-20 yrs longer
This is most likely the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it is very much worth it. Look at this link and maybe it'll help you decide how this time will be much different. Grow a pair
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.
-Deep thoughts by Jack Handey

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Re: Not sure what to say
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2018, 03:10:11 PM »
Glad you are here Slag. There is a ton of great information on the site. Post roll and keep your promise to quit for the day and then repeat day after day. Check your messages. I will PM with my digits and use them as you wish. I am proud to quit with you brother.

Been ruled by nicotine since 1986.  It's time to quit.  Today is day #1.  I honestly don't think the nicotine will be as hard as the habit.  Not sure if that makes sense.  I felt pretty stupid about googling "help quit chew" when it's only been 15 hours, but at least it led me here.  Not sure how all of it works, but I think I figured out the basics (roll call).  I look forward to quitting with all of you guys.

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Not sure what to say
« on: October 15, 2018, 03:03:58 PM »
Been ruled by nicotine since 1986.  It's time to quit.  Today is day #1.  I honestly don't think the nicotine will be as hard as the habit.  Not sure if that makes sense.  I felt pretty stupid about googling "help quit chew" when it's only been 15 hours, but at least it led me here.  Not sure how all of it works, but I think I figured out the basics (roll call).  I look forward to quitting with all of you guys.