My Dr. encouraged me to go ahead and purchase the tickets for the Uganda Missions trip with my son.
The trip will be for 11 days, over Thanksgiving. My Dr. thought I should be much better by then.
Insomnia has been a problem, and all the Tylenol PM and melatonin just didn't help.
Dr. prescribed a mild sedative to help me sleep, as needed.
Used it a few times 10 days ago, when my wife was gone, and had to use it the past two nights to sleep.
But really didn't like it because it makes me groggy in the morning.
Hopefully the Lexapro will fully kick in now and I won't need that.
It will be 14 days today that I have been on the Lexapro.
I really don't crave a chew. Besides the anxiety, I have had a sour/metal taste in my mouth, like my tongue is coated.
Seeds / salt just cauterizes/ makes it loose more taste.
I had gained weight in the first 2 months, but lost 5 pounds in the past 3 weeks.
Just wish some of these withdrawing and re-wiring symptoms would go away soon.
At Day 108, I can say the past 4 weeks have been much tougher than the first 80 days.
Thanks for all of you that have 'been through the Valley' and continue to offer encouragement.
I hope to be able to do the same, further down the road...