Im confused. You joined in 2009 and said that you are quitting. Then it shows that today is your quit date! What happened? Did you post roll and then cave. Looks that way to me by the HOF date after your signature. An explanation? Looks to me like you caved and are back. Id like to hear more about that! Unless I am missing something!
PS. If you are a returned caver then you may want to take this off your signature line.... "If at first you don't succeed, try again"
Maybe that line of thinking is the problem
I agree with Jake here you gotta kick that tag line to the curb....trying isnt for this site its do here and we do every damn day.!!! My dad used to say if at first you dont succeed pack your we dont do that we give a shot to answer the questions so that we know what happened why and what are you going to do in the future. This tool is just as much as a learning tool for you as it is to us.
If you want to quit or don't want to quit, YOU Will.
All your talk is just mental masturbation to feel better about yourself. Went to a kick ass support meeting. Here is your support from me.
Quit and then we will work with you.
Talk about it and still use, waste that shit on someone, somewhere else. Our focus quitting. This appears like you are a quit tease.
I don't like teasing unless its a form of foreplay. So, here this is about the results of quitting. If you aren't quitting then go somewhere that teasing is the game.
"Line of thinking" revels that he is a can teaser and wants nicotine to seduce him so that when he gets on his knees, the blow job to the can is so much more intense.
Nothing to see here but a douche bag. 'crackup'