5 days for me today! The first two days were, well you know, shitty and the third day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but then the fourth day was almost as bad as the second day. Now that the fifth day is here, I feel like there might be a pattern to all of this. That is to fight the craves and keep the resolve! I have been wanting to quit for awhile, but on the 19th of March, 2009 I was finally READY! Smoked for 15 years, chewed for 4 years and I am done with this shit. I am tired of being tired of failing and KNOW that there is better for me. Now I must stomp this demon into the mud and when it is stomped, I will stomp some more and when that is stomped, I will stomp some more, etc............ :angry:
When I found this site, it was a blessing in disguise. I had no idea that there was a support group in place for me and people like me that were ready to quit, but needed some cementing and some ass kicking to remain quit.
Posting roll is a huge deal for me even now, fresh into it newbie, that I look forward to every morning. It is that little extra assurance to myself to keep my word not to dip for today. I look forward to the support and giving the support back and taking this journey with all of you!