Well, didn't do the intro on Day 1, thought I'd make sure I'm in it before hopping on here.
I had been using chew since I was about 15/16. Quit for about a year when I was 17/18 after my Dad found an un-flushed plug of Skoal in the toilet. Being below age (19 in Ontario, Canada) it was easy as it was a pain in the ass to try and get some.
Skip forward a year to University in 2003, and I was full time since then (still hard to believe it's been 14-15 years!). Always been a secretive chewer, at parties, bars, etc. I would always end up with a chew in but was pretty good at making sure the girls didn't notice, as I knew it wasn't exactly an attractive habit. Goes back to learning to hide it while travelling for hockey on the team bus, you had to hide it from the coaches. My GF doesn't even know I chew.
Hadn't really though about quitting until my mid to late 20's, somewhere between 2012/2014. Chew in Canada was about $20 bucks a tin then, and being on my own and not at a great paying job, was getting pretty hard to finance. Tried the nicotine replacement therapy, but like I've read here, it just seemed to make my cravings worse. I'd go a couple days without, then right back to it.
January 1st 2016 decided to kick it. Was starting up a new relationship, seemed like a good idea. Cold Turkey, was going well using mints to replace the oral fix, but after 3 months just ended up buying a tin, and kept on buying tins. Kept doing the "this weekend" or "first of this month" talk in my head, but never got going with it. Always needed one to get through the work day, or video games, or hockey, some excuse.
Luckily for me, (and probably unlucky for the tobacco conglomerate) they messed up all their tins! So after I ran the local shops out of stock that they could still carry, smartened up and realized I need to just quit. Tried the mini-lozenges again, but same effect. Started Googling around to see if I could order tins online and ran across Smokey Mountain herbal. That led me to this site trying to get a review on it. Glad I did because it started to show me some alternatives and a place I could go to get some tips and support.
I know from my last quit, the nicotine is just one part of the addiction, the other part is the habit of having a chew in. My goal is to use the herbal stuff to keep me in line with wanting to buy a tin, and try to cut that down so that I get back to not putting anything in.
So here goes, 7 days in now after getting my first order of herbal chew in. Still get the odd thought to go and buy a tin from the gas station, broke down on day 3 and stopped in (luckily they didn't have any stocked yet) but I know that the best thing for me is to give it up. So here goes,
Keep it up you bunyucks!