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Re: Old Login Won't Work
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2021, 12:39:32 PM »
Hello - was registered previously as bunyuck so not trying to hide that just can't access anything to get that information reset/set back up.

Just looking to see if anyone in the Winnipeg area wants some Jake's mint chew watermelon, butterscotch, or lemonade pouches.  Wanted to try something different from Teaza and really don't like it.  Willing to send/drop off for no charge.  Went overboard on the order so I have 29 tins of watermelon, 19 of Lemonade, and 9 of butterscotch.  Hope this is ok to do.
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Old Login Won't Work
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2021, 12:36:40 PM »
Hello - was registered previously as bunyuck so not trying to hide that just can't access anything to get that information reset/set back up.

Just looking to see if anyone in the Winnipeg area wants some Jake's mint chew watermelon, butterscotch, or lemonade pouches.  Wanted to try something different from Teaza and really don't like it.  Willing to send/drop off for no charge.  Went overboard on the order so I have 29 tins of watermelon, 19 of Lemonade, and 9 of butterscotch.  Hope this is ok to do.

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2017, 12:53:00 AM »
Quote from: bunyuck
Day 42

The dip dreams are becoming more vivid - I'm going through the whole thought process of buying, feeling bad about it, etc.

I've woken up at least 4 or 5 times over the last twenty days convinced I had caved and had a tin somewhere. It's a fucky feeling.

The good news is I haven't. I've gone through the same situations as before - tough day at work, tough day at home, hockey game, playing video games, eating dinner and needing to dip. Why? Because as much as a part of my brain says "Do it", I don't want to. I don't want to be hiding a tin in my sock, or suit pocket, or car, trying to figure out when I can sneak one in or saying "Stomach feels weird" to explain two trips a night to the can. I don't want to be trying to explain why I have no money by avoiding the fact I'm spending it all on chew. I don't want to live in fear that I left a tin somewhere, or a spitter.

I like the fact I don't have stinky ass bottles of my spit everywhere. I love the fact I'm not staring at my credit card bill and seeing hundreds of dollars a month adding up on it. I like that I'm not getting weird looks from people when I have to dart out somewhere quick to sneak one in. I'm ok with the fact I basically have a pouch of fake stuff in my lip at all times during the work day, better that right now than the alternative.

I can't wait for that nagging voice to go away, to have it say give in almost every day. Each day that passes I fell that much better knowing that I made the choice not to, that I'm winning that fight for that day.

Dentist appointment today! First one in two years after I bailed out on some minor cavity fills, can't wait to get scolded...
I had some whicked dip dreams. Scared the hell out of me making me think I caved. That was the worst feeling.

You are really doing great. Be proud. You are doing something most people can't do for one afternoon. The day will come soon where you won't have that nagging voice in the back of your head. It's coming. One day you will be eating dinner and you will think, holy shit, I haven't thought about dipping all day. That will be a great day. After that, it gets better still. You will go a couple days without craving. Then a week. Then a month. Then a year. Then years without craving. That's the truth of it. I haven't had a crave in six or seven years. I don't say that to rub it in. I say that so you have it to look forward to!

Keep doing what you're doing. Staying quit. And always remember that you are only one dip away from a can a day.

You can do this!

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2017, 11:50:00 AM »
Day 42

The dip dreams are becoming more vivid - I'm going through the whole thought process of buying, feeling bad about it, etc.

I've woken up at least 4 or 5 times over the last twenty days convinced I had caved and had a tin somewhere. It's a fucky feeling.

The good news is I haven't. I've gone through the same situations as before - tough day at work, tough day at home, hockey game, playing video games, eating dinner and needing to dip. Why? Because as much as a part of my brain says "Do it", I don't want to. I don't want to be hiding a tin in my sock, or suit pocket, or car, trying to figure out when I can sneak one in or saying "Stomach feels weird" to explain two trips a night to the can. I don't want to be trying to explain why I have no money by avoiding the fact I'm spending it all on chew. I don't want to live in fear that I left a tin somewhere, or a spitter.

I like the fact I don't have stinky ass bottles of my spit everywhere. I love the fact I'm not staring at my credit card bill and seeing hundreds of dollars a month adding up on it. I like that I'm not getting weird looks from people when I have to dart out somewhere quick to sneak one in. I'm ok with the fact I basically have a pouch of fake stuff in my lip at all times during the work day, better that right now than the alternative.

I can't wait for that nagging voice to go away, to have it say give in almost every day. Each day that passes I fell that much better knowing that I made the choice not to, that I'm winning that fight for that day.

Dentist appointment today! First one in two years after I bailed out on some minor cavity fills, can't wait to get scolded...

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 10:34:00 AM »
Day 22

Between Day 16 and now were the worst I've had craving wise, dip dreams started up, and just a tad bit more irritable.

Woke up feeling good today!

Had a thought last night, thinking about how if I had someone around me who:

1. Cost me $30 a day to hang out with them
2. Made me do weird things like spit in bottles/cups
3. Had me sneak around on people so they wouldn't know we were hanging out
4. Deteriorated my health
5. Gave me nothing back in return

I probably wouldn't hang out with that person. I've cut people out of my life for way less than any of that.

So onwards, ODAAT, post roll, read the stories of successful and unsuccessful members, and make that choice to say "No"

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2017, 10:55:00 AM »
So for whatever reason, yesterday (Day 16) was probably the cravy-est day so far - lack of sleep, had a hockey game to play, and some alone driving time in the car - all those triggers I've had and tracked before that would either lead to having a dip before. Guess that's the reason.

Had a TeaZa pouch for the drive to hockey which helped me out. Again noticing how much of the crave is just the feeling of having something packed in my lip. Was using Smokey Mountain to replicate that, trying to wean myself off of that as well. But made me realize I'm still at the point where I should make sure I've got something around to help with the crave.

(Not an advertisement for either - just if anyone does read this want them to know I think these two products are working great for me. Better than gum/mints based on my last quit)

Today is feeling good though, making the decision now to get back on the weight loss train (been stuffing my face a bit to replace cravings....). Replace dip cravings with hunger cravings, won't fill either! (Well, hunger to a point, just going to limit calorie intake)

Really finding out my biggest take-away from KTC this far is One Day At A Time. Making sure I don't start thinking too far down the road and making it seem impossible. Each day I wake up and make the choice, and each day I look forward to going to sleep knowing I'm still tobacco free.

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2017, 05:20:00 PM »
Going to use this a bit of sporadic journal:

Almost at the full two week mark - some thoughts still there about buying tins, but using the fake dip to ward it off. Definitely realizing again how much of the addiction is routed in the habit of the feeling of having a dip in. Think it's on the downward trend though.

First weekend I didn't use the fake stuff to help out, unfortunately felt like it was missing and would have been nice to have, but keep reminding myself that I don't need it. One bonus was the relief of not having to worry about my GF stumbling upon a tin (even of the fake stuff) or trying to plan out where to hide it in the house. It's amazing how much time, thought, and energy was devoted to that...

Work continues to be the biggest trigger, but I already had that noted from my last 3 month quit when I was tracking cravings. I definitely used work as an excuse (stress! boredom! because!), but a couple read throughs on the site are good to remind me that it's a choice to go out and buy a tin, or a choice to order up some herbal.

Goal for this week - stop trying to rely on the fake dip as much, but make sure to use it if my mind starts drifting to a stop in at the store. Got some pouches on order that don't' replicate taste or look of dip, want to start using those to break up the habit of having one in.

Body is feeling good-ish, re read the "What to Expect when you quit", always good to be reminded that even after 14 days of being nic-free, your body is still adjusting even though none is in you system.

Best feeling - the bank account - so nice not to see $30 a day coming out for something that gives nothing back.

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2017, 11:50:00 AM »
Congrats on the decision to quit and great into!

Make that promise to quit first thing every morning and take nicotine off the table for the day, regardless of if your gas station gets in a new shipment.

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Re: Hello KTC Community
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2017, 06:45:00 PM »
"Still get the odd thought to go and buy a tin from the gas station, broke down on day 3 and stopped in (luckily they didn't have any stocked yet) but I know that the best thing for me is to give it up. "

This is why you want to exchange digits with other quitters in your group. Get a dozen or so people who must all agree before you can have another dip. (Hint, they will all help you stay quit -- and you will be stronger for that).

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Hello KTC Community
« on: February 21, 2017, 04:41:00 PM »
Well, didn't do the intro on Day 1, thought I'd make sure I'm in it before hopping on here.

I had been using chew since I was about 15/16. Quit for about a year when I was 17/18 after my Dad found an un-flushed plug of Skoal in the toilet. Being below age (19 in Ontario, Canada) it was easy as it was a pain in the ass to try and get some.

Skip forward a year to University in 2003, and I was full time since then (still hard to believe it's been 14-15 years!). Always been a secretive chewer, at parties, bars, etc. I would always end up with a chew in but was pretty good at making sure the girls didn't notice, as I knew it wasn't exactly an attractive habit. Goes back to learning to hide it while travelling for hockey on the team bus, you had to hide it from the coaches. My GF doesn't even know I chew.

Hadn't really though about quitting until my mid to late 20's, somewhere between 2012/2014. Chew in Canada was about $20 bucks a tin then, and being on my own and not at a great paying job, was getting pretty hard to finance. Tried the nicotine replacement therapy, but like I've read here, it just seemed to make my cravings worse. I'd go a couple days without, then right back to it.

January 1st 2016 decided to kick it. Was starting up a new relationship, seemed like a good idea. Cold Turkey, was going well using mints to replace the oral fix, but after 3 months just ended up buying a tin, and kept on buying tins. Kept doing the "this weekend" or "first of this month" talk in my head, but never got going with it. Always needed one to get through the work day, or video games, or hockey, some excuse.

Luckily for me, (and probably unlucky for the tobacco conglomerate) they messed up all their tins! So after I ran the local shops out of stock that they could still carry, smartened up and realized I need to just quit. Tried the mini-lozenges again, but same effect. Started Googling around to see if I could order tins online and ran across Smokey Mountain herbal. That led me to this site trying to get a review on it. Glad I did because it started to show me some alternatives and a place I could go to get some tips and support.

I know from my last quit, the nicotine is just one part of the addiction, the other part is the habit of having a chew in. My goal is to use the herbal stuff to keep me in line with wanting to buy a tin, and try to cut that down so that I get back to not putting anything in.

So here goes, 7 days in now after getting my first order of herbal chew in. Still get the odd thought to go and buy a tin from the gas station, broke down on day 3 and stopped in (luckily they didn't have any stocked yet) but I know that the best thing for me is to give it up. So here goes,

Keep it up you bunyucks!