Just over 4 days quit now.
I took the calming/sleeping meds last night with great success. I didn't fall right to sleep, but I did wake up far fewer times than nights previously. I did listen to some self sleep hypnosis for a little while, too. I think I will be using both of these regularly now.
I have to admit, I'm suddenly getting a few more frequent cravings for a dip. This morning was tough. But, I keep picturing the outcome I want versus the outcome that is likely if I cave. As the weekend approaches, I know it will get even harder. I'm a college football fiend and love to have some beers while watching the games. Usually, this also meant a couple of dips in between. Hopefully, I can resist.
My stomach is a bit tore up the last 12 hours. Not sure if this has anything to do with the quit.