hey guys is it normal to have these mind games fucking with me all the time, i mean today it got real intense for me and i almost lost all my motivation to quit. Also i did not have any gum or seeds today so i think that was the problem. Also the anxiety that comes with the mind games it was brutal today. 'bang head'
Tom378 Day 22 and counting
some yes, some no The crave are intense when you first quit, but by reading and acknowledgeing that you are having a crave and then tell said crave to fuck off will definetly help!
My first days were horrible and awesome all at the same time, awesome for the simple fact the everyday I set a new record, and everyday I was a little more amazed by the fact that I never used to think that chew was bad....umm. poor choice of words... Maybe I was more amazed by how the poison that was in my body reacted to the new flow of oxygen, and cleaner blood fighting all my neuron receptors for their fix.... and I was winning!
Horrible, because all the time I was angry, restless, craving, stuffing food in my mouth and gaining a few fat pounds. Wanting it all to be over and waiting for the phrase "It gets Sooo much better!" that was thrown this site on seemingly every freaking post to become true...
When it got as bad as what you are talking about, I texted one of my quit group brothers and told them to stay fucking quit.....by doing that I doubled my resove to stay quit myself and not be a hippocrit....what ever it took.
I had above all else, decided, I was closing the door on chew and there was no reason to go back. no take backs, no whimping out, no lying, taking dip off the table often and early seemed to be the best way to keep my commitment!
hang tight 22 days is huge brutha just keep adding them up one day at a time!
456 days later....I can tell you, That fucking phrase is true! It gets's so much better you can't even imagine!