Author Topic: Hello hello  (Read 10928 times)

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2018, 11:44:25 AM »
Oh man, last week was rough.  Started out with a new coworker dropping dead on his third day on the job.  I had never met him.  Ended with me spending Saturday mostly in bed due to stress/depression.  Probably somewhat from the nicotine blahs, and the rest on the just plain awful year my family has had.  Struggling to keep my relationship alive, to keep the kids on the right track after losing their father, and of course one has serious health problems (she was born with them) and needs surgery next week.  I feel like I’m living a movie sometimes.  Or from April-August, an episode of Dateline.

But.... I can still celebrate the fact that I haven’t caved... thanks to this site, and a few people in particular.

I know I’m all over, and maybe one of these days I’ll have the patience to type out my whole crazy situation.... it’s a doozy, but it will no longer be my excuse to dip.

Hope you all voted today... whether we agree on the issues, we have more in common than we have differences... and KTC is a big commonality!

Keep going Coach, one boot in front of the other, I believe in you and so do others on this magical site.

Problem  + Problem  = 2 fucking problems  Dip won't help shit except one more worry

You got this man, stay strong and vigilant, all though it may not feel like it, those kids look up to you always.

Keep fighting
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


Offline CoachK33

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2018, 10:09:13 PM »
Oh man, last week was rough.  Started out with a new coworker dropping dead on his third day on the job.  I had never met him.  Ended with me spending Saturday mostly in bed due to stress/depression.  Probably somewhat from the nicotine blahs, and the rest on the just plain awful year my family has had.  Struggling to keep my relationship alive, to keep the kids on the right track after losing their father, and of course one has serious health problems (she was born with them) and needs surgery next week.  I feel like I’m living a movie sometimes.  Or from April-August, an episode of Dateline.

But.... I can still celebrate the fact that I haven’t caved... thanks to this site, and a few people in particular.

I know I’m all over, and maybe one of these days I’ll have the patience to type out my whole crazy situation.... it’s a doozy, but it will no longer be my excuse to dip.

Hope you all voted today... whether we agree on the issues, we have more in common than we have differences... and KTC is a big commonality!

Offline worktowin

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2018, 09:58:53 AM »
I was halfway through and accidentally deleted it all.  Blah.

I pulled into a parking spot at one of the many softball fields I played at.  I was 29, and my gf left her tin of Skoal pouches in my car.  I popped one in, to see the what all the fuss was about.  I got the head rush, almost threw up, but felt this instantly good feeling.  That was the start...

My first 5 years were sporadic.  She would buy it and I would ration like 3 pouches/day, as I didn’t want to buy it myself.  I teach in the town I live, so I didn’t want people seeing.

When we broke up, one would think that would be the end.  Nope.  I just started venturing outside of town to buy and not care.  Make excuses to go for car rides, etc, just to get some more.  So for the last 5 years, I’ve been a regular user.  About a tin every 2 days.

I’ve tried many times in the past to quit.  Something always brings me back.
In 2015 I lost my grandfather.
In 2016, I suddenly lost my mother.
In 2017, my father in law finally ended his long painful battle with cancer.
In 2018... well, my stepkids’ Father got arrested, ended up dying, I bought a house, broke my hand and turned 40.  I also gave up alcohol for the year.  What better time to quit?  And relapse.  And quit again.  And relapse.  With each of these stressors cane another relapse.  So finally, here I am, using this site to keep me accountable, and I’m 63 days in.

This morning, I pulled into that same softball field from 11 years ago... and did not dip.  Like an alcoholic going into a favorite bar and drinking water... major victory.  Tomorrow brings new challenges, but I won today.

Thanks to arrakisdq for suggesting I write this!
That's great CoachK!  Nice win!

Once in a while an intro like this shows up, and it brings me back to my own day one.  Coach, I hid this horrible addiction for over 20 years.  20 years of scheming and hiding, being downright ashamed.  But never missing my hit.  Like you, I used every excuse in the book.  Job.  Family problems.  Illnesses.  Rain.  Sun.  Snow.  Wind.  Sunday.  Monday.  You name it, I justified it.

You have the attitude and approach of a winner.  You can read it in your words.  What you don't know, yet, is that quitting nicotine isn't just quitting nicotine.  Right now you are pushing through the pain of the mental withdrawal, but you don't see the freedom that is ahead.  You don't see how good you will feel, how great it is to not have these strings tying you down.  No more lying.  No more scheming.  Just freedom.  But, as I said, I can read in your words that you are on your way to freedom.

It is an honor to quit with you.  Should you need a contact number, or any support, send me a message.  I'd be happy to share my phone number - winning together is much easier than fighting alone.  2,131 days ago I joined KTC, and without a team pushing me forward, I'd still be walking in every day with my head hanging to buy a tin of Kodiak.

Killer intro, bro.


2131... isn’t that the number of consecutive games that Cal Ripken Jr. needed to break Gherig’s record?  Heck of an achievement!!!  It’s an honor to quit with you, and to have you as one of my lines of support!
Huge victory! Every day you hit those hurdles and jump over them, you gain strength! Awesome!

I know you've had a tough week... one that has been full of personal and professional struggles.  But throughout, you are winning.  You are doing something that you didn't know you could do before, and that feels better than pushing through the struggles.  One day at a time, life will keep getting better.

We are here if you need anything.

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2018, 02:19:22 PM »
I was halfway through and accidentally deleted it all.  Blah.

I pulled into a parking spot at one of the many softball fields I played at.  I was 29, and my gf left her tin of Skoal pouches in my car.  I popped one in, to see the what all the fuss was about.  I got the head rush, almost threw up, but felt this instantly good feeling.  That was the start...

My first 5 years were sporadic.  She would buy it and I would ration like 3 pouches/day, as I didn’t want to buy it myself.  I teach in the town I live, so I didn’t want people seeing.

When we broke up, one would think that would be the end.  Nope.  I just started venturing outside of town to buy and not care.  Make excuses to go for car rides, etc, just to get some more.  So for the last 5 years, I’ve been a regular user.  About a tin every 2 days.

I’ve tried many times in the past to quit.  Something always brings me back.
In 2015 I lost my grandfather.
In 2016, I suddenly lost my mother.
In 2017, my father in law finally ended his long painful battle with cancer.
In 2018... well, my stepkids’ Father got arrested, ended up dying, I bought a house, broke my hand and turned 40.  I also gave up alcohol for the year.  What better time to quit?  And relapse.  And quit again.  And relapse.  With each of these stressors cane another relapse.  So finally, here I am, using this site to keep me accountable, and I’m 63 days in.

This morning, I pulled into that same softball field from 11 years ago... and did not dip.  Like an alcoholic going into a favorite bar and drinking water... major victory.  Tomorrow brings new challenges, but I won today.

Thanks to arrakisdq for suggesting I write this!
That's great CoachK!  Nice win!

Once in a while an intro like this shows up, and it brings me back to my own day one.  Coach, I hid this horrible addiction for over 20 years.  20 years of scheming and hiding, being downright ashamed.  But never missing my hit.  Like you, I used every excuse in the book.  Job.  Family problems.  Illnesses.  Rain.  Sun.  Snow.  Wind.  Sunday.  Monday.  You name it, I justified it.

You have the attitude and approach of a winner.  You can read it in your words.  What you don't know, yet, is that quitting nicotine isn't just quitting nicotine.  Right now you are pushing through the pain of the mental withdrawal, but you don't see the freedom that is ahead.  You don't see how good you will feel, how great it is to not have these strings tying you down.  No more lying.  No more scheming.  Just freedom.  But, as I said, I can read in your words that you are on your way to freedom.

It is an honor to quit with you.  Should you need a contact number, or any support, send me a message.  I'd be happy to share my phone number - winning together is much easier than fighting alone.  2,131 days ago I joined KTC, and without a team pushing me forward, I'd still be walking in every day with my head hanging to buy a tin of Kodiak.

Killer intro, bro.


2131... isn’t that the number of consecutive games that Cal Ripken Jr. needed to break Gherig’s record?  Heck of an achievement!!!  It’s an honor to quit with you, and to have you as one of my lines of support!
Huge victory! Every day you hit those hurdles and jump over them, you gain strength! Awesome!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline CoachK33

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2018, 06:25:57 AM »
I was halfway through and accidentally deleted it all.  Blah.

I pulled into a parking spot at one of the many softball fields I played at.  I was 29, and my gf left her tin of Skoal pouches in my car.  I popped one in, to see the what all the fuss was about.  I got the head rush, almost threw up, but felt this instantly good feeling.  That was the start...

My first 5 years were sporadic.  She would buy it and I would ration like 3 pouches/day, as I didn’t want to buy it myself.  I teach in the town I live, so I didn’t want people seeing.

When we broke up, one would think that would be the end.  Nope.  I just started venturing outside of town to buy and not care.  Make excuses to go for car rides, etc, just to get some more.  So for the last 5 years, I’ve been a regular user.  About a tin every 2 days.

I’ve tried many times in the past to quit.  Something always brings me back.
In 2015 I lost my grandfather.
In 2016, I suddenly lost my mother.
In 2017, my father in law finally ended his long painful battle with cancer.
In 2018... well, my stepkids’ Father got arrested, ended up dying, I bought a house, broke my hand and turned 40.  I also gave up alcohol for the year.  What better time to quit?  And relapse.  And quit again.  And relapse.  With each of these stressors cane another relapse.  So finally, here I am, using this site to keep me accountable, and I’m 63 days in.

This morning, I pulled into that same softball field from 11 years ago... and did not dip.  Like an alcoholic going into a favorite bar and drinking water... major victory.  Tomorrow brings new challenges, but I won today.

Thanks to arrakisdq for suggesting I write this!
That's great CoachK!  Nice win!

Once in a while an intro like this shows up, and it brings me back to my own day one.  Coach, I hid this horrible addiction for over 20 years.  20 years of scheming and hiding, being downright ashamed.  But never missing my hit.  Like you, I used every excuse in the book.  Job.  Family problems.  Illnesses.  Rain.  Sun.  Snow.  Wind.  Sunday.  Monday.  You name it, I justified it.

You have the attitude and approach of a winner.  You can read it in your words.  What you don't know, yet, is that quitting nicotine isn't just quitting nicotine.  Right now you are pushing through the pain of the mental withdrawal, but you don't see the freedom that is ahead.  You don't see how good you will feel, how great it is to not have these strings tying you down.  No more lying.  No more scheming.  Just freedom.  But, as I said, I can read in your words that you are on your way to freedom.

It is an honor to quit with you.  Should you need a contact number, or any support, send me a message.  I'd be happy to share my phone number - winning together is much easier than fighting alone.  2,131 days ago I joined KTC, and without a team pushing me forward, I'd still be walking in every day with my head hanging to buy a tin of Kodiak.

Killer intro, bro.


2131... isn’t that the number of consecutive games that Cal Ripken Jr. needed to break Gherig’s record?  Heck of an achievement!!!  It’s an honor to quit with you, and to have you as one of my lines of support!

Offline worktowin

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2018, 09:34:17 AM »
I was halfway through and accidentally deleted it all.  Blah.

I pulled into a parking spot at one of the many softball fields I played at.  I was 29, and my gf left her tin of Skoal pouches in my car.  I popped one in, to see the what all the fuss was about.  I got the head rush, almost threw up, but felt this instantly good feeling.  That was the start...

My first 5 years were sporadic.  She would buy it and I would ration like 3 pouches/day, as I didn’t want to buy it myself.  I teach in the town I live, so I didn’t want people seeing.

When we broke up, one would think that would be the end.  Nope.  I just started venturing outside of town to buy and not care.  Make excuses to go for car rides, etc, just to get some more.  So for the last 5 years, I’ve been a regular user.  About a tin every 2 days.

I’ve tried many times in the past to quit.  Something always brings me back.
In 2015 I lost my grandfather.
In 2016, I suddenly lost my mother.
In 2017, my father in law finally ended his long painful battle with cancer.
In 2018... well, my stepkids’ Father got arrested, ended up dying, I bought a house, broke my hand and turned 40.  I also gave up alcohol for the year.  What better time to quit?  And relapse.  And quit again.  And relapse.  With each of these stressors cane another relapse.  So finally, here I am, using this site to keep me accountable, and I’m 63 days in.

This morning, I pulled into that same softball field from 11 years ago... and did not dip.  Like an alcoholic going into a favorite bar and drinking water... major victory.  Tomorrow brings new challenges, but I won today.

Thanks to arrakisdq for suggesting I write this!
That's great CoachK!  Nice win!

Once in a while an intro like this shows up, and it brings me back to my own day one.  Coach, I hid this horrible addiction for over 20 years.  20 years of scheming and hiding, being downright ashamed.  But never missing my hit.  Like you, I used every excuse in the book.  Job.  Family problems.  Illnesses.  Rain.  Sun.  Snow.  Wind.  Sunday.  Monday.  You name it, I justified it.

You have the attitude and approach of a winner.  You can read it in your words.  What you don't know, yet, is that quitting nicotine isn't just quitting nicotine.  Right now you are pushing through the pain of the mental withdrawal, but you don't see the freedom that is ahead.  You don't see how good you will feel, how great it is to not have these strings tying you down.  No more lying.  No more scheming.  Just freedom.  But, as I said, I can read in your words that you are on your way to freedom.

It is an honor to quit with you.  Should you need a contact number, or any support, send me a message.  I'd be happy to share my phone number - winning together is much easier than fighting alone.  2,131 days ago I joined KTC, and without a team pushing me forward, I'd still be walking in every day with my head hanging to buy a tin of Kodiak.

Killer intro, bro.


Offline arrakisdq

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2018, 06:09:24 AM »
I was halfway through and accidentally deleted it all.  Blah.

I pulled into a parking spot at one of the many softball fields I played at.  I was 29, and my gf left her tin of Skoal pouches in my car.  I popped one in, to see the what all the fuss was about.  I got the head rush, almost threw up, but felt this instantly good feeling.  That was the start...

My first 5 years were sporadic.  She would buy it and I would ration like 3 pouches/day, as I didn’t want to buy it myself.  I teach in the town I live, so I didn’t want people seeing.

When we broke up, one would think that would be the end.  Nope.  I just started venturing outside of town to buy and not care.  Make excuses to go for car rides, etc, just to get some more.  So for the last 5 years, I’ve been a regular user.  About a tin every 2 days.

I’ve tried many times in the past to quit.  Something always brings me back.
In 2015 I lost my grandfather.
In 2016, I suddenly lost my mother.
In 2017, my father in law finally ended his long painful battle with cancer.
In 2018... well, my stepkids’ Father got arrested, ended up dying, I bought a house, broke my hand and turned 40.  I also gave up alcohol for the year.  What better time to quit?  And relapse.  And quit again.  And relapse.  With each of these stressors cane another relapse.  So finally, here I am, using this site to keep me accountable, and I’m 63 days in.

This morning, I pulled into that same softball field from 11 years ago... and did not dip.  Like an alcoholic going into a favorite bar and drinking water... major victory.  Tomorrow brings new challenges, but I won today.

Thanks to arrakisdq for suggesting I write this!
That's great CoachK!  Nice win!

HOF Date: 8/7/2018, 2nd Flr 11/15/2018, 3rd Flr 2/23/2019, 4th Flr 6/3/2019, 5th Flr 9/11/2019, 6th Flr 12/20/2019, 7th Flr 3/29/2020, 2 Years 4/28/2020, 8th Flr 7/7/2020 9th Flr 10/15/2020, 10th Flr 1/23/2021 3 Years 4/30/21 11th Flr 5/3/2021, 12th Flr 8/11/2021, 13th Flr 11/19/2021, 14th Flr 2/27/2022, 15th Flr 6/7/2022, 16th Flr 9/15/2022, 17th Flr 12/24/2022, 18th Flr 4/3/2023, 5 Years 4/30/2023, 19th Flr 7/12/2023, 2000 10/20/2023, 21st Flr 1/28/2024, 22nd Flr 5/7/2024, 23rd Flr 8/15/2024, 24th Flr 11/23/2024

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Re: Hello hello
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2018, 09:54:37 PM »
That's awesome bro!  I'm with you all the way!!  Major victory!!! I quit with you!  Day 21 for me! 

Offline CoachK33

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Hello hello
« on: October 21, 2018, 09:20:33 PM »
I was halfway through and accidentally deleted it all.  Blah.

I pulled into a parking spot at one of the many softball fields I played at.  I was 29, and my gf left her tin of Skoal pouches in my car.  I popped one in, to see the what all the fuss was about.  I got the head rush, almost threw up, but felt this instantly good feeling.  That was the start...

My first 5 years were sporadic.  She would buy it and I would ration like 3 pouches/day, as I didn’t want to buy it myself.  I teach in the town I live, so I didn’t want people seeing.

When we broke up, one would think that would be the end.  Nope.  I just started venturing outside of town to buy and not care.  Make excuses to go for car rides, etc, just to get some more.  So for the last 5 years, I’ve been a regular user.  About a tin every 2 days.

I’ve tried many times in the past to quit.  Something always brings me back.
In 2015 I lost my grandfather.
In 2016, I suddenly lost my mother.
In 2017, my father in law finally ended his long painful battle with cancer.
In 2018... well, my stepkids’ Father got arrested, ended up dying, I bought a house, broke my hand and turned 40.  I also gave up alcohol for the year.  What better time to quit?  And relapse.  And quit again.  And relapse.  With each of these stressors cane another relapse.  So finally, here I am, using this site to keep me accountable, and I’m 63 days in.

This morning, I pulled into that same softball field from 11 years ago... and did not dip.  Like an alcoholic going into a favorite bar and drinking water... major victory.  Tomorrow brings new challenges, but I won today.

Thanks to arrakisdq for suggesting I write this!