Day 35 update. Things are marching along just fine. Truth is, there haven't been any harsh cravings for a while. The nicbitch is subtley whispering that I have this licked. I know that the fact that I even hear that in my brain means I don't, so NicBitch, hear this "I will not be falling for that load of crap. I am quit and posting roll every damn day"
Had my first cave-dream last night. Wasn't even chew.... I dreamed myself an electronic cigarette cave. WTF??? LOL I never even smoked, and certainly not those things. Perhaps nic attempting to find a less guarded path than chew. It ain't gonna work, but woke with an ugly knot in my gut from dreaming that cave.
In other quit news, I had been hitting the sunflower seeds pretty hard for that first month of my quit, but a few days ago, the interest just kind of went away. I keep them around, especially in the car, just in case. Perhaps my brain realized all I got from seeds was seeds, and no matter how many I went through, they weren't going to have nicotine in them.
Posting Roll, Keeping my word and wearing out my KTC library card. It really is that simple. One of the badasses said it best.. "Simple, Not easy, but simple." I wish I remembered who that was to credit them properly. This place works and I am thankful every day that it exists.