Author Topic: It Has to Be You.  (Read 2855 times)

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2016, 10:08:00 AM »
Quote from: SacksJM1
Day 12.. Wow.

So this weekend was a huge test. My softball team had our first tournament. All day in the sun, playing ball, with dip everywhere I turned.

I told the guys I had quit and for about a game and a half I was really eyeing a lip. But funny thing is, as the day wore on I missed it much less.

I got to the point where I didn't even notice it much when a can opened and 18 inches from my face a dude packed a fatty.

I made sure I posted roll in the morning before the game and caving wasn't an option. That little action has been a huge help to me, recommitting every morning.

Here is to another day approached with the same mindset and intensity of day 1. No dip. Not today. I promise.

Nicely done sir.

One day at a time these victories get easier and easier. And instead of feeling like struggles or challenges... They feel like wins!

Offline Sacksyboy

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2016, 09:38:00 AM »
Day 12.. Wow.

So this weekend was a huge test. My softball team had our first tournament. All day in the sun, playing ball, with dip everywhere I turned.

I told the guys I had quit and for about a game and a half I was really eyeing a lip. But funny thing is, as the day wore on I missed it much less.

I got to the point where I didn't even notice it much when a can opened and 18 inches from my face a dude packed a fatty.

I made sure I posted roll in the morning before the game and caving wasn't an option. That little action has been a huge help to me, recommitting every morning.

Here is to another day approached with the same mindset and intensity of day 1. No dip. Not today. I promise.


Offline Souliman

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2016, 02:27:00 PM »
Only thing I pitch nowadays is tents. Its a problem. Constantly problem. Especially in a meeting.

All do to increased blood flow. Nic restricts the blood vessels. More blood flow, more fun.

Offline Sacksyboy

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2016, 11:26:00 AM »
This site is truly a blessing. No other word for it.

When I'm struggling, I can come on and read posts that pump me up, get my head right, stay accountable to folks.

When I feel awesome (like today..or shall I say, so far today haha) I can come on and try and share a bit of encouragement with some guys who might be having a much worse day.

This place works.

One day at a time. I quit today.


Offline worktowin

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2016, 10:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: SacksJM1
Day 6, wow.. First few days weren't all that tough for me.

But yesterday about dinnertime I felt like I laid my head on some train tracks and got nailed.

It's odd because I have chronic migraines and have had them for my whole life. I have had ER trips they get so bad, etc etc..

And I have had some worse overall migraines for sure, but NEVER have I had one come on as FAST as this one. I swear in no more than 5 seconds it went from 0 to rough. Wife had to drive us home from our hike, it was bad..

I slept fine, but woke up and its back at it.

Silver lining? It hurts bad enough a lip hasn't sounded good to me all morning. hahah

Proud to quit with y'all, and prayers for each one of you.

Stay strong Josh!

I know they say that 3 days gets the nicotine out of the system but it took me a much longer time to start feeling "normal" again. Nicotine does a lot of damage and it takes a while to heal. It's going to take time and your addict brain will try to trick you into using nicotine again. That is why we all need help. Not having help is why so many of our quits failed before we got here. You think you can have "just one" but that always leads back to using every day. Making a promise every day and keeping that promise is how to stay quit.

Make this site your life raft. Get here every day to post roll and connect with the folks in your quit group.

I saw that you read my intro. I suggest keeping your own quit log here and reading it back to yourself often. I did that and it really helped me a lot. When I was struggling my own words helped me stay resolved.

Day 6 is bad ass! If you want my digits just send a PM and you can have them. I quit with you today! :)
There's a phrase that gets thrown around here that I love..."embrace the suck". Quitting is such a shitty experience, but Everytime you fight through a tough day, or strong urge, or a hazy out of it experience, you are ripping off one tentacle that your addiction has thrown around you. So embrace your shitty days and means you are winning the war, one battle at a time. keep fighting.
Just awesome!

You are exactly the kind of inspiration that keep Stranger, Dagranger, and me engaged in these intros. See, between the 3 of us we have about 2,500 days of freedom. Sound pretty amazing, huh? Guess what... We also have a combined 30,000 days of nicotine slavery under our belts.

Each of us was a goddamn mess when we joined. This site and the principal of... brotherhood (making connections, texting, calling, making friends with others going through the same shit you are) + accountability (post roll daily every day when your eyes open up, keep your word) = success... Made the impossible possible. Nicotine can taking a flying leap dude. But what quitting did, and what I wish you could see right now, is that it made life worth living again. You won't believe how much better life will be. You will see how rage and anger crept in when you needed a fix. You'll find more time to spend on what is important to you... Be that family, work, banging some hottie until sweat is flying all over the place... You'll have time for all of this. And you'll appreciate it all a lot more.

You've got some bad ass dudes above me in this thread...I respect the hell out of both of them. Both of them are in my phone. If I were you... I'd get their numbers. These connections are key.

It is an honor to quit with you, sir. If I can ever help shoot me a pm and my number is yours. Be proud of today... Quitting is hard. Only the most bad ass are able to do it. You are part of an elite group.

Offline Dagranger

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2016, 09:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Stranger999
Quote from: SacksJM1
Day 6, wow.. First few days weren't all that tough for me.

But yesterday about dinnertime I felt like I laid my head on some train tracks and got nailed.

It's odd because I have chronic migraines and have had them for my whole life. I have had ER trips they get so bad, etc etc..

And I have had some worse overall migraines for sure, but NEVER have I had one come on as FAST as this one. I swear in no more than 5 seconds it went from 0 to rough. Wife had to drive us home from our hike, it was bad..

I slept fine, but woke up and its back at it.

Silver lining? It hurts bad enough a lip hasn't sounded good to me all morning. hahah

Proud to quit with y'all, and prayers for each one of you.

Stay strong Josh!

I know they say that 3 days gets the nicotine out of the system but it took me a much longer time to start feeling "normal" again. Nicotine does a lot of damage and it takes a while to heal. It's going to take time and your addict brain will try to trick you into using nicotine again. That is why we all need help. Not having help is why so many of our quits failed before we got here. You think you can have "just one" but that always leads back to using every day. Making a promise every day and keeping that promise is how to stay quit.

Make this site your life raft. Get here every day to post roll and connect with the folks in your quit group.

I saw that you read my intro. I suggest keeping your own quit log here and reading it back to yourself often. I did that and it really helped me a lot. When I was struggling my own words helped me stay resolved.

Day 6 is bad ass! If you want my digits just send a PM and you can have them. I quit with you today! :)
There's a phrase that gets thrown around here that I love..."embrace the suck". Quitting is such a shitty experience, but Everytime you fight through a tough day, or strong urge, or a hazy out of it experience, you are ripping off one tentacle that your addiction has thrown around you. So embrace your shitty days and means you are winning the war, one battle at a time. keep fighting.

Offline Stranger999

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2016, 09:14:00 PM »
Quote from: SacksJM1
Day 6, wow.. First few days weren't all that tough for me.

But yesterday about dinnertime I felt like I laid my head on some train tracks and got nailed.

It's odd because I have chronic migraines and have had them for my whole life. I have had ER trips they get so bad, etc etc..

And I have had some worse overall migraines for sure, but NEVER have I had one come on as FAST as this one. I swear in no more than 5 seconds it went from 0 to rough. Wife had to drive us home from our hike, it was bad..

I slept fine, but woke up and its back at it.

Silver lining? It hurts bad enough a lip hasn't sounded good to me all morning. hahah

Proud to quit with y'all, and prayers for each one of you.

Stay strong Josh!

I know they say that 3 days gets the nicotine out of the system but it took me a much longer time to start feeling "normal" again. Nicotine does a lot of damage and it takes a while to heal. It's going to take time and your addict brain will try to trick you into using nicotine again. That is why we all need help. Not having help is why so many of our quits failed before we got here. You think you can have "just one" but that always leads back to using every day. Making a promise every day and keeping that promise is how to stay quit.

Make this site your life raft. Get here every day to post roll and connect with the folks in your quit group.

I saw that you read my intro. I suggest keeping your own quit log here and reading it back to yourself often. I did that and it really helped me a lot. When I was struggling my own words helped me stay resolved.

Day 6 is bad ass! If you want my digits just send a PM and you can have them. I quit with you today! :)

Offline MonsterMedic

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2016, 11:50:00 AM »
Quote from: SacksJM1
Day 6, wow.. First few days weren't all that tough for me.

But yesterday about dinnertime I felt like I laid my head on some train tracks and got nailed.

It's odd because I have chronic migraines and have had them for my whole life. I have had ER trips they get so bad, etc etc..

And I have had some worse overall migraines for sure, but NEVER have I had one come on as FAST as this one. I swear in no more than 5 seconds it went from 0 to rough. Wife had to drive us home from our hike, it was bad..

I slept fine, but woke up and its back at it.

Silver lining? It hurts bad enough a lip hasn't sounded good to me all morning. hahah

Proud to quit with y'all, and prayers for each one of you.

Just remember 1 problem + nicotine = 2 problems.

Quit on.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Offline Sacksyboy

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2016, 10:57:00 AM »
Day 6, wow.. First few days weren't all that tough for me.

But yesterday about dinnertime I felt like I laid my head on some train tracks and got nailed.

It's odd because I have chronic migraines and have had them for my whole life. I have had ER trips they get so bad, etc etc..

And I have had some worse overall migraines for sure, but NEVER have I had one come on as FAST as this one. I swear in no more than 5 seconds it went from 0 to rough. Wife had to drive us home from our hike, it was bad..

I slept fine, but woke up and its back at it.

Silver lining? It hurts bad enough a lip hasn't sounded good to me all morning. hahah

Proud to quit with y'all, and prayers for each one of you.


Offline nodipinthislip

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2016, 09:39:00 AM »
I pitched a no-hitter in little league but you don't see me bragging.... Great intro ...I quit with you today

Offline Dagranger

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2016, 08:10:00 PM »
That is weird...sorry for screwing up your intro. Good luck.

Offline MonsterMedic

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2016, 07:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Dagranger
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Josh baseball got a lot of us....fucking ridiculous pastime. For the life of me I have no clue how the two are tied together. Quitting is hard, shitty work. But you can do it, we know because we did it. Read you intro as often as you can. It helps to know how you feel the day you quit. Stay strong and power through each day. It will get easier.
Quote from: SacksJM1
Born and raised in the Washington D.C. suburbs. Strong family, older brother and a younger brother. Parents married 30 years.

Turning 25 in April. Played baseball my whole life, including college ball. Married my high school sweetheart last June.

I am a Financial Planner, wife is a school teacher.

I had dipped since I was 15. I was always a really good baseball player and consequently I played on teams 2-3 years older than I was for most of my life. This meant when all the kids were turning 18 and legally allowed to buy dip, chaw, chew, snuff, or my all-time favorite, "chow-tow"--I was a skinny impressionable 15 year old. When the cans got passed around the bench and stopped at me, do I pass it on by? No, like a moron I want to fit in and I take some.

The rest as they say is history.. Almost a full decade of escalating use. Hiding it entirely from most, and lying about the frequency of use to the rest. I knew the stuff was bad for me, everyone does, problem was--I liked it. I enjoyed running out onto the field on a sunny day to shag fly balls and throwing a chaw-dog in. I loved turning on a movie in my college dorm with some ball players and putting a lip in. Post-meal dip? Don't mind if I do. 6 hour bus-ride for games? Kill a tin each way. I dipped anything. Pouches, flavors, brands, cuts, anything. Eventually I moved mostly to Skoal Mint pouches and would routinely throw 5 or 6 pouches in at a time. Killed 2 tins a day easy.

I have stopped dipping cold turkey for 11 weeks off of a bet with a professor simply to prove I could stop whenever I wanted. I have had the occasional scare with a sore or stopped a week before the dentist. People would tell me all the time I should quit, and I always told them I would. When I go to College. When I graduate and stop playing ball. When I marry my fiance. Always pushing it off.

Recently I realized I don't enjoy it anymore. Its disgusting. Its unhealthy. Its dishonest. Its expensive. Its a master.

After that realization that I don't like it anymore, almost like a light switch the severity of my addiction really hit me hard. I needed to make the decision. I finally wanted to quit with every fiber of my being. No longer was any of it due to pressure, outside opinions, or stupid bets with professors. This was all me. I wanted it. I threw away the tin and a half that I had left. I made a run for some gum, mints, and jolly ranchers--told a few close friends and family--and I quit.

Every day the last 5 days I have thought about dip, and then I have remade the decision to quit. It has sucked but in another way I am as excited about this as virtually anything else I've ever done in my entire life.

Working on Day 5 with y'all today. Praying for the guys and gals on this site.


First off, glad to have you here. Also, glad that you have the right mindset. Nicotine IS a master to which we all have been slaves. But that is our life no more. You have to develop a hate of nicotine and all that it stands for (Cancer, making us slaves, depriving us of our lives and those in it who matter, etc). Your "quits" before were stoppages. Plain and simple. Quitting means that nicotine is not an option. That's the mindset here and it works.

I see you've already posted roll; that's huge! Posting roll should be done at the beginning of your day every day so that using nicotine in any form is off the table for the day (no patch, no gum, no dip/cigarettes/leaf/cigars/vape/whatever).

Get involved in your quit group and start PM-ing quitters there to exchange phone numbers so you can expand your web of accountability.

Four days on your own is incredible, but you're not fighting alone anymore. This forum is only as useful as you allow it to be. Get involved and own this quit.

Proud to quit with you.
Wow. That's weird. Our text is reversed...
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2016, 07:29:00 PM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Josh baseball got a lot of us....fucking ridiculous pastime. For the life of me I have no clue how the two are tied together. Quitting is hard, shitty work. But you can do it, we know because we did it. Read you intro as often as you can. It helps to know how you feel the day you quit. Stay strong and power through each day. It will get easier.
Quote from: SacksJM1
Born and raised in the Washington D.C. suburbs. Strong family, older brother and a younger brother. Parents married 30 years.

Turning 25 in April. Played baseball my whole life, including college ball. Married my high school sweetheart last June.

I am a Financial Planner, wife is a school teacher.

I had dipped since I was 15. I was always a really good baseball player and consequently I played on teams 2-3 years older than I was for most of my life. This meant when all the kids were turning 18 and legally allowed to buy dip, chaw, chew, snuff, or my all-time favorite, "chow-tow"--I was a skinny impressionable 15 year old. When the cans got passed around the bench and stopped at me, do I pass it on by? No, like a moron I want to fit in and I take some.

The rest as they say is history.. Almost a full decade of escalating use. Hiding it entirely from most, and lying about the frequency of use to the rest. I knew the stuff was bad for me, everyone does, problem was--I liked it. I enjoyed running out onto the field on a sunny day to shag fly balls and throwing a chaw-dog in. I loved turning on a movie in my college dorm with some ball players and putting a lip in. Post-meal dip? Don't mind if I do. 6 hour bus-ride for games? Kill a tin each way. I dipped anything. Pouches, flavors, brands, cuts, anything. Eventually I moved mostly to Skoal Mint pouches and would routinely throw 5 or 6 pouches in at a time. Killed 2 tins a day easy.

I have stopped dipping cold turkey for 11 weeks off of a bet with a professor simply to prove I could stop whenever I wanted. I have had the occasional scare with a sore or stopped a week before the dentist. People would tell me all the time I should quit, and I always told them I would. When I go to College. When I graduate and stop playing ball. When I marry my fiance. Always pushing it off.

Recently I realized I don't enjoy it anymore. Its disgusting. Its unhealthy. Its dishonest. Its expensive. Its a master.

After that realization that I don't like it anymore, almost like a light switch the severity of my addiction really hit me hard. I needed to make the decision. I finally wanted to quit with every fiber of my being. No longer was any of it due to pressure, outside opinions, or stupid bets with professors. This was all me. I wanted it. I threw away the tin and a half that I had left. I made a run for some gum, mints, and jolly ranchers--told a few close friends and family--and I quit.

Every day the last 5 days I have thought about dip, and then I have remade the decision to quit. It has sucked but in another way I am as excited about this as virtually anything else I've ever done in my entire life.

Working on Day 5 with y'all today. Praying for the guys and gals on this site.


First off, glad to have you here. Also, glad that you have the right mindset. Nicotine IS a master to which we all have been slaves. But that is our life no more. You have to develop a hate of nicotine and all that it stands for (Cancer, making us slaves, depriving us of our lives and those in it who matter, etc). Your "quits" before were stoppages. Plain and simple. Quitting means that nicotine is not an option. That's the mindset here and it works.

I see you've already posted roll; that's huge! Posting roll should be done at the beginning of your day every day so that using nicotine in any form is off the table for the day (no patch, no gum, no dip/cigarettes/leaf/cigars/vape/whatever).

Get involved in your quit group and start PM-ing quitters there to exchange phone numbers so you can expand your web of accountability.

Four days on your own is incredible, but you're not fighting alone anymore. This forum is only as useful as you allow it to be. Get involved and own this quit.

Proud to quit with you.

Offline Sacksyboy

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2016, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: MonsterEMT
Quote from: SacksJM1
Born and raised in the Washington D.C. suburbs. Strong family, older brother and a younger brother. Parents married 30 years.

Turning 25 in April. Played baseball my whole life, including college ball. Married my high school sweetheart last June.

I am a Financial Planner, wife is a school teacher.

I had dipped since I was 15. I was always a really good baseball player and consequently I played on teams 2-3 years older than I was for most of my life. This meant when all the kids were turning 18 and legally allowed to buy dip, chaw, chew, snuff, or my all-time favorite, "chow-tow"--I was a skinny impressionable 15 year old. When the cans got passed around the bench and stopped at me, do I pass it on by? No, like a moron I want to fit in and I take some.

The rest as they say is history.. Almost a full decade of escalating use. Hiding it entirely from most, and lying about the frequency of use to the rest. I knew the stuff was bad for me, everyone does, problem was--I liked it. I enjoyed running out onto the field on a sunny day to shag fly balls and throwing a chaw-dog in. I loved turning on a movie in my college dorm with some ball players and putting a lip in. Post-meal dip? Don't mind if I do. 6 hour bus-ride for games? Kill a tin each way. I dipped anything. Pouches, flavors, brands, cuts, anything. Eventually I moved mostly to Skoal Mint pouches and would routinely throw 5 or 6 pouches in at a time. Killed 2 tins a day easy.

I have stopped dipping cold turkey for 11 weeks off of a bet with a professor simply to prove I could stop whenever I wanted. I have had the occasional scare with a sore or stopped a week before the dentist. People would tell me all the time I should quit, and I always told them I would. When I go to College. When I graduate and stop playing ball. When I marry my fiance. Always pushing it off.

Recently I realized I don't enjoy it anymore. Its disgusting. Its unhealthy. Its dishonest. Its expensive. Its a master.

After that realization that I don't like it anymore, almost like a light switch the severity of my addiction really hit me hard. I needed to make the decision. I finally wanted to quit with every fiber of my being. No longer was any of it due to pressure, outside opinions, or stupid bets with professors. This was all me. I wanted it. I threw away the tin and a half that I had left. I made a run for some gum, mints, and jolly ranchers--told a few close friends and family--and I quit.

Every day the last 5 days I have thought about dip, and then I have remade the decision to quit. It has sucked but in another way I am as excited about this as virtually anything else I've ever done in my entire life.

Working on Day 5 with y'all today. Praying for the guys and gals on this site.


First off, glad to have you here. Also, glad that you have the right mindset. Nicotine IS a master to which we all have been slaves. But that is our life no more. You have to develop a hate of nicotine and all that it stands for (Cancer, making us slaves, depriving us of our lives and those in it who matter, etc). Your "quits" before were stoppages. Plain and simple. Quitting means that nicotine is not an option. That's the mindset here and it works.

I see you've already posted roll; that's huge! Posting roll should be done at the beginning of your day every day so that using nicotine in any form is off the table for the day (no patch, no gum, no dip/cigarettes/leaf/cigars/vape/whatever).

Get involved in your quit group and start PM-ing quitters there to exchange phone numbers so you can expand your web of accountability.

Four days on your own is incredible, but you're not fighting alone anymore. This forum is only as useful as you allow it to be. Get involved and own this quit.

Proud to quit with you.
Monster--Appreciate the reply.

I am so thankful for the folks who created this site and those active who make it such a safe and real place.

Proud to be here.

Offline MonsterMedic

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Re: It Has to Be You.
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2016, 11:59:00 AM »
Quote from: SacksJM1
Born and raised in the Washington D.C. suburbs. Strong family, older brother and a younger brother. Parents married 30 years.

Turning 25 in April. Played baseball my whole life, including college ball. Married my high school sweetheart last June.

I am a Financial Planner, wife is a school teacher.

I had dipped since I was 15. I was always a really good baseball player and consequently I played on teams 2-3 years older than I was for most of my life. This meant when all the kids were turning 18 and legally allowed to buy dip, chaw, chew, snuff, or my all-time favorite, "chow-tow"--I was a skinny impressionable 15 year old. When the cans got passed around the bench and stopped at me, do I pass it on by? No, like a moron I want to fit in and I take some.

The rest as they say is history.. Almost a full decade of escalating use. Hiding it entirely from most, and lying about the frequency of use to the rest. I knew the stuff was bad for me, everyone does, problem was--I liked it. I enjoyed running out onto the field on a sunny day to shag fly balls and throwing a chaw-dog in. I loved turning on a movie in my college dorm with some ball players and putting a lip in. Post-meal dip? Don't mind if I do. 6 hour bus-ride for games? Kill a tin each way. I dipped anything. Pouches, flavors, brands, cuts, anything. Eventually I moved mostly to Skoal Mint pouches and would routinely throw 5 or 6 pouches in at a time. Killed 2 tins a day easy.

I have stopped dipping cold turkey for 11 weeks off of a bet with a professor simply to prove I could stop whenever I wanted. I have had the occasional scare with a sore or stopped a week before the dentist. People would tell me all the time I should quit, and I always told them I would. When I go to College. When I graduate and stop playing ball. When I marry my fiance. Always pushing it off.

Recently I realized I don't enjoy it anymore. Its disgusting. Its unhealthy. Its dishonest. Its expensive. Its a master.

After that realization that I don't like it anymore, almost like a light switch the severity of my addiction really hit me hard. I needed to make the decision. I finally wanted to quit with every fiber of my being. No longer was any of it due to pressure, outside opinions, or stupid bets with professors. This was all me. I wanted it. I threw away the tin and a half that I had left. I made a run for some gum, mints, and jolly ranchers--told a few close friends and family--and I quit.

Every day the last 5 days I have thought about dip, and then I have remade the decision to quit. It has sucked but in another way I am as excited about this as virtually anything else I've ever done in my entire life.

Working on Day 5 with y'all today. Praying for the guys and gals on this site.


First off, glad to have you here. Also, glad that you have the right mindset. Nicotine IS a master to which we all have been slaves. But that is our life no more. You have to develop a hate of nicotine and all that it stands for (Cancer, making us slaves, depriving us of our lives and those in it who matter, etc). Your "quits" before were stoppages. Plain and simple. Quitting means that nicotine is not an option. That's the mindset here and it works.

I see you've already posted roll; that's huge! Posting roll should be done at the beginning of your day every day so that using nicotine in any form is off the table for the day (no patch, no gum, no dip/cigarettes/leaf/cigars/vape/whatever).

Get involved in your quit group and start PM-ing quitters there to exchange phone numbers so you can expand your web of accountability.

Four days on your own is incredible, but you're not fighting alone anymore. This forum is only as useful as you allow it to be. Get involved and own this quit.

Proud to quit with you.
"Frank Pierce: Saving someone's life is like falling in love. The best drug in the world." - Bringing Out The Dead

Quit Date: 03-02-2014
HOF: 06-09-2014
3K and counting