Author Topic: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!  (Read 42941 times)

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #166 on: May 10, 2019, 11:58:08 AM »
Keep climbin' those floors, Broc. You're leaving a ladder of quit motivation behind you for others to follow. You've impacted my quit several times and certainly will again. Keep it up, brother. Proud of your milestone today.
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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #165 on: May 10, 2019, 11:18:56 AM »
Bryan - You've been many things to many people in your time here at KTC. Sometimes that's been good, sometimes you've pushed the limits, but through it all you've been an incredibly fierce supporter to all of those you connect with and I appreciate you for that. It's hard to play the "what if" game, but there have been many times along the way in my own journey that I know for a fact you have kept me quit and here to post another day. I'm proud AF to be quit with you and call you my brother!

Congrats on 7 badass floors of quit Broc. Thank you for everything you've done for me as well as the rest of KTC.
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #164 on: May 10, 2019, 10:58:56 AM »
Just wanted to say what a badass quitter you are Broc!  Keep it going and never forget why you quit!  PTQWYT
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There are two types of quitters on KTC. Those who post every damn day no matter what. They could survive a plane crash 50 miles from Nome Alaska and would kill a polar bear with a pocket knife, write their days quit on ice with its blood, snap a pic with their cell phone and text it to Drome. Then there are those who always have an excuse not to post or to post late. -bicycleptic

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #163 on: May 10, 2019, 09:21:48 AM »

If you can believe that.  Only one of those is forever, hopefully.  But as of now, I'm being cleansed and it actually makes me pretty happy.  Day 700 doesn't fell a lot different than 699, but it's a milestone so I'm happy to have climbed another floor!  Love ya guys


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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #162 on: May 07, 2019, 03:34:42 PM »
Damn, I quit sugar yesterday and today it feels like I'm right back in the fog.  Foggy, light headache, irratible.  Reminds me of day 2 of nicotine quit.  Oh well....I got through that, I can get through this.  I wanna be a street fighter like Work Towin.

You trying to tell me THIS GUY is a street fighter??

Ah yes, Richard and the Worktowin Street Fighter family.... a family photo! 

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #161 on: May 07, 2019, 02:32:56 PM »
Damn, I quit sugar yesterday and today it feels like I'm right back in the fog.  Foggy, light headache, irratible.  Reminds me of day 2 of nicotine quit.  Oh well....I got through that, I can get through this.  I wanna be a street fighter like Work Towin.

You trying to tell me THIS GUY is a street fighter??
Be humble... grow everyday.

I fear I will always be chasing the vortex like a drug. None will be as special as my first hit.


Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #160 on: May 07, 2019, 12:35:48 PM »
Damn, I quit sugar yesterday and today it feels like I'm right back in the fog.  Foggy, light headache, irratible.  Reminds me of day 2 of nicotine quit.  Oh well....I got through that, I can get through this.  I wanna be a street fighter like Work Towin. 

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #159 on: April 29, 2019, 12:04:53 PM »
Day 688 and I'm quit.

Just got home from the Midwest Meet, and man, what an eye opening, life changing thing for me.  I brought my girlfriend who I've been dating for 3 months.  I brought an open mind, open heart, and hunger for fellowship.  I was not disappointed.  I almost didn't go.  If Amber hadn't already made arrangements for her kids way in advance, I might have bailed.  But she did, and we didn't.  A lot of people did bail.  It was a small meetup.  And it was exactly what I needed.  I got to know a handful of quitters on a much deeper level.  I got closer to God.  It sealed my thoughts on Amber as the one that was meant for me.  I got to know Rewire deeper than just as a casual acquaintance and we formed a bond through our walk with Christ.  I got closer to Brad and Kent and two Michael's and John.   And Pickles.  Amber found a soul sister in Rewire's wife.  It was a perfect weekend on a lot of levels and my heart is full.  I have a few takeaways that I'd like to jot down here. 

1.  When you feel that call to go, do, open up, call somebody, take a trip, whatever, do it.  There may be a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow that you'd totally miss out on if you didn't. 

2.  God is very alive in my life now...I'm a changed and much different person than I was even a couple months ago.  A LOT different than I was at the last Midwest meet.  This isn't a bad thing.  I'm alive and happy.

3.  We all came to KTC to get better.  Nicotine might have been the first step in this process or it may have been one of the last.  Nicotine is a powerful drug that we all need accountability to fight, but we never know where that other person is on their walk with beating the demons in their life.  I've been known to operate out of malice and rage in the past which has probably pushed people away, but when we walk as Christ did and we operate out of love, we do the most good.  It's hard to do when we're in the fog and in the suck and far from me to tell others what to do...but that's the route I want to take.

4.  Nicotine was the start for me.  Going to work on my weight next.  Quitting drinking for a while.  Deleted Groupme because it was just a drain on my free time.  Strengthing my relationship with the living God.  Bonding harder with Amber and her kids, and blending them into my and Zoe's life.  Figuring out how to heal, get stronger, and become fulfilled in all ways. 

I'm not leaving KTC, but I'm stepping back a little.  It's these new guys time to jump in there and rile people up.  I might from time to time, but I'm a lot more interested in forging deep relationships with a few quitters than jumping on the war horse and riding into battle.  Above all else on KTC, quit means everything.  No matter how you go about it, it's the end result that matters.  I'm not sure I'll ever quit posting roll, so see y'all on the boards. 

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #158 on: April 23, 2019, 11:50:32 AM »
Happiness is...

Brothers and Sisters in Quit, I am happier today than I have been in a long time.  Today is 675 days dip free.  That's huge, I mean huge.
Lots of changes in my life this year.  I've battled off and on depression, going through another stint of it that recently ended.  I don't ever know when I'm in it, but it is crazy when the fog of it lifts and I see the world for what it can be...beautiful and full of opportunity.  I think I'm a naturally laid back and half glass full kind of guy, so when I can express that freely, I'm at my best.  Nicotine was also a fog that added to it, whether I realized it or not.  Looking back, I was shoveling Copenhagen into my mouth to cover for things that I hadn't addressed in my life.  It was a celebration and a pain killer.  All things led back to dip.  And no more. 

My recovery has been vicious.  I went through probably a full year of anger, hate, quick flash temper, etc, most of which I took out on KTC as directed to do.  I caused the admins here much grief I'm sure, and I know there were rule(s) and board announcements made just because of me.  I'm not sure how I never got banned or even as much as previewed, but I thank the Admod crew of KTC, past and present because you've saved my life.  Not only from cancer or having my jaw rot off.  But it's even bigger than that.  Some of the best friends I have are KTC guys/gals.  I text with probably 40 people every day, and 20 of those are deeper than day counts.  This place has not only saved my life, but revolutionized it as well. 

It feels like I'm starting to find center.  I'm still active here, but not as active.  I still like to pull some shenanigans from time to time, but they're not anger based.  I'm starting to operate out of love more and not out of being a douchebag.  I've made some other life changes as well that I'm sure contribute to this shift.  Met a girl at a park on Super Bowl sunday that I fell for hard.  Put God back into the center of my life.  But those are recent developments and I'm not sure they are actually possible if I didn't have KTC.  What beautiful girl wants a guy that dips a can of day?  How can God be more important than dip?  I sure couldn't live without it (I thought) was my idol, it was my savior, it was my best friend. 

I've replaced that false idol with so many great things...and I did it with you guys, because of you guys, sometimes even for you guys when I didn't want to.  I love what KTC is and what it was.  I look forward to helping others, and I quit with you today. 


Broc, You are a Bad ass quitter. Thanks for giving us hell and bringing us together, I mean that Brother. I am honored to be here with you at KTC, Keep up the wins and the ass kicking, Proud to call you a Brother!

You're way to kind man.  I'm just here doing this thing ODAAT like you guys.  And what I did in your group was what others did for me...Batdad, Clemte, et al.  Just keep adding and stacking, that's what this is all about.  Proud to be quit with you too bro, HOF is coming soon.  Man the time flies, you kids grow up fast these days!   roflmao

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #157 on: April 22, 2019, 09:31:02 PM »
Happiness is...

Brothers and Sisters in Quit, I am happier today than I have been in a long time.  Today is 675 days dip free.  That's huge, I mean huge.
Lots of changes in my life this year.  I've battled off and on depression, going through another stint of it that recently ended.  I don't ever know when I'm in it, but it is crazy when the fog of it lifts and I see the world for what it can be...beautiful and full of opportunity.  I think I'm a naturally laid back and half glass full kind of guy, so when I can express that freely, I'm at my best.  Nicotine was also a fog that added to it, whether I realized it or not.  Looking back, I was shoveling Copenhagen into my mouth to cover for things that I hadn't addressed in my life.  It was a celebration and a pain killer.  All things led back to dip.  And no more. 

My recovery has been vicious.  I went through probably a full year of anger, hate, quick flash temper, etc, most of which I took out on KTC as directed to do.  I caused the admins here much grief I'm sure, and I know there were rule(s) and board announcements made just because of me.  I'm not sure how I never got banned or even as much as previewed, but I thank the Admod crew of KTC, past and present because you've saved my life.  Not only from cancer or having my jaw rot off.  But it's even bigger than that.  Some of the best friends I have are KTC guys/gals.  I text with probably 40 people every day, and 20 of those are deeper than day counts.  This place has not only saved my life, but revolutionized it as well. 

It feels like I'm starting to find center.  I'm still active here, but not as active.  I still like to pull some shenanigans from time to time, but they're not anger based.  I'm starting to operate out of love more and not out of being a douchebag.  I've made some other life changes as well that I'm sure contribute to this shift.  Met a girl at a park on Super Bowl sunday that I fell for hard.  Put God back into the center of my life.  But those are recent developments and I'm not sure they are actually possible if I didn't have KTC.  What beautiful girl wants a guy that dips a can of day?  How can God be more important than dip?  I sure couldn't live without it (I thought) was my idol, it was my savior, it was my best friend. 

I've replaced that false idol with so many great things...and I did it with you guys, because of you guys, sometimes even for you guys when I didn't want to.  I love what KTC is and what it was.  I look forward to helping others, and I quit with you today. 


Broc, You are a Bad ass quitter. Thanks for giving us hell and bringing us together, I mean that Brother. I am honored to be here with you at KTC, Keep up the wins and the ass kicking, Proud to call you a Brother!

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #156 on: April 15, 2019, 09:30:43 AM »
Happiness is...

Brothers and Sisters in Quit, I am happier today than I have been in a long time.  Today is 675 days dip free.  That's huge, I mean huge.
Lots of changes in my life this year.  I've battled off and on depression, going through another stint of it that recently ended.  I don't ever know when I'm in it, but it is crazy when the fog of it lifts and I see the world for what it can be...beautiful and full of opportunity.  I think I'm a naturally laid back and half glass full kind of guy, so when I can express that freely, I'm at my best.  Nicotine was also a fog that added to it, whether I realized it or not.  Looking back, I was shoveling Copenhagen into my mouth to cover for things that I hadn't addressed in my life.  It was a celebration and a pain killer.  All things led back to dip.  And no more. 

My recovery has been vicious.  I went through probably a full year of anger, hate, quick flash temper, etc, most of which I took out on KTC as directed to do.  I caused the admins here much grief I'm sure, and I know there were rule(s) and board announcements made just because of me.  I'm not sure how I never got banned or even as much as previewed, but I thank the Admod crew of KTC, past and present because you've saved my life.  Not only from cancer or having my jaw rot off.  But it's even bigger than that.  Some of the best friends I have are KTC guys/gals.  I text with probably 40 people every day, and 20 of those are deeper than day counts.  This place has not only saved my life, but revolutionized it as well. 

It feels like I'm starting to find center.  I'm still active here, but not as active.  I still like to pull some shenanigans from time to time, but they're not anger based.  I'm starting to operate out of love more and not out of being a douchebag.  I've made some other life changes as well that I'm sure contribute to this shift.  Met a girl at a park on Super Bowl sunday that I fell for hard.  Put God back into the center of my life.  But those are recent developments and I'm not sure they are actually possible if I didn't have KTC.  What beautiful girl wants a guy that dips a can of day?  How can God be more important than dip?  I sure couldn't live without it (I thought) was my idol, it was my savior, it was my best friend. 

I've replaced that false idol with so many great things...and I did it with you guys, because of you guys, sometimes even for you guys when I didn't want to.  I love what KTC is and what it was.  I look forward to helping others, and I quit with you today. 


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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #155 on: March 26, 2019, 10:37:39 PM »
An epiphany: I think it’s just KTC transitioning from my main focus to a peripheral.  Eventually, you have to learn to rebalance life.  For almost 2 years KTC has been my center.  But things change.  Focus changes.  I’ll keep posting in my home group, but I’m recentering myself for now.  Some things are becoming more focused.  Daughter, job, friendships, girlfriend, God...KTC moves to outer ring.   And that’s ok.   Life is fluid.   See y’all at roll in the morning.
I'm pretty sure that is the answer brother. Back in the day I had a boss who told me he knew my job was not priority one. He did not expect it to be. He said your priorities should be:
1) Health
2) Family
3) Friday's
Oops I wasn't supposed to call them out.
The meaning is you have to balance things. You can't enjoy 1&2 if you skip number 3(KTC for example) but you have to take care of 1&2 first and foremost or number 3 doesn't matter.
It's a bit of a catch-22, so fucking keep posting!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

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I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #154 on: March 26, 2019, 10:24:41 PM »
An epiphany: I think it’s just KTC transitioning from my main focus to a peripheral.  Eventually, you have to learn to rebalance life.  For almost 2 years KTC has been my center.  But things change.  Focus changes.  I’ll keep posting in my home group, but I’m recentering myself for now.  Some things are becoming more focused.  Daughter, job, friendships, girlfriend, God...KTC moves to outer ring.   And that’s ok.   Life is fluid.   See y’all at roll in the morning.   

Offline worktowin

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #153 on: March 26, 2019, 11:28:30 AM »
Is KTC all that different, or have I changed that much?  Lately, all I do is post and ghost.  I hate being lukewarm!  I want to be all in or all out, it's just my personality.  I just don't seem to have it in me anymore.  Everything seems soft.  It seems like every group is just a rehash of cavers from the past 6 months or so.  What happened to the groups that were 50 strong?  What happened to people staying quit?  I've got friends that have left and I've made a few more, but haven't really gotten involved with a new group in a while.  Why not?  I think it's because I just don't care as much as I did.  Fucking Bsarmo posted his newest gonna try this again day 1 post today.  A year ago, I would have blown him up, now I just blow it off.  I don't want to be this version of me that just hangs on out of duty.  Why?  I posted roll today, and I probably won't post jack shit to Bsarmo cause what good has it ever done? 

So which has changed?  Me?  KTC?  I miss what I thought it once many friends gone.  So many dynamics changed.  I posted today....tomorrow, who knows. 


1. Don't leave.
2. Rip Bsarno a new asshole, cuz it'll make you feel better and it sounds like he has it coming.

Quitting is a personal journey, and is a cycle.  Sometimes we need to reach out and help others, sometimes we need to focus inward.  But we ALWAYS need to post in our individual groups every day.  I used to spend a dozen hours a day on this website.  I feel like that time helped others, but I know it helped me.  In the end, this ride is all about helping each of us win, but also win together in our group.  Because... the first and most certain step to caving is to stop posting.

I'll phrase this a different way, if you stop posting, you'll have the wrath of this bad ass street fighter to contend with.  We win together, we fail alone.  While this is a personal journey, you must post daily.  Forget the feelings about KTC - like all organizations - this one is going through a phase of change.  In the end, without it, you and I would be chewing up a storm. 

See you in a few weeks, bro.


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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #152 on: March 26, 2019, 09:23:03 AM »
Is KTC all that different, or have I changed that much?  Lately, all I do is post and ghost.  I hate being lukewarm!  I want to be all in or all out, it's just my personality.  I just don't seem to have it in me anymore.  Everything seems soft.  It seems like every group is just a rehash of cavers from the past 6 months or so.  What happened to the groups that were 50 strong?  What happened to people staying quit?  I've got friends that have left and I've made a few more, but haven't really gotten involved with a new group in a while.  Why not?  I think it's because I just don't care as much as I did.  Fucking Bsarmo posted his newest gonna try this again day 1 post today.  A year ago, I would have blown him up, now I just blow it off.  I don't want to be this version of me that just hangs on out of duty.  Why?  I posted roll today, and I probably won't post jack shit to Bsarmo cause what good has it ever done? 

So which has changed?  Me?  KTC?  I miss what I thought it once many friends gone.  So many dynamics changed.  I posted today....tomorrow, who knows. 


1. Don't leave.
2. Rip Bsarno a new asshole, cuz it'll make you feel better and it sounds like he has it coming.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2019, 09:25:32 AM by ES »
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