Author Topic: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!  (Read 43127 times)

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #136 on: July 15, 2018, 12:00:00 AM »
Quote from: FLLipOut
Quote from: ChickDip
Congrats on 400 days quit Dino!!
Way to go, Brocc! 'party' And a BIG congratulations on 400!!!
Congrats again brother on that 400!
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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HOF: 11/08/17     2nd Floor: 02/16/18     3rd Floor: 05/27/18     1st trip around the sun: 07/31/18     4th Floor: 09/04/18     5th floor: 12/13/18     6th floor: 03/23/2019     7th floor: 07/01/19     2nd trip around the sun: 07/31/19     8th floor: 10/09/19     9th floor: 01/17/20     Comma Day: 04/26/2020     3rd trip around the sun: 08/01/2020     11th floor: 08/04/2020     12th Floor: 11/12/2020     13th floor: 02/20/2021     14th floor: 05/31/2021

Offline FLLipOut

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #135 on: July 14, 2018, 07:08:00 PM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Congrats on 400 days quit Dino!!
Way to go, Brocc! 'party' And a BIG congratulations on 400!!!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24 | FL 29: 06.29.24

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #134 on: July 14, 2018, 01:37:00 PM »
Congrats on 400 days quit Dino!!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline SRains918

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #133 on: July 10, 2018, 11:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
I really wish I could change the name of this fucking intro.

Embrace who you are, where you come from, and what you've experienced. Good AND bad. It makes you who you are - a badass quitter that likes to have fun. One that I'm incredibly proud to call my friend (no matter how much shit I give you via text or chasing you around the site).

Remember these words of wisdom (author unknown):

Everything I've done up to this
point in my life has led me to
where I am today; and I'm pretty
fucking happy about it. All of my
decisions, both good and bad, got
me here. I regret nothing.
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #132 on: July 09, 2018, 05:53:00 PM »
I really wish I could change the name of this fucking intro.

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #131 on: July 09, 2018, 10:33:00 AM »
Back to work today after a 10 day vacation and when put into perspective of quitting dipping, the contrast in things is very stark. Last year on vacation, I left with 16 days of fresh quit under my belt and climbed into an Amtrak train with about 20 packs of gum and about 10 plastic thingys of Teaza. A 18 hour train ride turned into 28 hours and I was craving a dip nearly the whole time. I knocked down a sore throat with about 10 Advil every day. There was hardly a 30 minute window anywhere that didn't have me thinking about dipping. Heck, only 17 days before, I was knocking down a can and a half a day, dipping all day long if I wasn't eating, swallowing the juice, even dipping in my sleep. This Amtrak trip likely both solidified and saved my quit because caving was not an option and new coping skills were developed. And the week that followed was solid craves and checking myself. Fast forward to this year...

This year was an entirely different type of vacation. The laid back vacation in Mena Arkansas with my 9 year old daughter. Just me and her, riding four wheelers, swimming, mining crystals, and hanging out. The sheer responsibility of that made me crave a couple times as instinct of coping with things, but both times, it was easily fought off. Two hard craves vs 200 hard craves the year before. Think about that. We will never be cured and will always be addicts. However, ODAAT adds up quicker than you'd think. And a year down the road, if you can cut your craves that you have now by 99%, isn't the suck you're going through right now worth it?

Stick with it, stay strong, stay committed, use your tools, and kick this addiction right in the taint. No excuse to ever have one is ever good enough. Keep the quit, and rock on!

Oh and by the way....40 years old yesterday. It doesn't seem possible. WTF, but at least I'm quit at 40 unlike the dumbass at the gas station in front of me today, buying his daily can of Grizz green. I wanted to smack him but until you're really ready to suck it up and be a man, nothing will change...stand up and fight!

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #130 on: June 12, 2018, 06:50:00 PM »
Quote from: srains918
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: srains918
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!
Dude, you drank too much Purple Passion while you were there and sent everyone a very very very small picture. The picture is floating all over the interwebs.
This explains so much. Thank you for this explanation man.
Damn... I'm sorry I missed that!

I'm gonna shut up now because Broc knows too much... Way too much....

Get your ass out here so we can go have fun!!!
I'm not sure if I should be scared. The convo was about penis, then you want me to get my ass out there...sounds like a setup.
Fish will be out here in August and we all know he's always stocked with lube... Maybe wait until then???
I thought Gas drove a KY tanker?

Offline SRains918

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #129 on: June 12, 2018, 06:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: srains918
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!
Dude, you drank too much Purple Passion while you were there and sent everyone a very very very small picture. The picture is floating all over the interwebs.
This explains so much. Thank you for this explanation man.
Damn... I'm sorry I missed that!

I'm gonna shut up now because Broc knows too much... Way too much....

Get your ass out here so we can go have fun!!!
I'm not sure if I should be scared. The convo was about penis, then you want me to get my ass out there...sounds like a setup.
Fish will be out here in August and we all know he's always stocked with lube... Maybe wait until then???
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #128 on: June 12, 2018, 03:53:00 PM »
Quote from: srains918
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!
Dude, you drank too much Purple Passion while you were there and sent everyone a very very very small picture. The picture is floating all over the interwebs.
This explains so much. Thank you for this explanation man.
Damn... I'm sorry I missed that!

I'm gonna shut up now because Broc knows too much... Way too much....

Get your ass out here so we can go have fun!!!
I'm not sure if I should be scared. The convo was about penis, then you want me to get my ass out there...sounds like a setup.

Offline SRains918

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #127 on: June 12, 2018, 03:40:00 PM »
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!
Dude, you drank too much Purple Passion while you were there and sent everyone a very very very small picture. The picture is floating all over the interwebs.
This explains so much. Thank you for this explanation man.
Damn... I'm sorry I missed that!

I'm gonna shut up now because Broc knows too much... Way too much...

Get your ass out here so we can go have fun!!!
... "If you want to be quit you need the help of others. To stay quit you need to help others quit." - walterwhite .......... My HOF Speech .......... Day One 9/29/17 ... HOF 1/6/18 ... 2nd Floor 4/16/18 ... 3rd Floor 7/25/18 ... 1st Lap 9/28/18 ... 4th Floor 11/2/18 ... 1/2 Comma 2/10/19 ... 6th Floor 5/21/19 ... 7th Floor 8/29/19 ... 2nd Lap 9/29/19 ... 8th Floor 12/7/19 ... Now accepting applications for F.U.R.Y. Council 2.0 - text for details ...

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #126 on: June 12, 2018, 01:59:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!
Dude, you drank too much Purple Passion while you were there and sent everyone a very very very small picture. The picture is floating all over the interwebs.
This explains so much. Thank you for this explanation man.

Offline worktowin

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #125 on: June 12, 2018, 01:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!
Dude, you drank too much Purple Passion while you were there and sent everyone a very very very small picture. The picture is floating all over the interwebs.

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #124 on: June 12, 2018, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.
I thought I heard a peeping tom outside my trailer at midwest meet!

Offline worktowin

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #123 on: June 12, 2018, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!
The dick talk was a very small part of what you talked about. Very very small. Inconsequential.

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: 2nd time retread
« Reply #122 on: June 12, 2018, 12:50:00 PM »
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Quote from: 69Franx
Quote from: Broccoli-saurus
Thanks guys, I appreciate that and I'm glad I can call each of you my friend!

A question has been on our board for our year celebration and I thought I'd post that info here too. Way TMI, so if you don't like TMI, stop reading now.

What events made you want to quit nicotine a year ago?

Two things. First, I gutted all my spit and I was experiencing some stomach issues. Nothing I saw my doctor about because I'm not a doctor kinda guy, but I knew that it was at least partially to blame from the tobacco juice I was ingesting constantly. Second, my libido was down, doc wanted me to continue TRT shots and I was tired of that bullshit. It's a cop out, being medicated for something you can control with dicipline and I read that nicotine decreases testosterone and actually contributes to ED. That and being fat. I kicked the nic, and now focusing hard on losing some weight. I'm happy to report that at a year quit, stomach issues are gone, and my penis works as it should. Now I've gotta lose the FUPA so it looks bigger. TMI? Maybe...but I've always been real with you guys. I love every one of you for the support, threats of violence, and caring that you've shown me. Here's to many more!

I also want to say that I had two texts last night from two quitters marveling at the changes in my demeanor. I was a wreck until about day 50. Then I was pissed at the world until about day 300. After the 300, or somewhere thereabouts, I felt the anger dissolve. I'm no longer ready to kill people. I'm a lot less about the why than I am about the fix. I've mellowed out to where I was pre-nicotine. I love it. It's positivity. It's solutions. It's love. My brain did rewire itself and I'm sure it's still happening. It was a miserable 300 days, but I can see sunny days on the horizon.

Thank you all for the support over this year. I know I was a tornado on KTC for my first couple hundred days. I was the cause of 2 moderator announcements, I've been warned a few times by admin, and of course board functionality was lost. I'm sorry for all that but I needed it, needed that outlet, needed the site so bad. I couldn't have done it without this site, and you have become my closest friends. Thanks for that, thanks for all of it, you saved my life.
The admissions you make in your final paragraph are really BIG of you to admit. Love you brother
Why'd you single that paragraph out? You don't want to talk about my penis?
Nope, especially not if we are talking about the BIG changes you've made
Thanks for the inspiration to get rid of the FUPA!