Author Topic: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!  (Read 42404 times)

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Offline ChickDip

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #211 on: March 05, 2020, 12:30:40 PM »
Day 1000

What a ride it's been.  My testimony on the site, just as in life, would be long and convoluted.  I came here broken, a slave to nicotine and I did not deal with withdrawals well.  I ranted, raved, shouted insults, got in meaningless board wars, caused rule changes, got a bunch of admod love notes, basically begged to get banned with some of my antics. 

Today, I'd like to think I'm a bit more level headed and even tempered.  I try to think before I react, and think some more if my reply seems like it'll be caustic.  I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the last year, and that has changed me even more.  And that change in me took a huge leap because of my friendship with a member of this site actually.  A lot has changed in the past 33 months here.  The site has changed somewhat, but I have changed as a man tremendously.  1000 days is a long time, but only a drop in the bucket of life.  Life of a man and eternal life in heaven.  I am also 39 days porn and immoral thoughts cleansed, which is the most I've been in my entire life.  39 days doesn't seem like a lot, but that number may mean more to me than my 1000 days quit from dip.  The truth is that one positive, embraced life change led to others.  I still have a lot of work to do, but looking back at where I was, I'm excited for what will come in the future.  The change is drastic, and God is molding me to be what he wants one day, one hour, one spoken word at a time. 

I'd like to personally thank everybody on this site that has helped me along the way, but there's over a hundred names in that list.  I will however, address some of those that drastically helped change my shift in direction toward good instead of evil.  I'll miss people in this, so do not be upset if it happens.  Everybody that we cross paths with will affect us in some way.  Everybody that we interact with shapes us to some small degree.  Sometimes, it's to a large degree.  To me, KTC is not just a quit site.  It has grown to be much more than that.  It's a home, it's where friends are, it's a place where I can be myself.  It always has been, and I thank each of you for letting this happen. 

@chewie I thank you for creating this site and giving us a place to develop these friendships in a common goal.  I'm glad I got to meet you, a living legend. 
@cbird65 One of the first quitters I've met, and one that I've seen the most.  Such a leader, and also a friend that I'm proud to call a mentor of sorts.
@Big Brother Jack the quit king of all....your story is amazing, your outlook is refreshing, and I'm glad to call you a friend
@worktowin Dude, you've been there for me through all of it...I feel like I've done life with you.  Can't wait to meet up this summer again!
@ReWire the guy that pushed and prodded me to go to Men's Encounter, which totally reshaped my walk with Christ.  Can't say enough about this.
@rocketman I just feel a bond through shared experiences here, and pray for you all the time, brother.  Always great to meet up and swap banter.
@69franx One of the strongest quitters I know.  Glad to have met you, glad to call you friend.
@FLLipOut One amazing lady quitter who supported me through two groups and always believed in me.
@FISHFLORIDA Flipp's sidekick in quit.  Like Robin to her Batman...we have a ton in common and you have been a huge strength to me in many areas of life.
@B--rad whom I share all kinds of interests with and talk with daily
@David S You have become one of my best friends, and I can't believe you friended me in the first place.  Thanks for being true to the kingdom, my friend
@Athan who never hesitates to pick up a phone and call a brother when he's down with encouragement
@JohnSmallberries One of the most eclectic, friendly, wonderful guys ever
@Miker0351 Another that I met, was prepared to hate, and ended up being strengthened by your words.  Love you brother.
@ChickDip who has always been in my corner
@Oliver88 Who I didn't get to know until later, but is a stalwart man of Christ and builds some amazing stuff, always inspirational.
@harvestgirl who always has time to help, offer friendship, and words of encouragement.
@Batdad who actually has feelings, which I just found out.  Great guy, glad to call him a brother.
@Croakenhagen my east Texas buddy who has been a friend since around his day 1. 
@Law1358 who I also met, and was part of the 2.0 GM back when it was active.  Inspiring how unabashed he is in his love of Christ.

To the handful of members of Sept '17 that still remain, to the guys and gals in the KTC prayer groups and that post in the chapel to strengthen each other daily, to the amazing quitters in Oct '16 who showed me what it meant to really quit even though I was amazingly slow to learn it.  To the 50+ quitters I've met, you all have strengthened me more than you could imagine.  Yes, even you, @Brick !  To all those that I text with daily, and those that I text with occasionally.  To those that I've never spoken to, but are out there doing life, posting one day at a time, stacking are amazing.  Keep up the good work, build friendships, brotherhood, and accountability, and never give up.  This site will change you if you'll let it.  I know it changed me.

Amazing stuff here brother. So proud of all you have accomplished in 1000 days and so thankful for your friendship and daily support. We shall meet again, hopefully sooner than later
Proud to be quit with you Bryan.  We've all grown in so many ways and have helped each other along the way.
It has been a privilege to share this journey with you, Bryan.  Love you bub.
From day 1 to ODAAT, Always going to be in your corner Dino. Proud to walk along side you brother.
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

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Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline FLLipOut

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #210 on: March 05, 2020, 11:06:39 AM »
Day 1000

What a ride it's been.  My testimony on the site, just as in life, would be long and convoluted.  I came here broken, a slave to nicotine and I did not deal with withdrawals well.  I ranted, raved, shouted insults, got in meaningless board wars, caused rule changes, got a bunch of admod love notes, basically begged to get banned with some of my antics. 

Today, I'd like to think I'm a bit more level headed and even tempered.  I try to think before I react, and think some more if my reply seems like it'll be caustic.  I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the last year, and that has changed me even more.  And that change in me took a huge leap because of my friendship with a member of this site actually.  A lot has changed in the past 33 months here.  The site has changed somewhat, but I have changed as a man tremendously.  1000 days is a long time, but only a drop in the bucket of life.  Life of a man and eternal life in heaven.  I am also 39 days porn and immoral thoughts cleansed, which is the most I've been in my entire life.  39 days doesn't seem like a lot, but that number may mean more to me than my 1000 days quit from dip.  The truth is that one positive, embraced life change led to others.  I still have a lot of work to do, but looking back at where I was, I'm excited for what will come in the future.  The change is drastic, and God is molding me to be what he wants one day, one hour, one spoken word at a time. 

I'd like to personally thank everybody on this site that has helped me along the way, but there's over a hundred names in that list.  I will however, address some of those that drastically helped change my shift in direction toward good instead of evil.  I'll miss people in this, so do not be upset if it happens.  Everybody that we cross paths with will affect us in some way.  Everybody that we interact with shapes us to some small degree.  Sometimes, it's to a large degree.  To me, KTC is not just a quit site.  It has grown to be much more than that.  It's a home, it's where friends are, it's a place where I can be myself.  It always has been, and I thank each of you for letting this happen. 

@chewie I thank you for creating this site and giving us a place to develop these friendships in a common goal.  I'm glad I got to meet you, a living legend. 
@cbird65 One of the first quitters I've met, and one that I've seen the most.  Such a leader, and also a friend that I'm proud to call a mentor of sorts.
@Big Brother Jack the quit king of all....your story is amazing, your outlook is refreshing, and I'm glad to call you a friend
@worktowin Dude, you've been there for me through all of it...I feel like I've done life with you.  Can't wait to meet up this summer again!
@ReWire the guy that pushed and prodded me to go to Men's Encounter, which totally reshaped my walk with Christ.  Can't say enough about this.
@rocketman I just feel a bond through shared experiences here, and pray for you all the time, brother.  Always great to meet up and swap banter.
@69franx One of the strongest quitters I know.  Glad to have met you, glad to call you friend.
@FLLipOut One amazing lady quitter who supported me through two groups and always believed in me.
@FISHFLORIDA Flipp's sidekick in quit.  Like Robin to her Batman...we have a ton in common and you have been a huge strength to me in many areas of life.
@B--rad whom I share all kinds of interests with and talk with daily
@David S You have become one of my best friends, and I can't believe you friended me in the first place.  Thanks for being true to the kingdom, my friend
@Athan who never hesitates to pick up a phone and call a brother when he's down with encouragement
@JohnSmallberries One of the most eclectic, friendly, wonderful guys ever
@Miker0351 Another that I met, was prepared to hate, and ended up being strengthened by your words.  Love you brother.
@ChickDip who has always been in my corner
@Oliver88 Who I didn't get to know until later, but is a stalwart man of Christ and builds some amazing stuff, always inspirational.
@harvestgirl who always has time to help, offer friendship, and words of encouragement.
@Batdad who actually has feelings, which I just found out.  Great guy, glad to call him a brother.
@Croakenhagen my east Texas buddy who has been a friend since around his day 1. 
@Law1358 who I also met, and was part of the 2.0 GM back when it was active.  Inspiring how unabashed he is in his love of Christ.

To the handful of members of Sept '17 that still remain, to the guys and gals in the KTC prayer groups and that post in the chapel to strengthen each other daily, to the amazing quitters in Oct '16 who showed me what it meant to really quit even though I was amazingly slow to learn it.  To the 50+ quitters I've met, you all have strengthened me more than you could imagine.  Yes, even you, @Brick !  To all those that I text with daily, and those that I text with occasionally.  To those that I've never spoken to, but are out there doing life, posting one day at a time, stacking are amazing.  Keep up the good work, build friendships, brotherhood, and accountability, and never give up.  This site will change you if you'll let it.  I know it changed me.

Amazing stuff here brother. So proud of all you have accomplished in 1000 days and so thankful for your friendship and daily support. We shall meet again, hopefully sooner than later
Proud to be quit with you Bryan.  We've all grown in so many ways and have helped each other along the way.
It has been a privilege to share this journey with you, Bryan.  Love you bub.
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24


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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #209 on: March 05, 2020, 10:45:22 AM »
Day 1000

What a ride it's been.  My testimony on the site, just as in life, would be long and convoluted.  I came here broken, a slave to nicotine and I did not deal with withdrawals well.  I ranted, raved, shouted insults, got in meaningless board wars, caused rule changes, got a bunch of admod love notes, basically begged to get banned with some of my antics. 

Today, I'd like to think I'm a bit more level headed and even tempered.  I try to think before I react, and think some more if my reply seems like it'll be caustic.  I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the last year, and that has changed me even more.  And that change in me took a huge leap because of my friendship with a member of this site actually.  A lot has changed in the past 33 months here.  The site has changed somewhat, but I have changed as a man tremendously.  1000 days is a long time, but only a drop in the bucket of life.  Life of a man and eternal life in heaven.  I am also 39 days porn and immoral thoughts cleansed, which is the most I've been in my entire life.  39 days doesn't seem like a lot, but that number may mean more to me than my 1000 days quit from dip.  The truth is that one positive, embraced life change led to others.  I still have a lot of work to do, but looking back at where I was, I'm excited for what will come in the future.  The change is drastic, and God is molding me to be what he wants one day, one hour, one spoken word at a time. 

I'd like to personally thank everybody on this site that has helped me along the way, but there's over a hundred names in that list.  I will however, address some of those that drastically helped change my shift in direction toward good instead of evil.  I'll miss people in this, so do not be upset if it happens.  Everybody that we cross paths with will affect us in some way.  Everybody that we interact with shapes us to some small degree.  Sometimes, it's to a large degree.  To me, KTC is not just a quit site.  It has grown to be much more than that.  It's a home, it's where friends are, it's a place where I can be myself.  It always has been, and I thank each of you for letting this happen. 

@chewie I thank you for creating this site and giving us a place to develop these friendships in a common goal.  I'm glad I got to meet you, a living legend. 
@cbird65 One of the first quitters I've met, and one that I've seen the most.  Such a leader, and also a friend that I'm proud to call a mentor of sorts.
@Big Brother Jack the quit king of all....your story is amazing, your outlook is refreshing, and I'm glad to call you a friend
@worktowin Dude, you've been there for me through all of it...I feel like I've done life with you.  Can't wait to meet up this summer again!
@ReWire the guy that pushed and prodded me to go to Men's Encounter, which totally reshaped my walk with Christ.  Can't say enough about this.
@rocketman I just feel a bond through shared experiences here, and pray for you all the time, brother.  Always great to meet up and swap banter.
@69franx One of the strongest quitters I know.  Glad to have met you, glad to call you friend.
@FLLipOut One amazing lady quitter who supported me through two groups and always believed in me.
@FISHFLORIDA Flipp's sidekick in quit.  Like Robin to her Batman...we have a ton in common and you have been a huge strength to me in many areas of life.
@B--rad whom I share all kinds of interests with and talk with daily
@David S You have become one of my best friends, and I can't believe you friended me in the first place.  Thanks for being true to the kingdom, my friend
@Athan who never hesitates to pick up a phone and call a brother when he's down with encouragement
@JohnSmallberries One of the most eclectic, friendly, wonderful guys ever
@Miker0351 Another that I met, was prepared to hate, and ended up being strengthened by your words.  Love you brother.
@ChickDip who has always been in my corner
@Oliver88 Who I didn't get to know until later, but is a stalwart man of Christ and builds some amazing stuff, always inspirational.
@harvestgirl who always has time to help, offer friendship, and words of encouragement.
@Batdad who actually has feelings, which I just found out.  Great guy, glad to call him a brother.
@Croakenhagen my east Texas buddy who has been a friend since around his day 1. 
@Law1358 who I also met, and was part of the 2.0 GM back when it was active.  Inspiring how unabashed he is in his love of Christ.

To the handful of members of Sept '17 that still remain, to the guys and gals in the KTC prayer groups and that post in the chapel to strengthen each other daily, to the amazing quitters in Oct '16 who showed me what it meant to really quit even though I was amazingly slow to learn it.  To the 50+ quitters I've met, you all have strengthened me more than you could imagine.  Yes, even you, @Brick !  To all those that I text with daily, and those that I text with occasionally.  To those that I've never spoken to, but are out there doing life, posting one day at a time, stacking are amazing.  Keep up the good work, build friendships, brotherhood, and accountability, and never give up.  This site will change you if you'll let it.  I know it changed me.

Amazing stuff here brother. So proud of all you have accomplished in 1000 days and so thankful for your friendship and daily support. We shall meet again, hopefully sooner than later
Proud to be quit with you Bryan.  We've all grown in so many ways and have helped each other along the way.
Just one is right back to where you were and where you were was desperately wishing you were where you are now.- Via Flip
"But KNOW that quitting every day means that eventually you'll have to quit on the day Lassie kicks the bucket" - ZAM
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Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #208 on: March 05, 2020, 10:18:57 AM »
And to those that have gone other ways, but I still text with and do life with...still quit, but gone for some reason or another.  I love all of them the same, they are still my brothers.  So here's to Casus_Belli, Stains918, Leonidas, Addict Architect, Sand44, and all the Jan '18 rebellion.  Love you guys, even though you'll likely never see this, you're still stuck with me. 

Offline 69franx

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #207 on: March 05, 2020, 10:00:53 AM »
Day 1000

What a ride it's been.  My testimony on the site, just as in life, would be long and convoluted.  I came here broken, a slave to nicotine and I did not deal with withdrawals well.  I ranted, raved, shouted insults, got in meaningless board wars, caused rule changes, got a bunch of admod love notes, basically begged to get banned with some of my antics. 

Today, I'd like to think I'm a bit more level headed and even tempered.  I try to think before I react, and think some more if my reply seems like it'll be caustic.  I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the last year, and that has changed me even more.  And that change in me took a huge leap because of my friendship with a member of this site actually.  A lot has changed in the past 33 months here.  The site has changed somewhat, but I have changed as a man tremendously.  1000 days is a long time, but only a drop in the bucket of life.  Life of a man and eternal life in heaven.  I am also 39 days porn and immoral thoughts cleansed, which is the most I've been in my entire life.  39 days doesn't seem like a lot, but that number may mean more to me than my 1000 days quit from dip.  The truth is that one positive, embraced life change led to others.  I still have a lot of work to do, but looking back at where I was, I'm excited for what will come in the future.  The change is drastic, and God is molding me to be what he wants one day, one hour, one spoken word at a time. 

I'd like to personally thank everybody on this site that has helped me along the way, but there's over a hundred names in that list.  I will however, address some of those that drastically helped change my shift in direction toward good instead of evil.  I'll miss people in this, so do not be upset if it happens.  Everybody that we cross paths with will affect us in some way.  Everybody that we interact with shapes us to some small degree.  Sometimes, it's to a large degree.  To me, KTC is not just a quit site.  It has grown to be much more than that.  It's a home, it's where friends are, it's a place where I can be myself.  It always has been, and I thank each of you for letting this happen. 

@chewie I thank you for creating this site and giving us a place to develop these friendships in a common goal.  I'm glad I got to meet you, a living legend. 
@cbird65 One of the first quitters I've met, and one that I've seen the most.  Such a leader, and also a friend that I'm proud to call a mentor of sorts.
@Big Brother Jack the quit king of all....your story is amazing, your outlook is refreshing, and I'm glad to call you a friend
@worktowin Dude, you've been there for me through all of it...I feel like I've done life with you.  Can't wait to meet up this summer again!
@ReWire the guy that pushed and prodded me to go to Men's Encounter, which totally reshaped my walk with Christ.  Can't say enough about this.
@rocketman I just feel a bond through shared experiences here, and pray for you all the time, brother.  Always great to meet up and swap banter.
@69franx One of the strongest quitters I know.  Glad to have met you, glad to call you friend.
@FLLipOut One amazing lady quitter who supported me through two groups and always believed in me.
@FISHFLORIDA Flipp's sidekick in quit.  Like Robin to her Batman...we have a ton in common and you have been a huge strength to me in many areas of life.
@B--rad whom I share all kinds of interests with and talk with daily
@David S You have become one of my best friends, and I can't believe you friended me in the first place.  Thanks for being true to the kingdom, my friend
@Athan who never hesitates to pick up a phone and call a brother when he's down with encouragement
@JohnSmallberries One of the most eclectic, friendly, wonderful guys ever
@Miker0351 Another that I met, was prepared to hate, and ended up being strengthened by your words.  Love you brother.
@ChickDip who has always been in my corner
@Oliver88 Who I didn't get to know until later, but is a stalwart man of Christ and builds some amazing stuff, always inspirational.
@harvestgirl who always has time to help, offer friendship, and words of encouragement.
@Batdad who actually has feelings, which I just found out.  Great guy, glad to call him a brother.
@Croakenhagen my east Texas buddy who has been a friend since around his day 1. 
@Law1358 who I also met, and was part of the 2.0 GM back when it was active.  Inspiring how unabashed he is in his love of Christ.

To the handful of members of Sept '17 that still remain, to the guys and gals in the KTC prayer groups and that post in the chapel to strengthen each other daily, to the amazing quitters in Oct '16 who showed me what it meant to really quit even though I was amazingly slow to learn it.  To the 50+ quitters I've met, you all have strengthened me more than you could imagine.  Yes, even you, @Brick !  To all those that I text with daily, and those that I text with occasionally.  To those that I've never spoken to, but are out there doing life, posting one day at a time, stacking are amazing.  Keep up the good work, build friendships, brotherhood, and accountability, and never give up.  This site will change you if you'll let it.  I know it changed me.

Amazing stuff here brother. So proud of all you have accomplished in 1000 days and so thankful for your friendship and daily support. We shall meet again, hopefully sooner than later
ABQ= Always Be Quitting

My Intro
My HOF Speech
How long have I been quit?

I brew the beer I drink, what's your superpower?

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Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

HOF: 11/08/17     2nd Floor: 02/16/18     3rd Floor: 05/27/18     1st trip around the sun: 07/31/18     4th Floor: 09/04/18     5th floor: 12/13/18     6th floor: 03/23/2019     7th floor: 07/01/19     2nd trip around the sun: 07/31/19     8th floor: 10/09/19     9th floor: 01/17/20     Comma Day: 04/26/2020     3rd trip around the sun: 08/01/2020     11th floor: 08/04/2020     12th Floor: 11/12/2020     13th floor: 02/20/2021     14th floor: 05/31/2021

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #206 on: March 05, 2020, 09:54:52 AM »
Day 1000

What a ride it's been.  My testimony on the site, just as in life, would be long and convoluted.  I came here broken, a slave to nicotine and I did not deal with withdrawals well.  I ranted, raved, shouted insults, got in meaningless board wars, caused rule changes, got a bunch of admod love notes, basically begged to get banned with some of my antics. 

Today, I'd like to think I'm a bit more level headed and even tempered.  I try to think before I react, and think some more if my reply seems like it'll be caustic.  I have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the last year, and that has changed me even more.  And that change in me took a huge leap because of my friendship with a member of this site actually.  A lot has changed in the past 33 months here.  The site has changed somewhat, but I have changed as a man tremendously.  1000 days is a long time, but only a drop in the bucket of life.  Life of a man and eternal life in heaven.  I am also 39 days porn and immoral thoughts cleansed, which is the most I've been in my entire life.  39 days doesn't seem like a lot, but that number may mean more to me than my 1000 days quit from dip.  The truth is that one positive, embraced life change led to others.  I still have a lot of work to do, but looking back at where I was, I'm excited for what will come in the future.  The change is drastic, and God is molding me to be what he wants one day, one hour, one spoken word at a time. 

I'd like to personally thank everybody on this site that has helped me along the way, but there's over a hundred names in that list.  I will however, address some of those that drastically helped change my shift in direction toward good instead of evil.  I'll miss people in this, so do not be upset if it happens.  Everybody that we cross paths with will affect us in some way.  Everybody that we interact with shapes us to some small degree.  Sometimes, it's to a large degree.  To me, KTC is not just a quit site.  It has grown to be much more than that.  It's a home, it's where friends are, it's a place where I can be myself.  It always has been, and I thank each of you for letting this happen. 

@chewie I thank you for creating this site and giving us a place to develop these friendships in a common goal.  I'm glad I got to meet you, a living legend. 
@cbird65 One of the first quitters I've met, and one that I've seen the most.  Such a leader, and also a friend that I'm proud to call a mentor of sorts.
@Big Brother Jack the quit king of all....your story is amazing, your outlook is refreshing, and I'm glad to call you a friend
@worktowin Dude, you've been there for me through all of it...I feel like I've done life with you.  Can't wait to meet up this summer again!
@ReWire the guy that pushed and prodded me to go to Men's Encounter, which totally reshaped my walk with Christ.  Can't say enough about this.
@rocketman I just feel a bond through shared experiences here, and pray for you all the time, brother.  Always great to meet up and swap banter.
@69franx One of the strongest quitters I know.  Glad to have met you, glad to call you friend.
@FLLipOut One amazing lady quitter who supported me through two groups and always believed in me.
@FISHFLORIDA Flipp's sidekick in quit.  Like Robin to her Batman...we have a ton in common and you have been a huge strength to me in many areas of life.
@B--rad whom I share all kinds of interests with and talk with daily
@David S You have become one of my best friends, and I can't believe you friended me in the first place.  Thanks for being true to the kingdom, my friend
@Athan who never hesitates to pick up a phone and call a brother when he's down with encouragement
@JohnSmallberries One of the most eclectic, friendly, wonderful guys ever
@Miker0351 Another that I met, was prepared to hate, and ended up being strengthened by your words.  Love you brother.
@ChickDip who has always been in my corner
@Oliver88 Who I didn't get to know until later, but is a stalwart man of Christ and builds some amazing stuff, always inspirational.
@harvestgirl who always has time to help, offer friendship, and words of encouragement.
@Batdad who actually has feelings, which I just found out.  Great guy, glad to call him a brother.
@Croakenhagen my east Texas buddy who has been a friend since around his day 1. 
@Law1358 who I also met, and was part of the 2.0 GM back when it was active.  Inspiring how unabashed he is in his love of Christ.

To the handful of members of Sept '17 that still remain, to the guys and gals in the KTC prayer groups and that post in the chapel to strengthen each other daily, to the amazing quitters in Oct '16 who showed me what it meant to really quit even though I was amazingly slow to learn it.  To the 50+ quitters I've met, you all have strengthened me more than you could imagine.  Yes, even you, @Brick !  To all those that I text with daily, and those that I text with occasionally.  To those that I've never spoken to, but are out there doing life, posting one day at a time, stacking are amazing.  Keep up the good work, build friendships, brotherhood, and accountability, and never give up.  This site will change you if you'll let it.  I know it changed me. 

Offline Broccoli-saurus

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #205 on: December 24, 2019, 10:26:46 AM »
 Luke 1:26-38
The Birth of Jesus Foretold

26 In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 27 to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 28 The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

29 Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 30 But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 32 He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 33 and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

35 The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called[a] the Son of God. 36 Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 37 For no word from God will ever fail.”

38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

What great faith she had.  What great faith Joseph also had!  May I have such great faith, as it has been restored to me, and I look forward to ending this year and beginning a new one nicotine free, but also free of the chains that bind us to slavery of all kinds.  Freedom in Christ, freedom in quit, freedom from bondage.  Servants of heart.  Bless you guys, have a Merry Christmas, and turn your eyes to Him who sets us free. 

Offline oldschool

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #204 on: December 01, 2019, 09:56:44 AM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
Congrats on that 9th floor Broc!
Awesome Quit and quitter here! Keep it up and huge congrats on the big 9 Dino!

Talk of leaving on day 900 of winning makes about as much sense as eating a kale salad.

Congratulations on another huge accomplishment.  You've come a long way in 900 days.  Go back and read your first few posts.  Past performance is frequently an indicator of future performance.  I look forward to congratulating you on many future accomplishments.
Congrats on the 9th floor. See you on roll tomorrow.
Love you Broc...congrats on that 9th floor.  Face it, we are all just too damn adorable to leave!!!
Congrats on 9th floor, Broc!  I hope you stick around.  You have positively influenced my quit as well as countless others.  Sometimes it just takes a little mentorship from one vet to keep a new quitter going...
The only time you fail, is if you don't try

Offline FLLipOut

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #203 on: November 26, 2019, 09:26:02 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
Congrats on that 9th floor Broc!
Awesome Quit and quitter here! Keep it up and huge congrats on the big 9 Dino!

Talk of leaving on day 900 of winning makes about as much sense as eating a kale salad.

Congratulations on another huge accomplishment.  You've come a long way in 900 days.  Go back and read your first few posts.  Past performance is frequently an indicator of future performance.  I look forward to congratulating you on many future accomplishments.
Congrats on the 9th floor. See you on roll tomorrow.
Love you Broc...congrats on that 9th floor.  Face it, we are all just too damn adorable to leave!!!
Just one and you will be back to where you started, and where you started was desperately wishing you were where you are now.
"The best way out is always through." - Robert Frost
"I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" - Samwise Gamgee
HOF: 10.29.16 | FL 2: 02.06.17 | FL 3: 05.17.17 | Y1: 07.22.17 | FL 4: 08.25.17 | FL 5: 12.03.17 | FL 6: 03.13.18 | FL 7: 06.21.18 | Y2: 07.22.18 | FL 8: 09.29.18 | FL 9: 01.07.19 | COMMA , : 04.17.19 | Y3: 07.22.19 | FL 11: 07.26.19 | FL 12: 11.03.19 | FL 13: 02.11.20 | FL 14: 05.21.20 | Y4: 07.22.20 | FL 15: 08.29.20  | FL 16: 12.07.20 | FL 17: 03.17.21 | FL 18: 06.25.21 | Y5: 07.22.21 | FL 19: 06.25.21 | FL 20 ,, : 01.11.22 | FL 21: 04.21.22 | Y6: 07.22.22 | FL 22: 07.30.22 | FL 23: 11.07.22 | FL 24: 02.15.23 | FL 25: 05.26.23 | Y7: 07.22.23 | FL 26: 09.03.23 | FL 27: 12.12.23 | FL 28: 03.21.24

Offline Batdad

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #202 on: November 26, 2019, 07:10:16 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
Congrats on that 9th floor Broc!
Awesome Quit and quitter here! Keep it up and huge congrats on the big 9 Dino!

Talk of leaving on day 900 of winning makes about as much sense as eating a kale salad.

Congratulations on another huge accomplishment.  You've come a long way in 900 days.  Go back and read your first few posts.  Past performance is frequently an indicator of future performance.  I look forward to congratulating you on many future accomplishments.
Congrats on the 9th floor. See you on roll tomorrow.
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Offline worktowin

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #201 on: November 26, 2019, 04:40:36 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
Congrats on that 9th floor Broc!
Awesome Quit and quitter here! Keep it up and huge congrats on the big 9 Dino!

Talk of leaving on day 900 of winning makes about as much sense as eating a kale salad.

Congratulations on another huge accomplishment.  You've come a long way in 900 days.  Go back and read your first few posts.  Past performance is frequently an indicator of future performance.  I look forward to congratulating you on many future accomplishments.

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #200 on: November 26, 2019, 04:30:52 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
Congrats on that 9th floor Broc!
Awesome Quit and quitter here! Keep it up and huge congrats on the big 9 Dino!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline DonkeyMN

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #199 on: November 26, 2019, 04:11:30 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
Congrats on that 9th floor Broc!
To remain quit requires focus
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Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #198 on: November 26, 2019, 01:59:34 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
^^Some wise words here by the great Heisenburg.

I'll be honest. When I joined KTC I never imagined I would still be here today. But after posting every damn day for 1,311 days, I do not want to leave anymore. I love this place; I want each and every one here to succeed. I want to be a part of their quit journey. Sometimes that is just posting my promise and ghosting. Other days that involves posting support in multiple groups and getting down and dirty in the trenches of a new pre-HOF group. Find a balance!

Congrats on 9th floor!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 02:39:47 PM by MNxEngineer314 »
Quit: 04.25.16 | HOF: 08.02.16 | 2nd FL: 11.10.16 | 3rd FL: 02.18.17 | 4th FL: 05.29.17 | 5th FL: 09.06.17 | 6th FL: 12.15.17 | 7th FL: 03.25.18 |
8th FL: 07.03.18 | 9th FL: 10.11.18 | Comma: 01.19.19 | 11th FL: 04.29.19 | 12th FL: 08.07.19 | 13th FL: 11.15.19 | 14th FL: 02.23.20 |
15th FL: 06.02.20 | 16th FL: 09.10.20 | 17th FL: 12.19.20 | 18th FL: 03.29.21 | 19th FL: 07.07.21 | Comma 2x: 10.15.21 | 21st FL: 01.23.22 |
22nd FL: 05.03.22 | 23rd FL: 08.11.22 | 24th FL: 11.19.22 | 25th FL: 02.27.23 | 26th FL: 06.07.23 | 27th FL: 09.15.23 | 28th FL: 12.24.23 |
29th FL: 04.02.24 |

"From Skoal to Skol!" My HOF Speech HERE!
"There is no victory without a battle."
"Cave = losing an argument to a dead plant in a plastic can. You are smarter than a dead plant." - Candoit
"The truth is the truth even if no one believes it, and a lie is a lie, even if everyone believes it." - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Feel like throwing in the towel? Sign the "Contract to Give Up" HERE
Phat Pauly - Part 1 || Phat Pauly - Part 2 || DeanTheCoot - Pencil Poop

Offline walterwhite

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Re: I refuse to be defined by the chains that bound me...I am a quitter!
« Reply #197 on: November 26, 2019, 12:54:32 PM »
900 sweet days of quit.
900 days of kicking ass.
900 days of wreaking havoc (well, almos900)
Love you brother

CONGRATS Broccoli Sore Ass!!!


Well I screwed up.  I took two more quitters that'll need to cross HOF first.  Maybe after that. 

@Redwood @JJG009 I reckon I'll stick around another 40 days or so to see you guys cross, then maybe I'll feel like sticking around for my comma.  Who knows.  It's so hard to leave totally, not sure I ever will.  Time will tell.  900 feels like a comfortable pair of boots.  Fits well and feels like home.
Congrats on 900! 

If I may give you some advice…don’t worry about tomorrow or when you will be leaving.  Put your focus on today.  Today I want to be quit so I will post roll.  It’s that simple.  Don’t overthink something to a point that you create more a mess.  That is what addicts always do…we look for an out.  We blame others for our issues.  We make excuses.  We did this to ourselves and we can fix it.  We just have to do it one day at a time.
You will NEVER regret quitting. You will ALWAYS regret caving ~ NOLAQ

Everyday an addict reminds himself he is an addict is a day an addict earns another day of freedom. ~ Scowick65

To persevere is important for everybody. Don't give up, don't give in. There's always an answer to everything. ~ Louis Zamperini