Hi all,
I don't have some amazing story of how I quit after a huge amount of years...Smoked and dipped years ago (total time 8 years, ages 12-20). Quit three times using the patch.
Started up again last year in SERE school, brought dip with me to trade for food, ended up using it to stay awake and not feel so hungry. Started smoking after that, used e cigs to get off of real cigs, then dip and snus because I got tired of tinkering with e cigs.
Tried cold turkey yesterday and today, didn't make it through either day. Currently wearing a patch! Actually bought them on my lunch break and some lozenges.
Tried some of Jake's mint chew, but it just irritated me to have something in my lip that didn't make me feel different.
The fog for me is strange...for me it feels like coming down from a huge high off of weed (from what I can remember of it, I don't currently use marijuana and haven't in years and years), with cravings in between. Timing my cravings today, they lasted anywhere from 14-30 minutes.
I couldn't overcome the fog at work, so I am going with a patch wean over the next several weeks before I am completely off of nicotine, my hopes is that when I am off it won't be so bad. Could be wrong and it will still suck horribly, I'll let ya know
Read a couple of e books about going cold turkey, and it made sense to get the worst over in three days, but my job requires me to be sharp. The next time I have that many days off will be the end of the month, and I don't want to wait, so patch for me with a weekly decrease interspersed with some lozenges during the transition periods.
Huge kudos to all of you who can go cold turkey! I am getting off the nicotine, just going to be a little slower for me.
Correct, you do not have an amazing story. You are not an unique and special butterfly. You are an addict. I should know. I recognize your story. I am an addict. So lets go through your post.
1. You have not quit 3 times with the patch. You quit zero times with the patch.
2. You did not bring dip to trade for food. You brought dip to complete your planned cave.
3. You did not use dip to stay awake and not feel hungry. You use because you are an addict.
4. Started smoking. Makes sense. Why? It has nic. Just like dip and patches. Do you see where YOU are going? Oh, I forgot to include snus.
4. You tried to quit today. Epic fail. Now wearing patch. I believe this to be true.
5. You prefer nic in your lip to mint. I also preferred dip to mint in the day. Not any more though.
6. I will quickly sum up the rest. You are going patch. You have gone full circle. See #1 above. My prediction this time? Fail.
So, I am going to quit busting your balls now. I know it sucks. You are not unique. Your job is no more special than mine. You are simply hooked on nic and you could care less how you get it.
We have a plan that is 100% successful. You may not fine tune it to make it fit your needs. You must fine tune YOU to fit the plan. What is the plan? Read the welcome center. Post roll every day with a promise not to use. Honor promise. Simple. No patches, no cigs, no dip, no gum, NO NIC.
Say it with me. I quit today. You...can...do...this. You have support now. Focus on today only. 1 day at a time.
Go post roll