I stumbled across your page tonight n am amazed at all these quitters. I have up dip today n am thankful I found this site. I just have became freaking scared shit less at what dip can do to you n it's gotten me so scared that I burned all my dip tonight n am quitting. I quit once 10 yrs ago for 8 days but picked it right back up. I've been dipping 13 years or so. Wish I'd never started. I'm ready for the challenge n I kno God is with me an I can do all things through Christ who strength me. . 'Finger'
Welcome and congratulations on the decision to quit.
There are a lot of tools and resources here to help you in your quit.
But the most import thing is posting roll, get over to your quit group
June 2016, post roll and introduce yourself, this is the backbone of the site.
Idaho Spuds 576