It seems I am the only one who thought eclipse day was a fitting day to toss the can in the trash. If your wondering yes the can was empty before I tossed it. The idea to quit was not spontaneous it has been in my mind for a while now. I thought when my son was born in march it would be no problem to kick my 11 year habit of red seal wintergreen long cut. No, that was not the case but now at 5 months old as he watches me spit in a bottle and stares at me while I'm packing a can I know it's my responsibility to teach him as he grows and I can't for the life of me let him think this is ok. I am now 3 days in and was introduced to smokey mountain wintergreen which has been great so far. I just knew I had this whooped until today around lunch when my first headache set in. Not sure how long these headaches will last but I know this will be the tough part. I keep telling myself to suck it up this was self inflicted and that the reward will be worth it. Any tips or pointers are more than welcome. Will post more if I can figure out how this forum works.
There's many of us here that can help you navigate how the forum works (it's hard and then it's suddenly not,) but before you do too much, read this quote I stole off an article I found online with a quick search:
"In simplest terms, the primary difference between a habit and an addiction is that a person is ultimately in control of a habit while an addiction is in control of the person. "
Everybody here is an addict. Habits are funny sometimes. You can joke about habits (I take off five squares of 2-ply every time I wipe; it's a habit.) I'm sure there are habits that can kill you, and if that's you, there's always a chance you have a batshit crazy thrill-seeking habit, but this ADDICTION can and will kill you. It doesn't really matter if you quit a habit (I guess I could drop back to four squares???). Quitting this addiction has to become the most important thing you do every single day. Every. Single. Day. Quitting has to even be more important than your son for a little while. And trust me, he'll be okay with it. My son just turned one and I've been quitting for 90 days tomorrow. He hasn't complained ONCE about all the texts I send my September brothers or about all the time I spend on here helping my quit. Just trust me. You have to want this more than anything you've ever wanted in your life.
That's an addiction, not a habit. I'll send you a PM with my contact info and you're welcome to ask any questions about how to navigate the site either through that or just reply to this and ask questions. Welcome to being badass.