Today is the quarter way mark to 100. So far, it’s been easy. Thanks to an on going “health scare”. I regret ever starting the nasty habit. I started in college when I played football. Everyone did it to include several coaches. So why not try it right? I threw up the very first time, I thought why would anyone do this $h1t!? After a few more pinches, it became a regular habit for the next 8 years. I still have cravings every couple hours but strong enough to power through. I replaced the tobacco/nic cravings with sugar (I.e. candy, soda, ice cream, etc). It’s beem great to enjoy these treats as I haven’t really eaten these things consistently since I was a kid. I also drank a pot of coffee per day, nearly 4 times my daily intake before. This took a toll on my body. I gained about 5 pounds and is killing my esophagus. I was diagnosed with gerd ( chronic acid reflux disease) a few years back... The irritability has subsided a lot since I quit. For those getting ready to quit, warn your co workers, family of the nic rage. They will understand (some will any way).
Ihaven’t had any alcohol since my quit. II don’t trust myself to drink yet knowing there is a strong probability that I will get the “screw it” mind mentality and throw a lip turd in. I was not an alcoholic by any means, just drank beers on a Saturday along with a few cans of cope wintergreen. When I quit, I can honestly say that I feel so freaking great, sleeping in and being more active with my family. No longer do I wake up with nasty sores from dipping and drinking. Quitting so far has been awesome as I post roll every day and watch my days quit accumulate.