Thanks for all the help. I'm chewing the crap out of all 6 flavors of the hooch sampler I got a couple of weeks ago. It's staving off the craves. I don't really want a dip, but the craves haven't been this bad since the first couple of weeks.
I'm fine, just weird that they would return with a vengeance.
My dip dream last night was actually way more than a dip dream, it was an every nicotine delivery method I have every tried dream. I used to smoke as well as chew, since smoking was far more socially acceptable at my last job and it got me away from the desk and allowed to shoot the shit with co-workers.
But I haven't had a smoke in 5-6 years, but in my dream I was smoking and chewing and doing all other kinds of weird shit. Really thought I had a chew in, but then I finally woke and realized it was not real. Thank god, because I never want to be a slave to that crap again. I'll take freedom and craves over slavery every time.