I'm 30 and been dipping for 11 years. The longest I've quit is for 2 weeks which was about 6 years ago. Since then I haven't missed a day without a dip. I've been thinking about quitting for a year now, but knew I didn't have the commitment to succeed so never went through with it. Not sure what happened, but I am now so sick of putting that shit in my mouth. I'm done. Threw everything away and got online and found this site. It has been about 40 hours now since I had a dip and it sucks. Yesterday was more a mental thing. Kept fighting with my brain or something, but today I've just been out of it. Staring and zoning out. I figured out how to post roll and did it yesterday and today.
Great to have you Adam. Your stats are virtually identical to mine. You've made the best decision of your life thus far and that is to make sure you enjoy the hell out of it without sabotaging yourself with the poison.
It takes 72-96 hours for the nic to get out of your system. Your body is just working through it right now. It doesn't understand yet that you're quit. It takes awhile, but take things ODAAT. One day at a time and you can whip this thing. The suck may or may not last awhile for you, but you already know after the first couple days that you never want to go thru it again.
Post roll. Stay quit that day. Wake up and repeat. Simple recipe when you consider it's saving your life.
Proud to be quit with you today. Check your inbox in the top right corner. I sent you my digits. Use them if you're gonna be a bad ass April 2014 quitter.
Great quitters have already spoken up and offered insight.
While in the fog spend time here as much as you can. Your emotions are going to get you. Rage, sad, etc. You can come into chat, read posts and articles.
If your just pissed for no reason. Vent her, pick fights and use this forrum so that you can be kind to loved ones etc. They won't get what you are going through like we do.
This site is your sanctuary to build strength when you are week.
All I can add is....Stay close, get some quit brothers. You're serious and its time to win your freedom back.