I turn 31 in a month and have been dipping since i was 11. Figure i had better quit before i get my 20 yr veteran pin. Dipped wintergreen Skoal til i was about 15 and it started burning like hell fire and making swelling my mouth up so like a dumbass kid i just stared dipping Copenhagen because it didnt instantly screw with my mouth. Bought a can a Copenhagen long cut the day it hit the shelf and been dipping close to 2 cans a day since. Little too much info there but i figure maybe a dipshit teenager or 2 might trip over this on google one day and have a "DUH" moment like i should have had when my body was obviously saying "stop putting this garbage in your mouth". I pretty much wake up, drink and eat something, get a dip a keep it til i get thirsty, tank up like a camel and get another dip.........so on. I keep a dip 2,4,6 hrs. Pretty much anytime i am not eating,drinking or brushing my teeth. I quit a couple years ago for 30-75 days. I working at a scale house at a steel plant and a driver that came through every week or so and bummed a dip or talked Copenhagen a time or 2 was trying to give me some new limited something he picked up somewhere crazy. I told him i quit and he was all you just got to try this stuff. Man would i like to bump into him and give him a good swift kick in the balls. My own dumbass fault for trying it though. Of course it tasted like crap and i had to bum a dip of the the good stuff off of someone just to, you know, wash the crap taste of that other crap out of my mouth. Then just gonna grab a can from the store to have around for special occasions and such. Then wow a can last me a whole week now, its ok if its just like like having a beer now and then. Nope, turns out then still only put 3 dips in can. I feel like a puss because its like a crackhead type addiction to, tobacco? I can and have moved mountains. I worked as a bouncer and drank a 750ml bottle of vodka like every night, then i just quit. I raced bikes up until recently and have even broken my back and neck and swam in oceans of morphine for months and had, could still have any pain narcs i wanted but i just quit. I don't have an addictive personality and never had an problem with addiction of any other sort. But i am a slave to Copenhagen? WTF? Racing around a track @140 mph about to puke getting a migraine because of a wad of snuff in my cheek because i can't last 35min on a bike thinking about brake markers rather than Copenhagen if i don't have a dip in my cheek. When i started dipping you could walk in a store and the question skoal or copenhagen. Now you have draw a map for the clerk to find your snuff thats all buried under 60 lbs boo berry or cotton candy flavored whatever snuff. Dipping even feels like a immature pussy whooped version of chucky cheese' lately.
I have 4 children. My eldest son is 8, daughter 7, son 1.5 and 3 month old daughter. Don't let anyone try to convince you that dipping will make you sterile. I can walk past my wife in the hallway and get her pregnant. I just have to man up as the sole bread winner for my family and be here for at least 20 more years. BTW thanks for forcing me to right this intro. I was that into the idea of it but once you get going on it, you realize how stupid it is to get so excited over something as dumb as Copenhagen. And how much you have to sacrifice for it. Its been there basically my whole life and i grew up with it. But i won't die with it.
I do need some advice on something though. My wife loves to punch below the belt, so her attack on everything is gonna be "go get you some stupid Copenhagen, Asshole!". She went to bed with a smile on her face and is dreaming of the opportunity like a child on Christmas eve. Someone here must have dealt with similar. I am not allowed to whine.