I had to go in the way back machine to find this post of mine, but I thought it relavent bc I see a good number of people above the line that think they're too cool for school and don't need to post their number.
So here it is again.
There really is NO excuse not to post your number. I think we all agree that we are here because the system works. And when you get right down to it that system boils down to two things, be accountable and post roll. Posting roll consists of two things, your name and your number of days quit. You can put whatever you want to after that, no rules, but you need to post your name and number.
I realized how important that number was when I requested access to post on the blog. I was told you can post anything you want to, it doesn't even need to be about dipping or tobacco However there was one rule, you must always end it with your number of days quit.
It's basic accountability. Early in your quit it should be automatic, like an involuntary muscle, whenever you post your name you automatically post your number. it's a reminder of how far you've come and should be important and meaningful to you.
Be proud of your number. Post your number.
jjprice - 125