Typed this in another intro, but want to have it here to reference later....
Tonight my wife and I went shopping at a really really nice indoor shopping mall. This place looks like a Christmas explosion happened. Multistory tall wreaths, a big inflatable snow globe you can go in for pictures, all kinds of stupid. There were families with strollers. The women all looked like they were in heaven. The kids eyes didn't know where to stop. Most of the men were even having fun - because their families sure as heck were. Except...
There was this young family - I'm guessing mid 20s. One little boy around three that had arms and legs moving in all directions. Another boy probably around 6. The lady was trying to get them arranged in front of a wreath to get a family picture. The kids were being kids - lots of visual stimulation there and they were hard to corral. The dad was PISSED and was screaming at both kids and her. Loud enough that people were looking at him. He had some serious rage.
The woman was trying hard to get her family arranged. He wasn't helping at all. Yelling, but just standing there. My wife was in a store spending money on something she didn't need, and I just stood there taking it all in...and then, GB, as she is trying to arrange her 2 little boys just so in order to ask a stranger to take a picture of her family to tuck in her Christmas cards next week, this jackass husband pulls out a tin of Copenhagen and shoves his lip full. She said "what are you doing, we are getting a family picture for Christmas"? And he screamed "I having a goddamn dip, it is none of your business! These kids are driving me crazy! Let's get this stupid picture done so I can go home." The picture wasn't taken. She corralled the kids and I saw them moving toward the exit escalator. And she was dabbing her eyes when the husband wasn't looking. Which was the whole time... Because he was in his own selfish little world.