Author Topic: Worktowin's road to winning  (Read 139579 times)

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Offline cbird65

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #190 on: May 07, 2014, 10:47:00 AM »
Quote from: grizzlyhasclaws
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Pinched
Great work on 500 days. You have been a great supporter and have talked me off the ledge a couple of times. Thank you for everything you do for quit everywhere.
Happy half comma to the guy with the ability to cut to the heart of the issue and consistently deliver solid support and advice as needed. Really, hats off and thank you for all you've done for my quit and hundreds others.
Nice 500. You are a badass quitter!
no ass grabbing on 1/2 comma day

'oh yeah'
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
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Re: Day 16
« Reply #189 on: May 07, 2014, 10:24:00 AM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: Pinched
Great work on 500 days. You have been a great supporter and have talked me off the ledge a couple of times. Thank you for everything you do for quit everywhere.
Happy half comma to the guy with the ability to cut to the heart of the issue and consistently deliver solid support and advice as needed. Really, hats off and thank you for all you've done for my quit and hundreds others.
Nice 500. You are a badass quitter!
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #188 on: May 07, 2014, 09:26:00 AM »
Gratz on the hundo X 5!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline brettlees

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #187 on: May 07, 2014, 09:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Great work on 500 days. You have been a great supporter and have talked me off the ledge a couple of times. Thank you for everything you do for quit everywhere.
Happy half comma to the guy with the ability to cut to the heart of the issue and consistently deliver solid support and advice as needed. Really, hats off and thank you for all you've done for my quit and hundreds others.
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

Offline Pinched

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #186 on: May 07, 2014, 09:12:00 AM »
Great work on 500 days. You have been a great supporter and have talked me off the ledge a couple of times. Thank you for everything you do for quit everywhere.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

Offline midwest04z

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #185 on: May 07, 2014, 09:08:00 AM »
Way to go Mike! Half comma day! Thank you for the support you provide to Nov 13 and all the other quit groups you post with. Proud to be quit with you today!
Quit Date: 8-9-13
HOF Date: 11-16-13 Proud NOV '13 Skydiver

Caving is not an option - Do something else!

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #184 on: May 07, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »
Half a comma! Sweet!

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #183 on: May 07, 2014, 08:36:00 AM »
Quote from: derk40
Congrats on 500 days of badassery! You have been an asset to this site  I am proud to be quit with you today! Enjoy today!
Rock-n-roll brutha!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #182 on: May 07, 2014, 08:11:00 AM »
Congrats on 500 days of badassery! You have been an asset to this site  I am proud to be quit with you today! Enjoy today!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline Sh4string

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #181 on: March 24, 2014, 09:12:00 AM »
Quote from: Kjstout
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 454

Do any of you remember the villain Bizarro?  The mirrored opposite of Superman?  Well, this week it seems like a hell of a lot of brothers are taking the Bizarro approach to the Kill The Can quit system!

June 2014 seems to be another stop on a series of stops some of these serial stoppers are taking.  Brothers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 all coming back to June.  Why did they fail?  Well, the 3 questions are always answered a little differently.  By the way, don't take this entry in my intro as an answer any of these questions, because I haven't caved! But I do know why every single one of them failed.  So I will answer for them...

Answer:  They stopped posting.

I have, for 454 days, read every new intro post on this board.  And well over 1,000 quitters have joined the ranks in the days since I joined.  Only three caved after posting.  Those 3 men had no integrity - they came back and left very quickly after coming back - these halls are not lined with men that lack integrity.  I don't even count those three sociopaths in this lineup, but that still leaves an awful lot of cavers.  What about them?  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE... stopped posting.  They got comfortable.  They got busy.  Who knows, who cares why.... they just stopped. 

Many of us spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on insurance products every year.  Insurance for our cars, our boats, our motorcycles, our eyes... teeth... lives... houses.... cats.... dogs....  15 seconds a day is all that it takes to insure your quit.  You post your promise.  You keep your word (unless you are a sociopath.)  Free insurance?  What fucking moron would pass up a free insurance policy that pays you back every day you use it?  Look around... lots of morons abound these days...

Bruce,  BigWhiteBeast, DCHogs, MCarmo, Syndrome (who can't spell worth a shit LOL) and many, many others don't spend as much time on this board as they do because they are bored or have nothing else to do.  They do it to pay it forward, and to insure their quit!  Follow their lead, and success is guaranteed!

While I'm on the subject, I've seen a lot of kinda sappy "life is sure tough and it seems like nicotine might make it better but I know it won't so I'm not gonna cave" BS lately.  Here are some of the "great" memories of nicotine that I have:

--gave me anxiety every time I went to the dentist
--was a key factor in a series of very serious health problems I have overcome
--took away at least an hour a day from my beautiful wife (ninja master here)
--probably ran up my water bill by $2,000 over 25 years since I took so many long showers to hide my addiction
--stole around forty thousand dollars (like smashing a new Lexus into a brick wall) from me
--gave me a fog that took away over a month of my life memories when I quit
--night sweats
--dip dreams
--remember the stomach problems for 30 after quitting???  Good memories there...

I could keep typing this list all day long.  Nicotine didn't do one goddamn good thing for me, and... it didn't for you either. We are all different, but we are all alike.  Next time one of you wants to romanticize nicotine or talk about caving, contact me and I'll beat some sense into you.  It doesn't make you do yard work better, it doesn't make you hunt better, it doesn't do one positive good thing.  Not one, and every single one of us knows it.

In case I wasn't clear earlier, I will close with this... you wanna quit?  Post roll every day.  NOT every day to 100.  NOT every day until your group all hits 100.  Not to 200.  Not to 500.  Not to 1000.  Post roll every damn day!  Take the time to care about yourself, your family, and your quit family.  Its bad enough to take a shit on yourself by caving... but to shit on your entire group.... man that isn't what brotherhood is about.

Enough ranting for today.  Quit on.
Great post. Thanks to you and all the vets who are setting a great example for those of us who are new to this.
Brilliant post. Read it if you want a quit-boost!
This is the coolest thing I have read here in a while worktowin! THANK YOU! The prescription for success is so simple! The failures do not want freedom bad enough. JUNE! Protect your quits! ;Ironman:
Omg another bad ass rant. I am loving this site tonight. Now,,,,,,, what should I do with this hard on you guys gave me lol.
This quitter just layed down the facts. This site is for people like this guy. If your not here to follow what this fine quitter has stated. I say GTFO.
Thanks W2W. I know I can always count on yo for the sensible approach. Posting really does work. Even if you're a guy to romanticize nic,  I sure can be, that post that promise will pull you through. It's easy to get complacent,
Damn proud to be quit with W2W again today!
Thank you, and the many others like you here. You will continue to see me lead by example of posting every damn day!
Quitting every damn day since October 21, 2013

Offline Kjstout

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #180 on: March 24, 2014, 09:05:00 AM »
Quote from: Mike
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 454

Do any of you remember the villain Bizarro?  The mirrored opposite of Superman?  Well, this week it seems like a hell of a lot of brothers are taking the Bizarro approach to the Kill The Can quit system!

June 2014 seems to be another stop on a series of stops some of these serial stoppers are taking.  Brothers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 all coming back to June.  Why did they fail?  Well, the 3 questions are always answered a little differently.  By the way, don't take this entry in my intro as an answer any of these questions, because I haven't caved! But I do know why every single one of them failed.  So I will answer for them...

Answer:  They stopped posting.

I have, for 454 days, read every new intro post on this board.  And well over 1,000 quitters have joined the ranks in the days since I joined.  Only three caved after posting.  Those 3 men had no integrity - they came back and left very quickly after coming back - these halls are not lined with men that lack integrity.  I don't even count those three sociopaths in this lineup, but that still leaves an awful lot of cavers.  What about them?  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE... stopped posting.  They got comfortable.  They got busy.  Who knows, who cares why.... they just stopped. 

Many of us spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on insurance products every year.  Insurance for our cars, our boats, our motorcycles, our eyes... teeth... lives... houses.... cats.... dogs....  15 seconds a day is all that it takes to insure your quit.  You post your promise.  You keep your word (unless you are a sociopath.)  Free insurance?  What fucking moron would pass up a free insurance policy that pays you back every day you use it?  Look around... lots of morons abound these days...

Bruce,  BigWhiteBeast, DCHogs, MCarmo, Syndrome (who can't spell worth a shit LOL) and many, many others don't spend as much time on this board as they do because they are bored or have nothing else to do.  They do it to pay it forward, and to insure their quit!  Follow their lead, and success is guaranteed!

While I'm on the subject, I've seen a lot of kinda sappy "life is sure tough and it seems like nicotine might make it better but I know it won't so I'm not gonna cave" BS lately.  Here are some of the "great" memories of nicotine that I have:

--gave me anxiety every time I went to the dentist
--was a key factor in a series of very serious health problems I have overcome
--took away at least an hour a day from my beautiful wife (ninja master here)
--probably ran up my water bill by $2,000 over 25 years since I took so many long showers to hide my addiction
--stole around forty thousand dollars (like smashing a new Lexus into a brick wall) from me
--gave me a fog that took away over a month of my life memories when I quit
--night sweats
--dip dreams
--remember the stomach problems for 30 after quitting???  Good memories there...

I could keep typing this list all day long.  Nicotine didn't do one goddamn good thing for me, and... it didn't for you either. We are all different, but we are all alike.  Next time one of you wants to romanticize nicotine or talk about caving, contact me and I'll beat some sense into you.  It doesn't make you do yard work better, it doesn't make you hunt better, it doesn't do one positive good thing.  Not one, and every single one of us knows it.

In case I wasn't clear earlier, I will close with this... you wanna quit?  Post roll every day.  NOT every day to 100.  NOT every day until your group all hits 100.  Not to 200.  Not to 500.  Not to 1000.  Post roll every damn day!  Take the time to care about yourself, your family, and your quit family.  Its bad enough to take a shit on yourself by caving... but to shit on your entire group.... man that isn't what brotherhood is about.

Enough ranting for today.  Quit on.
Great post. Thanks to you and all the vets who are setting a great example for those of us who are new to this.
Brilliant post. Read it if you want a quit-boost!
This is the coolest thing I have read here in a while worktowin! THANK YOU! The prescription for success is so simple! The failures do not want freedom bad enough. JUNE! Protect your quits! ;Ironman:
Omg another bad ass rant. I am loving this site tonight. Now,,,,,,, what should I do with this hard on you guys gave me lol.
This quitter just layed down the facts. This site is for people like this guy. If your not here to follow what this fine quitter has stated. I say GTFO.
Thanks W2W. I know I can always count on yo for the sensible approach. Posting really does work. Even if you're a guy to romanticize nic,  I sure can be, that post that promise will pull you through. It's easy to get complacent,
Damn proud to be quit with W2W again today!

Offline Mike from AB

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #179 on: March 23, 2014, 11:16:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 454

Do any of you remember the villain Bizarro?  The mirrored opposite of Superman?  Well, this week it seems like a hell of a lot of brothers are taking the Bizarro approach to the Kill The Can quit system!

June 2014 seems to be another stop on a series of stops some of these serial stoppers are taking.  Brothers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 all coming back to June.  Why did they fail?  Well, the 3 questions are always answered a little differently.  By the way, don't take this entry in my intro as an answer any of these questions, because I haven't caved! But I do know why every single one of them failed.  So I will answer for them...

Answer:  They stopped posting.

I have, for 454 days, read every new intro post on this board.  And well over 1,000 quitters have joined the ranks in the days since I joined.  Only three caved after posting.  Those 3 men had no integrity - they came back and left very quickly after coming back - these halls are not lined with men that lack integrity.  I don't even count those three sociopaths in this lineup, but that still leaves an awful lot of cavers.  What about them?  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE... stopped posting.  They got comfortable.  They got busy.  Who knows, who cares why.... they just stopped. 

Many of us spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on insurance products every year.  Insurance for our cars, our boats, our motorcycles, our eyes... teeth... lives... houses.... cats.... dogs....  15 seconds a day is all that it takes to insure your quit.  You post your promise.  You keep your word (unless you are a sociopath.)  Free insurance?  What fucking moron would pass up a free insurance policy that pays you back every day you use it?  Look around... lots of morons abound these days...

Bruce,  BigWhiteBeast, DCHogs, MCarmo, Syndrome (who can't spell worth a shit LOL) and many, many others don't spend as much time on this board as they do because they are bored or have nothing else to do.  They do it to pay it forward, and to insure their quit!  Follow their lead, and success is guaranteed!

While I'm on the subject, I've seen a lot of kinda sappy "life is sure tough and it seems like nicotine might make it better but I know it won't so I'm not gonna cave" BS lately.  Here are some of the "great" memories of nicotine that I have:

--gave me anxiety every time I went to the dentist
--was a key factor in a series of very serious health problems I have overcome
--took away at least an hour a day from my beautiful wife (ninja master here)
--probably ran up my water bill by $2,000 over 25 years since I took so many long showers to hide my addiction
--stole around forty thousand dollars (like smashing a new Lexus into a brick wall) from me
--gave me a fog that took away over a month of my life memories when I quit
--night sweats
--dip dreams
--remember the stomach problems for 30 after quitting???  Good memories there...

I could keep typing this list all day long.  Nicotine didn't do one goddamn good thing for me, and... it didn't for you either. We are all different, but we are all alike.  Next time one of you wants to romanticize nicotine or talk about caving, contact me and I'll beat some sense into you.  It doesn't make you do yard work better, it doesn't make you hunt better, it doesn't do one positive good thing.  Not one, and every single one of us knows it.

In case I wasn't clear earlier, I will close with this... you wanna quit?  Post roll every day.  NOT every day to 100.  NOT every day until your group all hits 100.  Not to 200.  Not to 500.  Not to 1000.  Post roll every damn day!  Take the time to care about yourself, your family, and your quit family.  Its bad enough to take a shit on yourself by caving... but to shit on your entire group.... man that isn't what brotherhood is about.

Enough ranting for today.  Quit on.
Great post. Thanks to you and all the vets who are setting a great example for those of us who are new to this.
Brilliant post. Read it if you want a quit-boost!
This is the coolest thing I have read here in a while worktowin! THANK YOU! The prescription for success is so simple! The failures do not want freedom bad enough. JUNE! Protect your quits! ;Ironman:
Omg another bad ass rant. I am loving this site tonight. Now,,,,,,, what should I do with this hard on you guys gave me lol.
This quitter just layed down the facts. This site is for people like this guy. If your not here to follow what this fine quitter has stated. I say GTFO.
Thanks W2W. I know I can always count on yo for the sensible approach. Posting really does work. Even if you're a guy to romanticize nic,  I sure can be, that post that promise will pull you through. It's easy to get complacent,

Offline srans

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #178 on: March 22, 2014, 09:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Erussell
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 454

Do any of you remember the villain Bizarro?  The mirrored opposite of Superman?  Well, this week it seems like a hell of a lot of brothers are taking the Bizarro approach to the Kill The Can quit system!

June 2014 seems to be another stop on a series of stops some of these serial stoppers are taking.  Brothers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 all coming back to June.  Why did they fail?  Well, the 3 questions are always answered a little differently.  By the way, don't take this entry in my intro as an answer any of these questions, because I haven't caved! But I do know why every single one of them failed.  So I will answer for them...

Answer:  They stopped posting.

I have, for 454 days, read every new intro post on this board.  And well over 1,000 quitters have joined the ranks in the days since I joined.  Only three caved after posting.  Those 3 men had no integrity - they came back and left very quickly after coming back - these halls are not lined with men that lack integrity.  I don't even count those three sociopaths in this lineup, but that still leaves an awful lot of cavers.  What about them?  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE... stopped posting.  They got comfortable.  They got busy.  Who knows, who cares why.... they just stopped. 

Many of us spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on insurance products every year.  Insurance for our cars, our boats, our motorcycles, our eyes... teeth... lives... houses.... cats.... dogs....  15 seconds a day is all that it takes to insure your quit.  You post your promise.  You keep your word (unless you are a sociopath.)  Free insurance?  What fucking moron would pass up a free insurance policy that pays you back every day you use it?  Look around... lots of morons abound these days...

Bruce,  BigWhiteBeast, DCHogs, MCarmo, Syndrome (who can't spell worth a shit LOL) and many, many others don't spend as much time on this board as they do because they are bored or have nothing else to do.  They do it to pay it forward, and to insure their quit!  Follow their lead, and success is guaranteed!

While I'm on the subject, I've seen a lot of kinda sappy "life is sure tough and it seems like nicotine might make it better but I know it won't so I'm not gonna cave" BS lately.  Here are some of the "great" memories of nicotine that I have:

--gave me anxiety every time I went to the dentist
--was a key factor in a series of very serious health problems I have overcome
--took away at least an hour a day from my beautiful wife (ninja master here)
--probably ran up my water bill by $2,000 over 25 years since I took so many long showers to hide my addiction
--stole around forty thousand dollars (like smashing a new Lexus into a brick wall) from me
--gave me a fog that took away over a month of my life memories when I quit
--night sweats
--dip dreams
--remember the stomach problems for 30 after quitting???  Good memories there...

I could keep typing this list all day long.  Nicotine didn't do one goddamn good thing for me, and... it didn't for you either. We are all different, but we are all alike.  Next time one of you wants to romanticize nicotine or talk about caving, contact me and I'll beat some sense into you.  It doesn't make you do yard work better, it doesn't make you hunt better, it doesn't do one positive good thing.  Not one, and every single one of us knows it.

In case I wasn't clear earlier, I will close with this... you wanna quit?  Post roll every day.  NOT every day to 100.  NOT every day until your group all hits 100.  Not to 200.  Not to 500.  Not to 1000.  Post roll every damn day!  Take the time to care about yourself, your family, and your quit family.  Its bad enough to take a shit on yourself by caving... but to shit on your entire group.... man that isn't what brotherhood is about.

Enough ranting for today.  Quit on.
Great post. Thanks to you and all the vets who are setting a great example for those of us who are new to this.
Brilliant post. Read it if you want a quit-boost!
This is the coolest thing I have read here in a while worktowin! THANK YOU! The prescription for success is so simple! The failures do not want freedom bad enough. JUNE! Protect your quits! ;Ironman:
Omg another bad ass rant. I am loving this site tonight. Now,,,,,,, what should I do with this hard on you guys gave me lol.
This quitter just layed down the facts. This site is for people like this guy. If your not here to follow what this fine quitter has stated. I say GTFO.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline Erussell

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #177 on: March 22, 2014, 09:17:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 454

Do any of you remember the villain Bizarro?  The mirrored opposite of Superman?  Well, this week it seems like a hell of a lot of brothers are taking the Bizarro approach to the Kill The Can quit system!

June 2014 seems to be another stop on a series of stops some of these serial stoppers are taking.  Brothers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 all coming back to June.  Why did they fail?  Well, the 3 questions are always answered a little differently.  By the way, don't take this entry in my intro as an answer any of these questions, because I haven't caved! But I do know why every single one of them failed.  So I will answer for them...

Answer:  They stopped posting.

I have, for 454 days, read every new intro post on this board.  And well over 1,000 quitters have joined the ranks in the days since I joined.  Only three caved after posting.  Those 3 men had no integrity - they came back and left very quickly after coming back - these halls are not lined with men that lack integrity.  I don't even count those three sociopaths in this lineup, but that still leaves an awful lot of cavers.  What about them?  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE... stopped posting.  They got comfortable.  They got busy.  Who knows, who cares why.... they just stopped. 

Many of us spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on insurance products every year.  Insurance for our cars, our boats, our motorcycles, our eyes... teeth... lives... houses.... cats.... dogs....  15 seconds a day is all that it takes to insure your quit.  You post your promise.  You keep your word (unless you are a sociopath.)  Free insurance?  What fucking moron would pass up a free insurance policy that pays you back every day you use it?  Look around... lots of morons abound these days...

Bruce,  BigWhiteBeast, DCHogs, MCarmo, Syndrome (who can't spell worth a shit LOL) and many, many others don't spend as much time on this board as they do because they are bored or have nothing else to do.  They do it to pay it forward, and to insure their quit!  Follow their lead, and success is guaranteed!

While I'm on the subject, I've seen a lot of kinda sappy "life is sure tough and it seems like nicotine might make it better but I know it won't so I'm not gonna cave" BS lately.  Here are some of the "great" memories of nicotine that I have:

--gave me anxiety every time I went to the dentist
--was a key factor in a series of very serious health problems I have overcome
--took away at least an hour a day from my beautiful wife (ninja master here)
--probably ran up my water bill by $2,000 over 25 years since I took so many long showers to hide my addiction
--stole around forty thousand dollars (like smashing a new Lexus into a brick wall) from me
--gave me a fog that took away over a month of my life memories when I quit
--night sweats
--dip dreams
--remember the stomach problems for 30 after quitting???  Good memories there...

I could keep typing this list all day long.  Nicotine didn't do one goddamn good thing for me, and... it didn't for you either. We are all different, but we are all alike.  Next time one of you wants to romanticize nicotine or talk about caving, contact me and I'll beat some sense into you.  It doesn't make you do yard work better, it doesn't make you hunt better, it doesn't do one positive good thing.  Not one, and every single one of us knows it.

In case I wasn't clear earlier, I will close with this... you wanna quit?  Post roll every day.  NOT every day to 100.  NOT every day until your group all hits 100.  Not to 200.  Not to 500.  Not to 1000.  Post roll every damn day!  Take the time to care about yourself, your family, and your quit family.  Its bad enough to take a shit on yourself by caving... but to shit on your entire group.... man that isn't what brotherhood is about.

Enough ranting for today.  Quit on.
Great post. Thanks to you and all the vets who are setting a great example for those of us who are new to this.
Brilliant post. Read it if you want a quit-boost!
This is the coolest thing I have read here in a while worktowin! THANK YOU! The prescription for success is so simple! The failures do not want freedom bad enough. JUNE! Protect your quits! ;Ironman:
Omg another bad ass rant. I am loving this site tonight. Now,,,,,,, what should I do with this hard on you guys gave me lol.
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline rdad

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #176 on: March 22, 2014, 08:12:00 PM »
Quote from: brettlees
Quote from: slinger
Quote from: worktowin
Day 454

Do any of you remember the villain Bizarro?  The mirrored opposite of Superman?  Well, this week it seems like a hell of a lot of brothers are taking the Bizarro approach to the Kill The Can quit system!

June 2014 seems to be another stop on a series of stops some of these serial stoppers are taking.  Brothers from 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 all coming back to June.  Why did they fail?  Well, the 3 questions are always answered a little differently.  By the way, don't take this entry in my intro as an answer any of these questions, because I haven't caved! But I do know why every single one of them failed.  So I will answer for them...

Answer:  They stopped posting.

I have, for 454 days, read every new intro post on this board.  And well over 1,000 quitters have joined the ranks in the days since I joined.  Only three caved after posting.  Those 3 men had no integrity - they came back and left very quickly after coming back - these halls are not lined with men that lack integrity.  I don't even count those three sociopaths in this lineup, but that still leaves an awful lot of cavers.  What about them?  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE... stopped posting.  They got comfortable.  They got busy.  Who knows, who cares why.... they just stopped. 

Many of us spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on insurance products every year.  Insurance for our cars, our boats, our motorcycles, our eyes... teeth... lives... houses.... cats.... dogs....  15 seconds a day is all that it takes to insure your quit.  You post your promise.  You keep your word (unless you are a sociopath.)  Free insurance?  What fucking moron would pass up a free insurance policy that pays you back every day you use it?  Look around... lots of morons abound these days...

Bruce,  BigWhiteBeast, DCHogs, MCarmo, Syndrome (who can't spell worth a shit LOL) and many, many others don't spend as much time on this board as they do because they are bored or have nothing else to do.  They do it to pay it forward, and to insure their quit!  Follow their lead, and success is guaranteed!

While I'm on the subject, I've seen a lot of kinda sappy "life is sure tough and it seems like nicotine might make it better but I know it won't so I'm not gonna cave" BS lately.  Here are some of the "great" memories of nicotine that I have:

--gave me anxiety every time I went to the dentist
--was a key factor in a series of very serious health problems I have overcome
--took away at least an hour a day from my beautiful wife (ninja master here)
--probably ran up my water bill by $2,000 over 25 years since I took so many long showers to hide my addiction
--stole around forty thousand dollars (like smashing a new Lexus into a brick wall) from me
--gave me a fog that took away over a month of my life memories when I quit
--night sweats
--dip dreams
--remember the stomach problems for 30 after quitting???  Good memories there...

I could keep typing this list all day long.  Nicotine didn't do one goddamn good thing for me, and... it didn't for you either. We are all different, but we are all alike.  Next time one of you wants to romanticize nicotine or talk about caving, contact me and I'll beat some sense into you.  It doesn't make you do yard work better, it doesn't make you hunt better, it doesn't do one positive good thing.  Not one, and every single one of us knows it.

In case I wasn't clear earlier, I will close with this... you wanna quit?  Post roll every day.  NOT every day to 100.  NOT every day until your group all hits 100.  Not to 200.  Not to 500.  Not to 1000.  Post roll every damn day!  Take the time to care about yourself, your family, and your quit family.  Its bad enough to take a shit on yourself by caving... but to shit on your entire group.... man that isn't what brotherhood is about.

Enough ranting for today.  Quit on.
Great post. Thanks to you and all the vets who are setting a great example for those of us who are new to this.
Brilliant post. Read it if you want a quit-boost!
This is the coolest thing I have read here in a while worktowin! THANK YOU! The prescription for success is so simple! The failures do not want freedom bad enough. JUNE! Protect your quits! ;Ironman: