First of all, I would like to introduce my self.
I am 36 years old with 2 boys (13 2) and a baby girl on the way (Feb. 14).
I have been dipping and smoking on and off since I was 15. Really started the every day stuff in 1993 after Marine Corps Basic.
Quit smoking 6 months ago and that was easy compared to day two of this not dipping. Could be because I was also dipping. Anyway here I am. I want to see my kids grow up (not mourn for a dad that is addicted to nicotine)
Welcome aboard devil dog! Guess what? You have all the training you ever need in order to be successful at quitting. The words that are likely tattooed on your body somewhere says it all..."Semper Fi."
Post roll every day...that means you are giving your word the EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US that you will not use that day...Semper Fi...
Having a hard time and struggling and feeling the craves kicking up hard? Make sure you have numbers to call/text...this is PARAMOUNT...Semper Fi...
Heck, I'm on day 678 and some of my brother noticed that I hadn't been on in a while...I've slacked off...but they texted me out of the blue just to make sure I was ok...and still quit...and it brought me back into posting roll and getting actively involved in the quit again...Semper Fi...
You have lots of people on here willing to watch your back and be there for long as you do your part...Semper Fi...
Best piece of advice I ever got when I started my quit...DO THIS FOR YOU AND NOBODY ELSE. You have to make it about yourself. Sure, your family will benefit from you quitting, but never make the quit about them.
Buckle's gonna be a bumpy ride...but one well worth the trip. Oh, and drop the "want to be" attitude...either you are going to be or you aren't. Make up your mind now and that's it. Semper Fi.
CoachDoc (and yeah, there are a lot of Marines on here...and a few of us old Devil Docs, too)