Hello all - I don't quite know what I'm doing, but figured I'd post my intro and story.
First started chewing off and on in high school. Started becoming a serious habit freshman year of college and have been a 1 to 2 cans/day dipper ever since. 5 years later and I've decided it is time to give up my Grizz Wintergreen. The health consequences can be scary, but it's never concerned me enough to quit. It's taken this realization of how much control it has over my life. It's ridiculous to think about how much time and energy has been put into sustaining this addiction, and the only thing I've gotten in return is guilt and feeling self conscious.
Haha - it actually is crazy. If I could add up all of the time where my thoughts have been related to dipping in some of way or another - it would be insane. Hours, Days, Weeks, probably even Months. It's time to take that back and get a little control.
Threw my last can of Grizz away 4 days ago. I did switch to the nicotine gum and snus for a couple days. It was a significant drop in the nicotine I'm used to, but it still wasn't quitting. I started lurking around here, and everything I read called me out. It was enough to get me to throw that crap away. Thank god it did, I knew I was bullshitting myself and just needed to hear it.
So the last time I ever used nicotine (of any kind) was 11/10/17 at 10am. Day 2 now - it's rough but I'm feeling positive. Figured I'd sign up and post today. I feel like I've truly quit for good this time and there's no way I'll go back. But everything I've read says joining is extemely important, so here I am.
Well....thanks for letting me rant. Here we goooooo!!!!