Welcome! The September Samurai Quit Group will be your home once you decide to quit. It is based on the month you will achieve 100 days clean. Visit the Samurai Quit Group page to learn how to post roll call every day.
topic/11155274/#new/Your official first day will be the first day you post roll call, which is a commitment to yourself and each of your quit brothers/sisters that you are clean for that day. So get over to the Samurai Quit Group and post roll on Friday morning. I don't mind so much that you have a plan for Friday. I'm a 38 year dipper who is a lawyer and CEO, so I stopped on a Friday too so that I could use the weekend for my first 2 fog days. What I do mind is if you are waiting til Friday because you don't have the gumption to make your quit stick... and that's why these other guys are giving you a push to quit now. But no matter, any permanent quit is a good quit, whether it starts today or tomorrow.
Your job is to honor your quit one day at a time. Just get thru tomorrow my friend...Do not cave in to the cravings. And then Saturday morning, post roll again and repeat that every damn day.
As you know, the first few days suck, but by Day 10+, things start to get a lot easier. Drink lots of water and/or cranberry juice. Exercise and sweat out the toxins. Stay away from alcohol for the next couple weeks so it doesn't weaken your resolve. It'll take 3 days for the nicotine to physically get out of your system, and then the real mental battle starts fighting the cravings your brain's nicotine receptors so badly want. You can do this. Many of us old dogs are 30+ year dippers and are now proud to be free.
Proud to quit with you. PM me anytime that you need help. Also, people here share their cell numbers, especially during the first few weeks because I promise you that you are going to want to text or call someone when you start having a craving. Really, really helps to have someone in your corner at that moment.