screw off DICK... you're already counting the poor guy out without knowing what is going on. Talking all kinds of shit .. you don't have a clue what's happening. Maybe the poor guy is in the hospital.. I never said anything about not liking this site.. I do.. hell I read it almost daily. But different people have respond better to different methods.. It's like half you guys want people to fail... ass wipe
We have a method here that works. We see success rates in the 40% range, but only from those guys who follow the plan.
Before I found this site, it was impossible for me to Quit. I would stop all the time, but I could never Quit. I also thought I was completely alone in the world. I found this site, and realized there are thousands of guys who get it, and who get me. Guys like Twort. So we become passionate. This site and it's road to Freedom (in our eyes) can not be challenged.
Guys that make one post and never return are probably still stuffing their face, and that pisses me off, becuase that is one other man who we could have helped save.
True, we are not everyone's flavor. True, you can quit this addiction without us, but if you're here every day reading, and getting something out of it, just ask yourself how much more you'd get out of it if you were all-in?
If you practice what we preach around here, your success rate expands infinitely.
And don't call him a dick. If he didn't care about you, or huntsman being Quit, he would have just ignored you.