This is the spot where you post your own personal introduction and continue to use it as a personal journal as you need throughout your quit. Everyone gets 1 of these personal introduction posts. The quit group postings look more like a list of names and days quit that you cut and paste each day adding to the list. Go back and check your post to make sure you don't get bumped from the list as other people post their quit pledges. Its always a good idea to double check to make sure you didn't bump someone off the list and if you do, go ahead and add them back to it with a little note (bump fix) next to their name.
Everyone bumps someone sooner or later, some more than others. Shit happens.
This is something you learn after 180 days of posting on here
Haha, Okay. Yea still a noob at this, but this sight gives me something that quiting alone cannot provide. Im trying to be an active member here. I have never used a blog before in my life ~"I know thats sad, right"~ but I appreciate everything yall do. at day 10 and I feel much better than the first few days, still got alot to work on, but; I think the Physical withdrawl is over? right? now its more of a psychological withdrawl, Gotta keep my guard up. I have moments where "Im missing something" and it kinda slows me down. Cant wait to get past that. Startin to feel better about alot of things, reading and studying are getting back to baseline and surprising enough, I feel like my focus to detail and attention is begining to improve beyond what any substance could provide. I dont have the initial kick in the pants"motivation" from the nic bitch to begin a task, but once I begin a task without using, I derive my pleasure from the task itself and soon forget about needing nic. My duration of pleasure and/or attention to task at hand is no longer limited by the ffects and duration of a drug. I see clearer now, and I often literaly see things bigger,brighter and more intouch with reality compared to using. Once agan, thank you to everyone; from Superfly. This is Sparta!!