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Re: Here again
« Reply #73 on: September 24, 2021, 08:46:05 AM »
It's crazy to say, day 11. Again.  Never thought I'd be this far again and I couldn't do it without KTC.  The cravings are real.  Never leave the house without SMC and seeds.  Those two items can help save a quit through the worst of craves.  Finally out of the fog and now the mind games commence. Staying busy has helped me more than anything.  Those wildcard posts. " One word, two word and 3 word". Those posts keep me busy and puts my mind in other places.  Staying active helps.  I've gotten a lot of numbers and it's awesome to have that accountability with your quit brothers and sisters. I'll never hesitate to text if I need to be talked off a ledge and people can text me as well.  I'll always be available to help anyone.
Wild card was my jam the first 100 days for me as well. i still hit use it alot to get my mind clear. something simple and funny about it lol
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
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Offline 05wrxing

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Re: Here again
« Reply #72 on: September 23, 2021, 08:54:28 PM »
It's crazy to say, day 11. Again.  Never thought I'd be this far again and I couldn't do it without KTC.  The cravings are real.  Never leave the house without SMC and seeds.  Those two items can help save a quit through the worst of craves.  Finally out of the fog and now the mind games commence. Staying busy has helped me more than anything.  Those wildcard posts. " One word, two word and 3 word". Those posts keep me busy and puts my mind in other places.  Staying active helps.  I've gotten a lot of numbers and it's awesome to have that accountability with your quit brothers and sisters. I'll never hesitate to text if I need to be talked off a ledge and people can text me as well.  I'll always be available to help anyone. 
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

QUIT 9-13-21

Offline 05wrxing

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Re: Here again
« Reply #71 on: September 14, 2021, 10:38:07 PM »
Welcome back dude. Glad to be quit with you today. I hope that commitment to be active is wholehearted.

Zombo Funk 504 / 405

Thank you my friend.  I'm glad to be quit with you as well.   Being active is something I do wholeheartedly plan to do.  That's what keeps my mind busy and away from the thoughts that are the suck.  Plus, if I can help someone else stay quit too, I'll spend most all of my time online here.   
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

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Re: Here again
« Reply #70 on: September 14, 2021, 10:08:33 PM »
Welcome back dude. Glad to be quit with you today. I hope that commitment to be active is wholehearted.

Zombo Funk 504 / 405

Offline 05wrxing

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Re: Here again
« Reply #69 on: September 14, 2021, 08:02:27 PM »
Hey @05wrxing - since each quitter gets only one intro, I merged your old one with your new one.

Thanks for reinforcing the fact that complacency kills. I always ask myself if I would be successful out there on my own but then an instance like this comes up and reminds me that the 30 seconds it takes to post roll is cheap insurance in this daily battle.

Let's drill down here and have you answer the 3 questions:

1.) What happened?
2.) Why did it happen?
3.) What are you going to do differently this time?

Take a bit of time and get to the root of each of these. This isn't a test to appease us. These are for you to dig introspectively so you don't repeat your mistakes.

#1.  Between the pressures of life and everything in between, I picked up that dip and thought I could just have one.  I was dead wrong.

#2. It happened because I was complacent.  I was that person that thought they could kick nicotine on their own, without posting roll.
I can't and I hope my being back here helps everyone to understand that even after years of not dipping, when you stop posting roll, you lose focus.  you get complacent and you end up dipping again. When I let dip back into my life, I threw away 5 years.

#3.  I'm going to post roll every single day! No matter what.  I'm going to stay away from all of my triggers.   I've tried and failed many times to quit dipping and I need this place.  I will be active. I will post roll.  I will do whatever it takes to never dip again.  I'm going to use all of the tools here to succeed and I will help everyone around me never lose focus like I did.

I couldn't get past #1...
BULLSHIT.  You have posted over 5700 times and you thought you could get away with just one?  I haven't wasted my time going through your posts but I've been here long enough to know that with the time you put in that's complete nonsense.
Try again...

Bullshit or not. I caved. Plain and simple. Whatever the reasons were.   I can't change that.  At that time, I stepped away from this place and thought I could make it on my own.  I couldn't. I failed and that's on me.  Did I think one wouldn't hurt me?  Absolutely I did. I fell for that.  5700 hundred posts later, I still fell for it.  I take complete accountability.  It's my fault.  I was stupid.  I fucked up.
2029 days quit. I’ve posted roll somewhere on every one of these. In the end, it’s easier to post roll than to deal with relapse.

Absolutely it is.  I hope a lot of other quitters can learn from me on this.   Posting roll and quitting is everything.   I'm here struggling through another suck because of my choices.  I'm struggling like hell.  I'm here though.  Reading and posting.
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

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Re: Here again
« Reply #68 on: September 14, 2021, 07:50:22 PM »
Hey @05wrxing - since each quitter gets only one intro, I merged your old one with your new one.

Thanks for reinforcing the fact that complacency kills. I always ask myself if I would be successful out there on my own but then an instance like this comes up and reminds me that the 30 seconds it takes to post roll is cheap insurance in this daily battle.

Let's drill down here and have you answer the 3 questions:

1.) What happened?
2.) Why did it happen?
3.) What are you going to do differently this time?

Take a bit of time and get to the root of each of these. This isn't a test to appease us. These are for you to dig introspectively so you don't repeat your mistakes.

#1.  Between the pressures of life and everything in between, I picked up that dip and thought I could just have one.  I was dead wrong.

#2. It happened because I was complacent.  I was that person that thought they could kick nicotine on their own, without posting roll.
I can't and I hope my being back here helps everyone to understand that even after years of not dipping, when you stop posting roll, you lose focus.  you get complacent and you end up dipping again. When I let dip back into my life, I threw away 5 years.

#3.  I'm going to post roll every single day! No matter what.  I'm going to stay away from all of my triggers.   I've tried and failed many times to quit dipping and I need this place.  I will be active. I will post roll.  I will do whatever it takes to never dip again.  I'm going to use all of the tools here to succeed and I will help everyone around me never lose focus like I did.

I couldn't get past #1...
BULLSHIT.  You have posted over 5700 times and you thought you could get away with just one?  I haven't wasted my time going through your posts but I've been here long enough to know that with the time you put in that's complete nonsense.
Try again...

Bullshit or not. I caved. Plain and simple. Whatever the reasons were.   I can't change that.  At that time, I stepped away from this place and thought I could make it on my own.  I couldn't. I failed and that's on me.  Did I think one wouldn't hurt me?  Absolutely I did. I fell for that.  5700 hundred posts later, I still fell for it.  I take complete accountability.  It's my fault.  I was stupid.  I fucked up.
2029 days quit. I’ve posted roll somewhere on every one of these. In the end, it’s easier to post roll than to deal with relapse.
“Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of helping someone else, everything". - Danny Trejo

Offline 05wrxing

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Re: Here again
« Reply #67 on: September 14, 2021, 07:40:19 PM »
Hey @05wrxing - since each quitter gets only one intro, I merged your old one with your new one.

Thanks for reinforcing the fact that complacency kills. I always ask myself if I would be successful out there on my own but then an instance like this comes up and reminds me that the 30 seconds it takes to post roll is cheap insurance in this daily battle.

Let's drill down here and have you answer the 3 questions:

1.) What happened?
2.) Why did it happen?
3.) What are you going to do differently this time?

Take a bit of time and get to the root of each of these. This isn't a test to appease us. These are for you to dig introspectively so you don't repeat your mistakes.

#1.  Between the pressures of life and everything in between, I picked up that dip and thought I could just have one.  I was dead wrong.

#2. It happened because I was complacent.  I was that person that thought they could kick nicotine on their own, without posting roll.
I can't and I hope my being back here helps everyone to understand that even after years of not dipping, when you stop posting roll, you lose focus.  you get complacent and you end up dipping again. When I let dip back into my life, I threw away 5 years.

#3.  I'm going to post roll every single day! No matter what.  I'm going to stay away from all of my triggers.   I've tried and failed many times to quit dipping and I need this place.  I will be active. I will post roll.  I will do whatever it takes to never dip again.  I'm going to use all of the tools here to succeed and I will help everyone around me never lose focus like I did.

I couldn't get past #1...
BULLSHIT.  You have posted over 5700 times and you thought you could get away with just one?  I haven't wasted my time going through your posts but I've been here long enough to know that with the time you put in that's complete nonsense.
Try again...

Bullshit or not. I caved. Plain and simple. Whatever the reasons were.   I can't change that.  At that time, I stepped away from this place and thought I could make it on my own.  I couldn't. I failed and that's on me.  Did I think one wouldn't hurt me?  Absolutely I did. I fell for that.  5700 hundred posts later, I still fell for it.  I take complete accountability.  It's my fault.  I was stupid.  I fucked up.
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

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Offline stillbrewing

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Re: Here again
« Reply #66 on: September 14, 2021, 07:27:45 PM »
Hey @05wrxing - since each quitter gets only one intro, I merged your old one with your new one.

Thanks for reinforcing the fact that complacency kills. I always ask myself if I would be successful out there on my own but then an instance like this comes up and reminds me that the 30 seconds it takes to post roll is cheap insurance in this daily battle.

Let's drill down here and have you answer the 3 questions:

1.) What happened?
2.) Why did it happen?
3.) What are you going to do differently this time?

Take a bit of time and get to the root of each of these. This isn't a test to appease us. These are for you to dig introspectively so you don't repeat your mistakes.

#1.  Between the pressures of life and everything in between, I picked up that dip and thought I could just have one.  I was dead wrong.

#2. It happened because I was complacent.  I was that person that thought they could kick nicotine on their own, without posting roll.
I can't and I hope my being back here helps everyone to understand that even after years of not dipping, when you stop posting roll, you lose focus.  you get complacent and you end up dipping again. When I let dip back into my life, I threw away 5 years.

#3.  I'm going to post roll every single day! No matter what.  I'm going to stay away from all of my triggers.   I've tried and failed many times to quit dipping and I need this place.  I will be active. I will post roll.  I will do whatever it takes to never dip again.  I'm going to use all of the tools here to succeed and I will help everyone around me never lose focus like I did.

I couldn't get past #1...
BULLSHIT.  You have posted over 5700 times and you thought you could get away with just one?  I haven't wasted my time going through your posts but I've been here long enough to know that with the time you put in that's complete nonsense.
Try again...
"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes all worth living.  So, love the life you live, live the life you love." - Bob Marley

“La tristesse durera toujours." ~ Vincent van Gogh

"You can fuck off all the way to fuckoff mountain and jump off FUCKOFF point for all i care. Just post and stay quit." ~MikeW2018~

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Offline 05wrxing

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Re: Here again
« Reply #65 on: September 14, 2021, 09:40:20 AM »
Hey @05wrxing - since each quitter gets only one intro, I merged your old one with your new one.

Thanks for reinforcing the fact that complacency kills. I always ask myself if I would be successful out there on my own but then an instance like this comes up and reminds me that the 30 seconds it takes to post roll is cheap insurance in this daily battle.

Let's drill down here and have you answer the 3 questions:

1.) What happened?
2.) Why did it happen?
3.) What are you going to do differently this time?

Take a bit of time and get to the root of each of these. This isn't a test to appease us. These are for you to dig introspectively so you don't repeat your mistakes.

#1.  Between the pressures of life and everything in between, I picked up that dip and thought I could just have one.  I was dead wrong.

#2. It happened because I was complacent.  I was that person that thought they could kick nicotine on their own, without posting roll.
I can't and I hope my being back here helps everyone to understand that even after years of not dipping, when you stop posting roll, you lose focus.  you get complacent and you end up dipping again. When I let dip back into my life, I threw away 5 years.

#3.  I'm going to post roll every single day! No matter what.  I'm going to stay away from all of my triggers.   I've tried and failed many times to quit dipping and I need this place.  I will be active. I will post roll.  I will do whatever it takes to never dip again.  I'm going to use all of the tools here to succeed and I will help everyone around me never lose focus like I did.
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

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Re: Here again
« Reply #64 on: September 14, 2021, 09:14:27 AM »
Hey @05wrxing - since each quitter gets only one intro, I merged your old one with your new one.

Thanks for reinforcing the fact that complacency kills. I always ask myself if I would be successful out there on my own but then an instance like this comes up and reminds me that the 30 seconds it takes to post roll is cheap insurance in this daily battle.

Let's drill down here and have you answer the 3 questions:

1.) What happened?
2.) Why did it happen?
3.) What are you going to do differently this time?

Take a bit of time and get to the root of each of these. This isn't a test to appease us. These are for you to dig introspectively so you don't repeat your mistakes.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 09:20:31 AM by MNxEngineer »
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Offline 05wrxing

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Here again
« Reply #63 on: September 13, 2021, 09:59:17 PM »
It's been many years since I've been on this site but here I am. Crawling my ass back with my tail between my legs.  After a 5 year break, I caved and I let the devil that is nicotine come back into my life.  I need all the help I can get on this journey as I have just posted my day 1 in the December group and thrown out everything I had.  Never again will I let nicotine control my life.  I will post roll every single day. 
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

QUIT 9-13-21

Offline 05wrxing

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Re: finally quitting for good.
« Reply #62 on: December 24, 2013, 07:48:00 PM »
Just wanted to wish all of you here a very Merry Christmas!!!
Experience is the name we give to our mistakes." Oscar Wilde

Roll call is not a daily attendance sheet, it is a daily pledge" - Boelker62

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Re: finally quitting for good.
« Reply #61 on: December 17, 2013, 08:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Pinched
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: 05wrxing
Well it's been a while since I have posted in here so I figured it was about damn time! Over the last 100 days or so I have struggled a lot, not with staying quit or anything like that but just being acountable. I have saw many people come and go from this site for many different reasons rather it be because they caved, couldn't handle the heat or just didn't like what we do but, I will do everything in my power to not be one of the people that just dissappear, never to be heared from again! Things are finally looking up and now I should be able to post more support for all of my brothers and sisters and not just post and run like I have been. The nic bitch plays us with so many different weapons trying to get us back in her clutches but we all just have to stay strong and tell her to go fuck herself with a poison dick!!! I never would be able to be strong enough if it wasn't for all of you here! I even went and got a facebook page for the first time and I hope to add all of you guys and gals as friends for even more accountibility!!! Thank you for everything!!!
Keep up the great work 05. I think I will stick around and quit with you.
The best thing you can do is be here and know that you have touched the lives of many quitters no matter how accountable you have been recently.

I am lad to see you back and posting up in here brother.
glad to hear everything is alright, be glad to see you posting about in other groups.

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Re: finally quitting for good.
« Reply #60 on: December 16, 2013, 09:28:00 PM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: 05wrxing
Well it's been a while since I have posted in here so I figured it was about damn time! Over the last 100 days or so I have struggled a lot, not with staying quit or anything like that but just being acountable. I have saw many people come and go from this site for many different reasons rather it be because they caved, couldn't handle the heat or just didn't like what we do but, I will do everything in my power to not be one of the people that just dissappear, never to be heared from again! Things are finally looking up and now I should be able to post more support for all of my brothers and sisters and not just post and run like I have been. The nic bitch plays us with so many different weapons trying to get us back in her clutches but we all just have to stay strong and tell her to go fuck herself with a poison dick!!! I never would be able to be strong enough if it wasn't for all of you here! I even went and got a facebook page for the first time and I hope to add all of you guys and gals as friends for even more accountibility!!! Thank you for everything!!!
Keep up the great work 05. I think I will stick around and quit with you.
The best thing you can do is be here and know that you have touched the lives of many quitters no matter how accountable you have been recently.

I am lad to see you back and posting up in here brother.
"If you want to quit then stop talking and just QUIT. If you want to kill yourself a bullet is cheaper and faster than a tin, plus it eliminates my hearing you whine and cry like a bitch."

Best thing I have read on KTC...Submitted by tgafish on 7/3/14

Former Skoal Straight and Cope Longcut user that started at the age of 12. QUIT on 7/15/13

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Re: finally quitting for good.
« Reply #59 on: December 16, 2013, 09:01:00 PM »
Quote from: 05wrxing
Well it's been a while since I have posted in here so I figured it was about damn time! Over the last 100 days or so I have struggled a lot, not with staying quit or anything like that but just being acountable. I have saw many people come and go from this site for many different reasons rather it be because they caved, couldn't handle the heat or just didn't like what we do but, I will do everything in my power to not be one of the people that just dissappear, never to be heared from again! Things are finally looking up and now I should be able to post more support for all of my brothers and sisters and not just post and run like I have been. The nic bitch plays us with so many different weapons trying to get us back in her clutches but we all just have to stay strong and tell her to go fuck herself with a poison dick!!! I never would be able to be strong enough if it wasn't for all of you here! I even went and got a facebook page for the first time and I hope to add all of you guys and gals as friends for even more accountibility!!! Thank you for everything!!!
Keep up the great work 05. I think I will stick around and quit with you.