Author Topic: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!  (Read 2640 times)

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Offline FuFuTheSnu

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2013, 08:43:00 PM »
Just wanted to follow up on day 25... The last three days have been worse than the preceding 22. Major craves for some reason, but Jakes Mint is pulling me through. I know others have made this claim, but, is it possible that coming to this site every day somehow keeps chew and chewing in the front of my mind and makes the cravings more frequent? Like, if I never came here, would I just stop thinking about chewing and eventually just "forget" I ever liked Skoal? I guess I doubt it. Doesn't seem like that's how addiction works. But the mind games, man, they're sinister. But for every thought I have like that, I probably have three or four thoughts saying things like, "Why would you go back to something so dangerous? Where's the upside? Why did you do it I the first place? What was so great about it, and what, specifically, do you think you're missing out on now?" Those are not thoughts I had during other (failed) quit attempts, and I know it's the KTC connection that is making that happen, and those thoughts are helping to keep me clean. So, I guess I'm sort of answering my own questions here. Anyway, just wanted to get that in writing and off my chest. It'll be nice to read this on day 100, 500, etc and remember what this was like.

Hey by the way, are there any members on this site that don't have a strong opinion on the 2nd amendment? :) I gotta stay outta the politics threads - guns are blazin'.
So, you see, the puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy... was a DOG. But the industry, my friends, THAT was a revolution.

Offline akhillbille

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2013, 11:21:00 PM »
Quote from: FuFuTheSnu
Quote from: akhillbille
How's it going FuFu? Popping in to say Stay Quit.
Going pretty well ak, thanks. Stay quit yourself. Yesterday wasn't the easiest, so I tried some smokey mountain last night and it was decent. It's the oral fixation now more than the nicotine. I'm sure that obstacle will be overcome with time as well. I've got some Jakes Mint on the way just in case it takes longer than I'd like. But I honestly can't imagine going back now. With the fake stuff available and the daily commitment here, I just don't see myself messing with tobacco ever again. But tomorrow is a different day, and circumstances will change and my emotional state will fluctuate, etc., so, keeping my guard up for the time being. It's only been 13 days but it seems like months since my last can of Skoal, and I don't miss it a bit. I guess I'm a little foggy maybe, but, jumping on the treadmill usually clears my head. How you feelin? I assume you're staying strong, fighting the good fight, etc.? Let me know if/when you need any help or whatever. Is there a shitload of chew on Kodiak Island? I'm assuming there is :)
Good work man.

I'm up in NOrth Pole. Many people chew up here. I just bought some Smokey Mountain myself as that's the only alternative I could find up here. Only used it once. I see it the same as you. I just couldn't see myself goinng back but the guard must stay up.

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2013, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: FuFuTheSnu
Quote from: akhillbille
How's it going FuFu? Popping in to say Stay Quit.
Going pretty well ak, thanks. Stay quit yourself. Yesterday wasn't the easiest, so I tried some smokey mountain last night and it was decent. It's the oral fixation now more than the nicotine. I'm sure that obstacle will be overcome with time as well. I've got some Jakes Mint on the way just in case it takes longer than I'd like. But I honestly can't imagine going back now. With the fake stuff available and the daily commitment here, I just don't see myself messing with tobacco ever again. But tomorrow is a different day, and circumstances will change and my emotional state will fluctuate, etc., so, keeping my guard up for the time being. It's only been 13 days but it seems like months since my last can of Skoal, and I don't miss it a bit. I guess I'm a little foggy maybe, but, jumping on the treadmill usually clears my head. How you feelin? I assume you're staying strong, fighting the good fight, etc.? Let me know if/when you need any help or whatever. Is there a shitload of chew on Kodiak Island? I'm assuming there is :)
Good job guys.
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Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

Offline FuFuTheSnu

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2013, 02:33:00 PM »
Quote from: akhillbille
How's it going FuFu? Popping in to say Stay Quit.
Going pretty well ak, thanks. Stay quit yourself. Yesterday wasn't the easiest, so I tried some smokey mountain last night and it was decent. It's the oral fixation now more than the nicotine. I'm sure that obstacle will be overcome with time as well. I've got some Jakes Mint on the way just in case it takes longer than I'd like. But I honestly can't imagine going back now. With the fake stuff available and the daily commitment here, I just don't see myself messing with tobacco ever again. But tomorrow is a different day, and circumstances will change and my emotional state will fluctuate, etc., so, keeping my guard up for the time being. It's only been 13 days but it seems like months since my last can of Skoal, and I don't miss it a bit. I guess I'm a little foggy maybe, but, jumping on the treadmill usually clears my head. How you feelin? I assume you're staying strong, fighting the good fight, etc.? Let me know if/when you need any help or whatever. Is there a shitload of chew on Kodiak Island? I'm assuming there is :)
So, you see, the puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy... was a DOG. But the industry, my friends, THAT was a revolution.

Offline akhillbille

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2013, 01:56:00 PM »
How's it going FuFu? Popping in to say Stay Quit.

Offline akhillbille

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 12:00:00 AM »
Congrats on the quit. I'm on day 8 heading to day 9. Posting roll and meaning the promise you will stay quit has definitley been a help. Look at it as if you go against that promise you are lying to yourself. You are doing this for you. We should treat ourselves way better than we have in the past. And one great piece of advice given to me today was to help and show support to others. Yours is the first thread I've posted on and it's weird how it seems to help me and hopefully help you.

Stay Quit!!!

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2013, 05:24:00 PM »

CONGRATS!!! Loved the intro. You're toe to toe with the Nic Bitch right now. Keep fighting. Like Churchill said, "If you're going through Hell, keep going."

The good news is that you'll be one of those security guards without a weapon standing around in the concession stand area of a mega-plex movie theatre in the suburbs somewhere before you know it. Remember to wear comfortable shoes.

Offline FuFuTheSnu

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 04:41:00 PM »
Thanks for the welcome guys. I appreciate the responses 30isEnuff, Radman, Wt57, SmokeyG (Smackaho), and srans. Anders Breivik references aside, I think that at this point and for the foreseeable future, my defenses will be at a “Navy Seal Holy Shit North Korea Just Nuked Seattle” level of alertness. Over time and with practice, I’ll hopefully be able to dial it down to “Beat Cop in South Central Los Angeles”. From there it’s “Sheriff of Mayberry”, and finally on to “Martha’s Vineyard Pet Detective”.
So, you see, the puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy... was a DOG. But the industry, my friends, THAT was a revolution.

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Radman
Welcome, sir. That was an excellent intro. You have learned a lot here, but admittedly have more to learn. That is key. Never stop adapting.

SmokeyG made a good analogy about the guards. He once again exhibited his literary prowess. I'm about half as far as Smokey, day 939 to be exact, and I agree with him. I am still quit before all else, but the quit has shifted to a passive act most of the time. I still post roll just in case, but the real craves are rare. I still have one now and then, but they're much easier to brush off. But, even with that said, I am still just one moment of weakness away from the situation I was in back on September 14, 2010. There is no such thing as just one, so I've made my promise today.

I've seen guys wander away from KTC and cave after hundreds of days. It scares me. Could I suffer that same fate? Possibly, so I've made my promise today.

Regardless what happens in the next 24 hours, I've made my promise today.

You are on the right path. Don't look ahead of you at 18000 days. We have made our promise today.
Post roll, make your promise for just today. It's the only way to "be" quit.
Welcome to real freedom, it's worth fighting for! 'bang head'
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 08:22:00 AM »
Welcome, sir. That was an excellent intro. You have learned a lot here, but admittedly have more to learn. That is key. Never stop adapting.

SmokeyG made a good analogy about the guards. He once again exhibited his literary prowess.  I'm about half as far as Smokey, day 939 to be exact, and I agree with him. I am still quit before all else, but the quit has shifted to a passive act most of the time. I still post roll just in case, but the real craves are rare. I still have one now and then, but they're much easier to brush off. But, even with that said, I am still just one moment of weakness away from the situation I was in back on September 14, 2010. There is no such thing as just one, so I've made my promise today.

I've seen guys wander away from KTC and cave after hundreds of days. It scares me. Could I suffer that same fate? Possibly, so I've made my promise today.

Regardless what happens in the next 24 hours, I've made my promise today.

You are on the right path. Don't look ahead of you at 18000 days. We have made our promise today.

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 07:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Smokeyg
Quote from: srans
Quote from: FuFuTheSnu
I’m on day 9.  If I’m lucky I’ve got 18,000+ left.  Then again, luck may have nothing to do with it.  I’ve been posting roll since day 3, and I’ve been reading the site for 2-3 hours a day ever since.  At some point I’ll have to cut back on that I’m sure.  But so far, this site has been extremely helpful to me.  Reading through the personal testimonies, I am realizing that, if there are degrees of addiction (there may not be - I’m not sure how addiction theory works – something I’ll learn soon I’m sure), I “don’t have it as bad” as some on this site.  I started when I was 15 (I’m 35, male, wife and two boys, Minneapolis, hihowareya) and only stopped once (for 6 weeks) randomly a couple of years ago.  My cancer catalyst of choice was Skoal Wintergreen EXTRA (so much cheaper! And full of EXTRAness!).  I never chewed right away in the morning.  I never really hid it from my wife.  I never “ninja dipped” at work.  For me, my Monday thru Friday fix was strictly 1) while driving to work, 2) lunch break, 3) driving home from work, and occasionally 4) late night watching TV.  But I noticed over the last two years that I was taking larger and larger chews, to the point where I was going through just a shade under a can a day (spread across just 3-4 chews!).  So, yeah, giant chews.  It’s a good look that women find irresistible.  And then on weekends, I’d throw down a few Coors Lights and that’s when the floodgates really opened up.  On a given Friday or Saturday night, I’d be going through 2 cans easily.  My mouth felt like 1945 Dresden every morning.  Pretty ridiculous.  But actually kind of tame, based on what I’m seeing in the writings of some others around this site.  And that’s what I’m getting out of KTC right now, and why it is such a help to me:  I am realizing that I am not alone in this.  I mean, I always knew I could probably go find some sort of quit group somewhere if I really wanted to, but the folks on this site (15 f’ing THOUSAND of them) are exactly the kind of the “support group” I need.  A bunch of individuals that lay it out very simply – post roll every day, become involved, and keep your damn word.  It’s seems pretty simple.  Accountability and pride.  I’m at the point now where I’m supposedly past the physical addiction.  This hasn’t been too tough for me so far.  I’ve made minor lifestyle adjustments here and there and it has gone well.  But I haven’t really stared temptation in the eye yet.  I haven’t been out on the first tee (it’s still snowing here in MN), I haven’t hung around my chewing buddies, I haven’t done any yard work (the damn snow), I haven’t gone to the pub to play a round of darts yet, etc.  I keep oscillating between being very confident in my quit (as Notdeadyet says, “I am not capable of caving because I have eliminated the option of dipping from my life”), and being scared shitless that this is all a house of cards and it’s going to come crashing down at any moment because I am not prepared to deal with the unknown “crave” or “trigger” or “cave opportunity” that lurks right around the corner.  So I guess I’ll do it one day at a time, keeping my guard up at all times?  At all times?  Is that really how it works?  I have to be “on guard” 24 hours a day for the next 18,000?  I guess I can accept that.  Whatever it takes.  I’m done with chew for today; that much I know.  And I don’t know what I don’t know, so every situation is a potential threat until proven otherwise, right?  Let’s do this.  Sorry for the serpentine rambling.  Thanks for reading.  I just wanted to introduce myself to you all, so you could begin to hold me accountable (or help me to hold myself accountable).  I will be here daily.
good read fu fu. Glad to be quit with you....
FuFutheSnu - there's gotta be a great back story to this one. Me, Smokeyg is my middle school gang name. Smackaho.

I'm coming up 1,800 days quit soon - 1/10 of your remaining life expectancy. I'm still on guard 24 hours a day, but I'm more like the Norwegian Guards in front of the palace in Oslo. Usually, no worries, but once in a blue moon some crazy racist fucker tries to blow up my city and execute a bunch of kids on a remote island. It's then I fall back on my training and daily roll post.
No fufu luck, just commitment to your daily promise. Im Day 374 quit 14,500+ days an addict. The only luck is finding a bunch of bad ass quitters here at KTC. Pm me if you need anything.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 07:15:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: FuFuTheSnu
I’m on day 9.  If I’m lucky I’ve got 18,000+ left.  Then again, luck may have nothing to do with it.  I’ve been posting roll since day 3, and I’ve been reading the site for 2-3 hours a day ever since.  At some point I’ll have to cut back on that I’m sure.  But so far, this site has been extremely helpful to me.  Reading through the personal testimonies, I am realizing that, if there are degrees of addiction (there may not be - I’m not sure how addiction theory works – something I’ll learn soon I’m sure), I “don’t have it as bad” as some on this site.  I started when I was 15 (I’m 35, male, wife and two boys, Minneapolis, hihowareya) and only stopped once (for 6 weeks) randomly a couple of years ago.  My cancer catalyst of choice was Skoal Wintergreen EXTRA (so much cheaper! And full of EXTRAness!).  I never chewed right away in the morning.  I never really hid it from my wife.  I never “ninja dipped” at work.  For me, my Monday thru Friday fix was strictly 1) while driving to work, 2) lunch break, 3) driving home from work, and occasionally 4) late night watching TV.  But I noticed over the last two years that I was taking larger and larger chews, to the point where I was going through just a shade under a can a day (spread across just 3-4 chews!).  So, yeah, giant chews.  It’s a good look that women find irresistible.  And then on weekends, I’d throw down a few Coors Lights and that’s when the floodgates really opened up.  On a given Friday or Saturday night, I’d be going through 2 cans easily.  My mouth felt like 1945 Dresden every morning.  Pretty ridiculous.  But actually kind of tame, based on what I’m seeing in the writings of some others around this site.  And that’s what I’m getting out of KTC right now, and why it is such a help to me:  I am realizing that I am not alone in this.  I mean, I always knew I could probably go find some sort of quit group somewhere if I really wanted to, but the folks on this site (15 f’ing THOUSAND of them) are exactly the kind of the “support group” I need.  A bunch of individuals that lay it out very simply – post roll every day, become involved, and keep your damn word.  It’s seems pretty simple.  Accountability and pride.  I’m at the point now where I’m supposedly past the physical addiction.  This hasn’t been too tough for me so far.  I’ve made minor lifestyle adjustments here and there and it has gone well.  But I haven’t really stared temptation in the eye yet.  I haven’t been out on the first tee (it’s still snowing here in MN), I haven’t hung around my chewing buddies, I haven’t done any yard work (the damn snow), I haven’t gone to the pub to play a round of darts yet, etc.  I keep oscillating between being very confident in my quit (as Notdeadyet says, “I am not capable of caving because I have eliminated the option of dipping from my life”), and being scared shitless that this is all a house of cards and it’s going to come crashing down at any moment because I am not prepared to deal with the unknown “crave” or “trigger” or “cave opportunity” that lurks right around the corner.  So I guess I’ll do it one day at a time, keeping my guard up at all times?  At all times?  Is that really how it works?  I have to be “on guard” 24 hours a day for the next 18,000?  I guess I can accept that.  Whatever it takes.  I’m done with chew for today; that much I know.  And I don’t know what I don’t know, so every situation is a potential threat until proven otherwise, right?  Let’s do this.  Sorry for the serpentine rambling.  Thanks for reading.  I just wanted to introduce myself to you all, so you could begin to hold me accountable (or help me to hold myself accountable).  I will be here daily.
good read fu fu. Glad to be quit with you....
FuFutheSnu - there's gotta be a great back story to this one. Me, Smokeyg is my middle school gang name. Smackaho.

I'm coming up 1,800 days quit soon - 1/10 of your remaining life expectancy. I'm still on guard 24 hours a day, but I'm more like the Norwegian Guards in front of the palace in Oslo. Usually, no worries, but once in a blue moon some crazy racist fucker tries to blow up my city and execute a bunch of kids on a remote island. It's then I fall back on my training and daily roll post.

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Re: FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 06:27:00 PM »
Quote from: FuFuTheSnu
I’m on day 9. If I’m lucky I’ve got 18,000+ left. Then again, luck may have nothing to do with it. I’ve been posting roll since day 3, and I’ve been reading the site for 2-3 hours a day ever since. At some point I’ll have to cut back on that I’m sure. But so far, this site has been extremely helpful to me. Reading through the personal testimonies, I am realizing that, if there are degrees of addiction (there may not be - I’m not sure how addiction theory works – something I’ll learn soon I’m sure), I “don’t have it as bad” as some on this site. I started when I was 15 (I’m 35, male, wife and two boys, Minneapolis, hihowareya) and only stopped once (for 6 weeks) randomly a couple of years ago. My cancer catalyst of choice was Skoal Wintergreen EXTRA (so much cheaper! And full of EXTRAness!). I never chewed right away in the morning. I never really hid it from my wife. I never “ninja dipped” at work. For me, my Monday thru Friday fix was strictly 1) while driving to work, 2) lunch break, 3) driving home from work, and occasionally 4) late night watching TV. But I noticed over the last two years that I was taking larger and larger chews, to the point where I was going through just a shade under a can a day (spread across just 3-4 chews!). So, yeah, giant chews. It’s a good look that women find irresistible. And then on weekends, I’d throw down a few Coors Lights and that’s when the floodgates really opened up. On a given Friday or Saturday night, I’d be going through 2 cans easily. My mouth felt like 1945 Dresden every morning. Pretty ridiculous. But actually kind of tame, based on what I’m seeing in the writings of some others around this site. And that’s what I’m getting out of KTC right now, and why it is such a help to me: I am realizing that I am not alone in this. I mean, I always knew I could probably go find some sort of quit group somewhere if I really wanted to, but the folks on this site (15 f’ing THOUSAND of them) are exactly the kind of the “support group” I need. A bunch of individuals that lay it out very simply – post roll every day, become involved, and keep your damn word. It’s seems pretty simple. Accountability and pride. I’m at the point now where I’m supposedly past the physical addiction. This hasn’t been too tough for me so far. I’ve made minor lifestyle adjustments here and there and it has gone well. But I haven’t really stared temptation in the eye yet. I haven’t been out on the first tee (it’s still snowing here in MN), I haven’t hung around my chewing buddies, I haven’t done any yard work (the damn snow), I haven’t gone to the pub to play a round of darts yet, etc. I keep oscillating between being very confident in my quit (as Notdeadyet says, “I am not capable of caving because I have eliminated the option of dipping from my life”), and being scared shitless that this is all a house of cards and it’s going to come crashing down at any moment because I am not prepared to deal with the unknown “crave” or “trigger” or “cave opportunity” that lurks right around the corner. So I guess I’ll do it one day at a time, keeping my guard up at all times? At all times? Is that really how it works? I have to be “on guard” 24 hours a day for the next 18,000? I guess I can accept that. Whatever it takes. I’m done with chew for today; that much I know. And I don’t know what I don’t know, so every situation is a potential threat until proven otherwise, right? Let’s do this. Sorry for the serpentine rambling. Thanks for reading. I just wanted to introduce myself to you all, so you could begin to hold me accountable (or help me to hold myself accountable). I will be here daily.
good read fu fu. Glad to be quit with you....
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

Offline FuFuTheSnu

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FuFuTheSnu - What a dumb name!
« on: April 09, 2013, 06:15:00 PM »
I’m on day 9. If I’m lucky I’ve got 18,000+ left. Then again, luck may have nothing to do with it. I’ve been posting roll since day 3, and I’ve been reading the site for 2-3 hours a day ever since. At some point I’ll have to cut back on that I’m sure. But so far, this site has been extremely helpful to me. Reading through the personal testimonies, I am realizing that, if there are degrees of addiction (there may not be - I’m not sure how addiction theory works – something I’ll learn soon I’m sure), I “don’t have it as bad” as some on this site. I started when I was 15 (I’m 35, male, wife and two boys, Minneapolis, hihowareya) and only stopped once (for 6 weeks) randomly a couple of years ago. My cancer catalyst of choice was Skoal Wintergreen EXTRA (so much cheaper! And full of EXTRAness!). I never chewed right away in the morning. I never really hid it from my wife. I never “ninja dipped” at work. For me, my Monday thru Friday fix was strictly 1) while driving to work, 2) lunch break, 3) driving home from work, and occasionally 4) late night watching TV. But I noticed over the last two years that I was taking larger and larger chews, to the point where I was going through just a shade under a can a day (spread across just 3-4 chews!). So, yeah, giant chews. It’s a good look that women find irresistible. And then on weekends, I’d throw down a few Coors Lights and that’s when the floodgates really opened up. On a given Friday or Saturday night, I’d be going through 2 cans easily. My mouth felt like 1945 Dresden every morning. Pretty ridiculous. But actually kind of tame, based on what I’m seeing in the writings of some others around this site. And that’s what I’m getting out of KTC right now, and why it is such a help to me: I am realizing that I am not alone in this. I mean, I always knew I could probably go find some sort of quit group somewhere if I really wanted to, but the folks on this site (15 f’ing THOUSAND of them) are exactly the kind of the “support group” I need. A bunch of individuals that lay it out very simply – post roll every day, become involved, and keep your damn word. It’s seems pretty simple. Accountability and pride. I’m at the point now where I’m supposedly past the physical addiction. This hasn’t been too tough for me so far. I’ve made minor lifestyle adjustments here and there and it has gone well. But I haven’t really stared temptation in the eye yet. I haven’t been out on the first tee (it’s still snowing here in MN), I haven’t hung around my chewing buddies, I haven’t done any yard work (the damn snow), I haven’t gone to the pub to play a round of darts yet, etc. I keep oscillating between being very confident in my quit (as Notdeadyet says, “I am not capable of caving because I have eliminated the option of dipping from my life”), and being scared shitless that this is all a house of cards and it’s going to come crashing down at any moment because I am not prepared to deal with the unknown “crave” or “trigger” or “cave opportunity” that lurks right around the corner. So I guess I’ll do it one day at a time, keeping my guard up at all times? At all times? Is that really how it works? I have to be “on guard” 24 hours a day for the next 18,000? I guess I can accept that. Whatever it takes. I’m done with chew for today; that much I know. And I don’t know what I don’t know, so every situation is a potential threat until proven otherwise, right? Let’s do this. Sorry for the serpentine rambling. Thanks for reading. I just wanted to introduce myself to you all, so you could begin to hold me accountable (or help me to hold myself accountable). I will be here daily.
So, you see, the puppy was like industry, in that they were both lost in the woods. And nobody, especially the little boy - "society" - knew where to find 'em. Except that the puppy... was a DOG. But the industry, my friends, THAT was a revolution.