Excellent of you to post on here. If you have told him about this place, then the rest unfortunately will be up to him. He can only quit for himself, not you, not your son, not Grandma etc. Only for himself. This is the one thing you need to be selfish about, QUITTING. My suggestion is that you come on here regularly and post once in a while to keep active on the site as much as you can. Maybe leave the computer on with KTC up, maybe he asked what you are doing, you know subtle stuff. He might eventually just get curious enough to look around here and I think once he does, he will get involved. I know of a few folks who have quit on their own as well and make it stick but your odds increase with KTC as a guide. You never know maybe your hubby is one of the few who can go it alone. Pulling for you guys and if you husband is quit today, I will quit with him today as well.