Well here I am. Currently 29. Will be 30 in March. Took my first dip in January 2004. Pretty much been dipping more years of my life than not dipping. I want to be quit and in the best shape of my life by 30. Mental, emotional, physical, everything. This will only happen if I quit. I dip 2 cans a day and am ashamed. I quit for about 7 months two years ago, smoked a cigarette with a friend one day and was back to the can the next day. Never have I felt better than those 7 months, but it’s like my mind/body has forgotten that feeling and I want it back. I work too much in order to support my habit. It is not slowing down either. Today I make the decision to return to that 7 month period in my life. When food tasted better, when my cheeks didn’t look stretched out from the big pinches I use, when I had so much energy and a clear mind throughout the day that I accomplished much more. Today I quit and I will be relying on all of you to help me through the struggle that is about to happen. But I am committed to myself and each of you.