Hello All,
I first started dipping when I was 19. I think I may have tried it once or twice in high school, but never on a regular basis. When I was 19, I started to really do it. Dipped my way through work, college, and more work. Occasionally, I would "take a break" from it. But by the time I was 25, I took a break from my breaks. Finally, when I was about 36 or so, I quit cold turkey. But, occasionally, I would have small relapses and do it for a little while.
You see, around that time I got married. And since then I've had a son. Both excellent reasons to stay off the stuff. But I occasionally would find an urge, or an excuse to dip. I figured, as long as no one knows, I'm not hurting anybody. However, I am not destined to do any master spy work, for I never truly "erased my tracks" and would get questioned by my wife. And I'd lie about it. Emphatically deny what I knew to be true. My wife is not stupid. She presses. I'm stupid. I lie some more. She presses. I admit that I've done it. Fireworks ensue. She does not like dip. She does not want me to do it. But what she really can't abide, is my lying about it. Why is my instinct to weasel my way out of it?
So, I have to quit quit. That means quit for good. I can't undermine my family's trust over a ground up leaf in a little plastic can, even if they do put tin lids on all of them now. I just can't.
Interested to know if this struck a cord with anyone else. Have you gone back to the can and lied about it?
Best to all,