We don't hope or "do our best" around here. We quit.
We do that by promising other nicotine addicts to not use nicotine for the day. We make that promise every day, as early in the day as we can. Then we honor that promise.
We make that promise by posting Roll Call in our Quit Groups. Your Quit Group is August '16 pre HOF. Find it here in the forum. There are directions for posting roll in the thread, or read about the subject in the Welcome thread.
Posting roll is confusing at first, but you'll figure it out. The only way you can screw up roll is by not posting roll. Someone will fix your mistakes the first couple days until you figure it out.
Drink lots of water. Read all you can here, and on the main KTC site. Get to know your quit brothers and sisters in August. Get some of their digits. Stay quit. Absolutely no matter what, stay quit. One day at a time.
I'm proud to quit with you.