Author Topic: * My HOF Speach  (Read 4627 times)

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Offline davidharleyson10

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* My HOF Speach
« on: December 05, 2018, 03:22:54 PM »
Wow 100 Days!!!!
Who would have thought i believed from the time i was 7 i would always dip , no matter how many times or how bad i wanted to quit over the years i failed. I am 49 now and for the first time i believe i can do this one day at a time. When i was in my late 20's i came off of heroin and i tell you for me this was worse that first ten days i never want to repeat!
  Over the years i always found an excuse to put off quitting always , i lost my mom due to cancer from the nic bitch in 2002 but i still kept dipping i remember in 2004 i wanted to quit so bad and then my wife who was 32 had a massive heart attack and passed i used that as an excuse you know we all used the good the bad and the ugly as an excuse not to quit.
  Then on Feb 4th 2015 my 21 year old daughter was murdered and for months after that i would even sleep with a dip in my mouth every night almost like i was trying to get cancer and we are still fighting that in court today and honestly i still drink daily that will be next ,one thing at a time but because i've been drinking so long and i don't get drunk it has not hindered my quit but i don't suggest that for anyone too many people cave from drinking alcohol , but that day august 27 i woke up and started vomiting when i took that dip and i thought about the remaining 3 children i have and all my grand kids   (7) and thought about all the good things in life so i spit it out threw the can away and drove to work, soon as i got there i looked up how to quit dipping online and it led me to here where i found so much support and encouragement.
  Like i said that first ten days sucked but i did what they said WUPP drank lots of water and i mean alot carried around what i called my quit pack with gum, toothpicks, tictacs , grinds coffee  and other snacks now mind you im in a outlaw MC club it looked funny my cut all bulging due to all the snacks and the fog oh it set in hard on me i couldn't talk right, think right , see right nothing hell i couldn't ride my bike for the longest i was fucked and this lasted i guess hard for the first 60 days letting up slowly and still in and out of the fog until day 90 or so oh yeah forgot to mention had to buy a new belt and pants but thats ok it is well worth it i feel so much better today and i know my body is still healing, no different than anyone else i had the mouth sores bleeding gums when i brushed sore throat chest pains all kinds of shit my body was in shock, but i still have all my teeth and the sores heeled.
  This site has been a life saver get those digits i have about 20 or 25 and text most of them daily but i would never get anything done if i texted them all and i hang out on the site as much as possible one of the first people to reach out to me the ass hole was Cap70 fucking caved after his HOF asshole oh i said that already i pray he makes it back before its too late read the Tom and Jenny Kern story a must i would be here for awhile if i named all who had helped me you all know who you are Thank you soo much i only met one Brocsarus lol because i told him i was in a MC he said just dont cut me up and bury me somewhere if we meet and because of what i read on here about him i kept my ass turned away from him HaHa no really a good dude i want to meet more KTC brothers and sisters.
  And new members just hang in there this works if you do it the way the ones before you did it not your way but the KTC way get digits meet people get involved commit to the quit today you only have to do that first ten days once , and once you get here and learn how to quit one day at a time you cant claim ignorance any more because you know how to stay quit you just have to do it , if you put that dip back in its stupid and you know what they say you can fix ignorant but you cant fix stupid. MLAR, ODAAT, IQLAMFWYT. 
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 03:51:36 PM by chewie »
Commit to the quit!! Commitment is following through with a decision long after the feeling in which you made the decision  is gone!! ..."WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" - Srains918...