The backbone of this site is joining a quit group, and posting roll early every morning. Posting roll is a promise you make to yourself, and the entire KTC community that you will not use nicotine in any form for the rest of the day. It may sound corny, but it works.
Here is a link to your quit group.
Here are instructions for posting roll, and
here is more background on posting roll.
Honestly, there are a couple red flags in your post - toying with the idea of quitting - and - quitting for your surgery.
Quitting is all about mindset. You must be committed to your quit above all else, at least for a while. Quit because you're sick and tired of stuffing cat shit in your mouth. Quit because you hate being a slave to a ground up weed in a little round can. Quit because you want to be quit. If you quit because you're having surgery, odds are better than not that you'll find a way to crawl back into the can a few days, weeks, or months after you've recovered.
Get to know the guys in your group. Exchange digits with a few of them. Lean on them when you want to cave. They all quit within a month of you, so they are going through the same things you will be.
Prove my suspicions wrong.