Well, I made it to day 2. First time in a while I havent put a dip in immediately after brushing my teeth in the morning. Starting to realize how much I actually did dip. Seems like if I wasnt eating, there was usually a dip in. There are 3 other guys that I can see currently spitting that nasty shit into empty bottles. Normally I would be doing the same thing or bumming a dip from one of them if I was out. But I posted roll today, so I wont do it, I cant do it. Im not gonna break that promise again.
Welcome Rob,
You made the best decision ever to quit here with us. You have no idea how great things are free of the clutches of nicotine. One Day At A Time will get you there. Stay active here, make some friends, and above all post that promise every morning. Its pretty simple, and very doable if you want your freedom bad enough. Shout out when you are having difficulties. You will be amazed how many brothers and sisters here will come running to support you.
Thanks for the support. Ive pretty much had the chat open since I quit yesterday. Been chatting with the guys in there trying to keep my sanity.
You go boy!!
I lived in that chat early on in my quit. It was a lifeline to say the least. And ol' ChickDip here is a regular in chat. She has more than one word or two of wisdom to give for sure.
And glad to see you made it back today and got on roll. Have you also contacted any of your quit brothers and exchanged numbers or anything? Your success may (usually does) depend on a strong network of peers. When shit hits the fan you can always call or text someone and they will be glad to help.
You mentioned noticing how much you dipped and when. Yeah, it is blatantly obvious after you have quit. I never used spitters so I never had them sitting around the house. I swallowed the spit, but always had a fat ass lip full of cat shit. Now days, my lip is no longer fat ever, my throat and stomach are doing better and not a once since I have quit have I ever had to worry about being down to my last dip and having to go get more or stop while out to get more. I never have panic attacks anymore when I can't find my dip. My blood pressure has actually improved AND I have even lost 15 pounds. Not much but it's a start.
Some rewards are greater than others but any reward is better than any negative you would get from dipping. Enjoy the freedom man!
Take care and I quit with you EDD!
Ray - 301