I feel like shit today but i now have 1 day under my belt at least i dont nave to go to work today
You wont be feeling good for the first few days brother, you've been poisoning your body for sometime now, you didn't think this would be easy now did ya? No, you didn't...You've gotta take the correct steps and fight through each crave, because your life depends on it. Drink plenty of water, get some cranberry juice (the real shit, none of that artifical) and stay active plenty of excerise and sex (with a mate or yourself). You will get through this and you will be stronger for doing it.
Just remember to show up everyday and GIVE YOUR WORD that you will not use nicotene that day. Get as many numbers as you can and use them daily. These will strengthen your quit...
PM me if you need anything, glad to be quit with you day.