Fact is, first day post with no real connection to the site isn't going to hold the meaning necessary to keep you quit. Who cares if you break your word to a bunch of internet screen names and avatars? Create a new alias and come back with no consequence. Keep the same screen name and try again. It's that simple. Once you feel an emotional connection to the site, your roll post will hold more weight.
Right now, the thing that's going to keep you from swinging by a gas station is sheer will power. If you buy that can, you're not only increasing your risk of cancer by feeding your addiction, you are admitting to yourself that you are weak. You don't believe in yourself. You're not worth it. You are a failure. Tobacco is in control.
Post roll, and when you post roll, you are making a promise to yourself that you are going to remain nicotine free today. You deserve a healthy smile, freedom, strength. You deserve success. You are in complete control of what goes into your system. The only reason you'll remain a slave is if you choose to remain a slave. Use your balls.