Author Topic: day one today  (Read 2484 times)

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Offline ERDVM

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Re: day one today
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2013, 10:47:00 AM »
Quote from: kana
Quote from: epayne
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Kubiak
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off?  FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15.   'finger point'
Where the fuck you at?

Alright, dumbass. Your big day is here. It's time to burn your bitch panties. No more excuses. Pull out all the stops and quit this shit like you've got a pair. My money is on you being a pansy-ass cunt drip, but maybe you'll sack up and prove me wrong. Probably not though... Who am I kidding? You'll probably resign yourself to a peaceful suicide by cat turd. It'll just be another day of packing a lip because you think you need it. Another day of letting it control you like a weak willed pussy. A lifetime of death.

Oh shit, think about that. Death by cancer...ugh.

You're lying on a bed in a hospital. Tubes and needles and wires all over you, your loved ones in a circle around you, weeping, moaning, unable to speak through grief. You, unable to speak because your jaw has already been removed. You're lying there, staring at the ceiling as another wave of nausea passes over you. You, lying there knowing you chose this. You chose to end your life this way.


Let the finality of death by cancer wash over you for a minute. Then go tell everyone you love that your can of UST shit is more important than them.

Or quit. Your call.
He thought you guys would forget. 'crackup'
This site is a about accountability  balls. Does chevy have either?
We're waiting Chevy....
Odds are off. No bets on Chevy. Even Chevy knows that he isn't going to quit and that he has no scrotum. Maybe he'll quit tomorrow after his one "last" can. 'horsecrap'

Offline kana

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Re: day one today
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2013, 09:15:00 AM »
Quote from: epayne
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Kubiak
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off?  FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15.   'finger point'
Where the fuck you at?

Alright, dumbass. Your big day is here. It's time to burn your bitch panties. No more excuses. Pull out all the stops and quit this shit like you've got a pair. My money is on you being a pansy-ass cunt drip, but maybe you'll sack up and prove me wrong. Probably not though... Who am I kidding? You'll probably resign yourself to a peaceful suicide by cat turd. It'll just be another day of packing a lip because you think you need it. Another day of letting it control you like a weak willed pussy. A lifetime of death.

Oh shit, think about that. Death by cancer...ugh.

You're lying on a bed in a hospital. Tubes and needles and wires all over you, your loved ones in a circle around you, weeping, moaning, unable to speak through grief. You, unable to speak because your jaw has already been removed. You're lying there, staring at the ceiling as another wave of nausea passes over you. You, lying there knowing you chose this. You chose to end your life this way.


Let the finality of death by cancer wash over you for a minute. Then go tell everyone you love that your can of UST shit is more important than them.

Or quit. Your call.
He thought you guys would forget. 'crackup'
This site is a about accountability  balls. Does chevy have either?
We're waiting Chevy....
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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Re: day one today
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2013, 08:04:00 AM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: Kubiak
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off?  FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15.   'finger point'
Where the fuck you at?

Alright, dumbass. Your big day is here. It's time to burn your bitch panties. No more excuses. Pull out all the stops and quit this shit like you've got a pair. My money is on you being a pansy-ass cunt drip, but maybe you'll sack up and prove me wrong. Probably not though... Who am I kidding? You'll probably resign yourself to a peaceful suicide by cat turd. It'll just be another day of packing a lip because you think you need it. Another day of letting it control you like a weak willed pussy. A lifetime of death.

Oh shit, think about that. Death by cancer...ugh.

You're lying on a bed in a hospital. Tubes and needles and wires all over you, your loved ones in a circle around you, weeping, moaning, unable to speak through grief. You, unable to speak because your jaw has already been removed. You're lying there, staring at the ceiling as another wave of nausea passes over you. You, lying there knowing you chose this. You chose to end your life this way.


Let the finality of death by cancer wash over you for a minute. Then go tell everyone you love that your can of UST shit is more important than them.

Or quit. Your call.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2013, 07:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubiak
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off?  FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15.  'finger point'
Where the fuck you at?

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Wt57

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Re: day one today
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2013, 07:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Kubiak
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off? FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15. 'finger point'
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Kubiak

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Re: day one today
« Reply #54 on: January 04, 2013, 07:36:00 AM »
So today is your big day of procrastination fulfillment, are you going to be a man of your word, or have you found another excuse to put this off? FYI, if you had the balls on December 20th, you would already be on Day 15. 'finger point'

Offline waketech

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Re: day one today
« Reply #53 on: December 25, 2012, 08:30:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.
The longer you stay with her, the harder it is to leave.

Her lies make sense the closer you come to a future date.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She can change. You can still be with you, but you can have your time alone as well. Come on. Why you got to be so final about things?

Meanwhile, she's running train with your neighbors while you work, clearing out your bank account, and leaving her shit all over your house.

Toss the bitch.

You're better than that.

You can do this.
Staying on that shit wont relieve any "holiday stress". All it does is relieve your withdrawl pang from the last time you had a dip. That's it.

Fuck, I have a 7  a 9 year old who want everything in the world for Christmas and are bouncing off the fucking walls now that they are off school. My wifes parents are divorced which means I have to do THREE God damn christmases, three nights in a row with long ass drives each time. Both her famalies are big too, as is mine which means I gotta buy a shit ton of presents for every one.

In between Christmas and New Years I have to work, coach my daughters soccer team and my sons basketball team. And oh yeah after dropping $650 for a study at the University of Michigan its been determined my daughter has a phonological learning disorder which is gonna require a ton of time and $$ to get her on the right track so she can keep up with her reading and writing as she progresses through school.

I'm not trying to air all my dirty laundry here, I'm just saying I got some "holiday stress" too. But I'm here to tell you Dip will not make a single one of those things better or go away. You're walking around blind without a cane pal.

People SHRED your ass yet you are still determined to stick to you're Jan 4th quit date...WEAK!!!

Not sure what you asked for for Christmas but I hope Santa puts some fucking BALLS in your stocking for you.
Is anyone accepting bets on this one? What odds?
No bets on this one. Not ready yet, hopefully get it figured out before she kills him. Could be 4 years quit now.....

Very Sad Indeed
I get it and feel wonderful.
He doesn't get it, and I pray he doesn't get it.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #52 on: December 25, 2012, 08:24:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.
The longer you stay with her, the harder it is to leave.

Her lies make sense the closer you come to a future date.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She can change. You can still be with you, but you can have your time alone as well. Come on. Why you got to be so final about things?

Meanwhile, she's running train with your neighbors while you work, clearing out your bank account, and leaving her shit all over your house.

Toss the bitch.

You're better than that.

You can do this.
Staying on that shit wont relieve any "holiday stress". All it does is relieve your withdrawl pang from the last time you had a dip. That's it.

Fuck, I have a 7  a 9 year old who want everything in the world for Christmas and are bouncing off the fucking walls now that they are off school. My wifes parents are divorced which means I have to do THREE God damn christmases, three nights in a row with long ass drives each time. Both her famalies are big too, as is mine which means I gotta buy a shit ton of presents for every one.

In between Christmas and New Years I have to work, coach my daughters soccer team and my sons basketball team. And oh yeah after dropping $650 for a study at the University of Michigan its been determined my daughter has a phonological learning disorder which is gonna require a ton of time and $$ to get her on the right track so she can keep up with her reading and writing as she progresses through school.

I'm not trying to air all my dirty laundry here, I'm just saying I got some "holiday stress" too. But I'm here to tell you Dip will not make a single one of those things better or go away. You're walking around blind without a cane pal.

People SHRED your ass yet you are still determined to stick to you're Jan 4th quit date...WEAK!!!

Not sure what you asked for for Christmas but I hope Santa puts some fucking BALLS in your stocking for you.
Is anyone accepting bets on this one? What odds?
No bets on this one. Not ready yet, hopefully get it figured out before she kills him. Could be 4 years quit now.....

Very Sad Indeed

Offline Wt57

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Re: day one today
« Reply #51 on: December 25, 2012, 01:25:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.
The longer you stay with her, the harder it is to leave.

Her lies make sense the closer you come to a future date.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She can change. You can still be with you, but you can have your time alone as well. Come on. Why you got to be so final about things?

Meanwhile, she's running train with your neighbors while you work, clearing out your bank account, and leaving her shit all over your house.

Toss the bitch.

You're better than that.

You can do this.
Staying on that shit wont relieve any "holiday stress". All it does is relieve your withdrawl pang from the last time you had a dip. That's it.

Fuck, I have a 7  a 9 year old who want everything in the world for Christmas and are bouncing off the fucking walls now that they are off school. My wifes parents are divorced which means I have to do THREE God damn christmases, three nights in a row with long ass drives each time. Both her famalies are big too, as is mine which means I gotta buy a shit ton of presents for every one.

In between Christmas and New Years I have to work, coach my daughters soccer team and my sons basketball team. And oh yeah after dropping $650 for a study at the University of Michigan its been determined my daughter has a phonological learning disorder which is gonna require a ton of time and $$ to get her on the right track so she can keep up with her reading and writing as she progresses through school.

I'm not trying to air all my dirty laundry here, I'm just saying I got some "holiday stress" too. But I'm here to tell you Dip will not make a single one of those things better or go away. You're walking around blind without a cane pal.

People SHRED your ass yet you are still determined to stick to you're Jan 4th quit date...WEAK!!!

Not sure what you asked for for Christmas but I hope Santa puts some fucking BALLS in your stocking for you.
Is anyone accepting bets on this one? What odds?
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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Re: day one today
« Reply #50 on: December 20, 2012, 05:01:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.
The longer you stay with her, the harder it is to leave.

Her lies make sense the closer you come to a future date.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She can change. You can still be with you, but you can have your time alone as well. Come on. Why you got to be so final about things?

Meanwhile, she's running train with your neighbors while you work, clearing out your bank account, and leaving her shit all over your house.

Toss the bitch.

You're better than that.

You can do this.
Staying on that shit wont relieve any "holiday stress". All it does is relieve your withdrawl pang from the last time you had a dip. That's it.

Fuck, I have a 7  a 9 year old who want everything in the world for Christmas and are bouncing off the fucking walls now that they are off school. My wifes parents are divorced which means I have to do THREE God damn christmases, three nights in a row with long ass drives each time. Both her famalies are big too, as is mine which means I gotta buy a shit ton of presents for every one.

In between Christmas and New Years I have to work, coach my daughters soccer team and my sons basketball team. And oh yeah after dropping $650 for a study at the University of Michigan its been determined my daughter has a phonological learning disorder which is gonna require a ton of time and $$ to get her on the right track so she can keep up with her reading and writing as she progresses through school.

I'm not trying to air all my dirty laundry here, I'm just saying I got some "holiday stress" too. But I'm here to tell you Dip will not make a single one of those things better or go away. You're walking around blind without a cane pal.

People SHRED your ass yet you are still determined to stick to you're Jan 4th quit date...WEAK!!!

Not sure what you asked for for Christmas but I hope Santa puts some fucking BALLS in your stocking for you.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
7th floor 05/04/14
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20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

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Re: day one today
« Reply #49 on: December 20, 2012, 04:46:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.
The longer you stay with her, the harder it is to leave.

Her lies make sense the closer you come to a future date.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She can change. You can still be with you, but you can have your time alone as well. Come on. Why you got to be so final about things?

Meanwhile, she's running train with your neighbors while you work, clearing out your bank account, and leaving her shit all over your house.

Toss the bitch.

You're better than that.

You can do this.
Chevy, are you getting the basic message here? There is no point or value in putting your quit date out on Jan 4. If you think you need dip to cope with the stress of the holidays, well then you obviously don't know what it means to be an addict or how nicotine works within your system. If you quit today, you will be out of the physical withdrawl by Jan 4. I wish you the best, but would rather see you hitch up your big boy pants and listen to the rest of us addicts who know exactly what you are going through...
Don't bother tossing out excuses. We all understand addict babble quite well...
Just get in here, post roll, and start your freedom from slavery to the can...
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline wastepanel

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Re: day one today
« Reply #48 on: December 20, 2012, 03:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Kubiak
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.
The longer you stay with her, the harder it is to leave.

Her lies make sense the closer you come to a future date.

She doesn't want to hurt you. She can change. You can still be with you, but you can have your time alone as well. Come on. Why you got to be so final about things?

Meanwhile, she's running train with your neighbors while you work, clearing out your bank account, and leaving her shit all over your house.

Toss the bitch.

You're better than that.

You can do this.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline Kubiak

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Re: day one today
« Reply #47 on: December 20, 2012, 02:51:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


Quit loving that shit so much. Take out your cancer pacifier and start your new life today. You love that shit so much you wanna take it on a few more dates? That nicotine bitch has already stolen too much from you already. If this isn't the biggest sign of an addict I don't know what is. Good news though- you can quit today. I'm no fucking hero- I'm an addict just like you.

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Re: day one today
« Reply #46 on: December 20, 2012, 02:46:00 PM »
Quote from: Nolaq
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


nolaq - it's clear to me that you just don't understand how hard it is to quit - this poor guy obviously has a bad habbit that he might be thinking about working on after everything that causes stress is over. Using logic like that it is clear to me that a quit date of January 4 is the best choice he can make.
P.S. if anything doesn't go according to plan this date will clearly change.
P.P.S. when i say if anything doesn't go to plan i mean to imply that if he still wants to chew for another day/week/month/year the plan will change

The audacity of some people - to think that anyone here has any wisdom to offer someone who may one day kind of want to think about quitting... 'na na'

just to be clear - Sarcasm
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2nd Floor 2-4-13, 3rd Floor 5-15-13
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4th Floor 8-23-13, 5th Floor 12-1-13, 6th Floor 3-11-14, 7th Floor 6-19-14, 8th Floor 9-27-14, 9th Floor 1-5-15

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Re: day one today
« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2012, 02:16:00 PM »
Quote from: chevytruck34
Tbanks everyone for your harsh and honest criticism and encouragement both. I know I joined 4 years ago and I was doing good. Dont actually remember what happened or why I gave up. This time I have more reasons to quit. Mainly for myself but with my son being a big part of the reason also.
I appreciate all you guys and everything you went through to get this junk out of your body. Jan 4 rth is my quit date and im gonna do it. Hope I can lean on some here for encouragement and learn.
everyone have a great Christmas and ill be a proud non nicotine user like you all soon.
Jan 4th?!?!

That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen on this site.

Jan 4th sucks.

Today rocks.

Plus if you Quit today you will have a dippless Christmas.

Quit now.


What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!