Went last week with lozenges only--a lot of hard candies etc--then weekend came and went through 3 tins. Now back at Day 1--I'm having a tough time--seeds and frozen carmels are not quite doing the trick tonight. Switched to Nicotine lozenge but that seems like cheating also thinking about not having another chew ever again is tough --not sure if I can do this-any words of encouragement? Seems like I might be able to do this with lozenges but how am I going to get away from those basically have them in most of the day....I think I am in the bargaining stage of DABDA starting to cross line to depression already rats...Stumbled on this site, hoping this might help...
Not gonna waste my key strokes on a "pep talk" for you.
You're attitude blows, you want to replace on nicotine delivery method for another, you give no reason WHY you want to quit, you have no confidence in yourself, and despite sucking on nic tacs, you still blew through 3 cans over the weekend.
Now its Monday and you want to quit again,. Yet just the THOUGHT of it is bumming you out. You stumble across this site wanting people to tell you everything is ok, you can suck on your nic tacs, if you cave again.."its ok, just try harder, here's a banky for you, goo goo ga ga."
Wrong site bro.
You remind me of a piece of wet spaghetti...spineless and weak.
Man up and go cold turkey for one week, and I'll show you some love. Until then, get bent.