Last night, I had the pleasure of meeting an OSU great (albeit fallen), Jim Tressel.
The man is a legend in Ohio. He has ties to my area, and after the Ohio State thing went down, he settled at the University of Akron. He's on a few boards around the area, and does smaller events now. I will tell you that he is one helluva speaker though.
He talked a little about 2002 team last night, and what it took for them to get there. In his first 2 seasons, the teams were (basically) .500 teams. When evaluating the players, the coaches realized these kids did not know how to be champions. They were always told they could be champions. They had the talent and potential to be champions.
They just had no idea how.
As a team, they were given the assignment of reading a book about the first national championship team (1942) at OSU. The book had a little biography about each of the 43 players on the roster that season. What is surprising is that, despite being the best team on the field that year, is what happened afterwards. Over 30 of those players enlisted in the armed services the next season and fought in World War II. 3 or them died. A few became war heroes. Most of them went onto great things that did not involve football.
The coaching staff decided to have as many in that season to speak to the team about what it's like to be "them". The first speaker on the eve of the season was an 80 professor from that team. He had enlisted, became a war hero, and was a leading pioneer in videography. The boys were in awe of him as they had read about his great achievements, and were excited to hear what he had to say.
His message was simple: It's not the past that matters. It's right now. What can you do right now to be part of something extraordinary? Individually, we can do good. Together, we can be great. But it takes every one of us to work as one; to trust; to be united; to excel. Individually,we are good. Together, we are extraordinary.
There has been some very tough talk on this site lately. I see a lot of us turning on each other. That's not going to fly in my book. We can disagree, but we can't separate. It's what she wants. She wants us to divide so that she can attack us individually. She wants us to be good; not extraordinary.
I love this site with all of my heart, and I will fight for it to my death. I've seen arguments on both side of this disagreement that make sense. But I see a ton of brothers sticking up for each other. I see them becoming extraordinary.
I see them giving someone hope that may be telling himself that he's special and may not be able to be cured. Do you really want to condemn somebody to this mentality, or do you want to be part of something extraordinary? None of us are butterflies, but we do have a job to do.
Do your part, and be part of something extraordinary. All of you.
Proud to be quit with you today.