Hello Everyone,
I discovered this website while on day 5 of my first attempt at a quit. I have been dragging this nagging habit around with me for about 10 years now and am determined to cut it off. I picked up dipping when I joined the Army in 2005. I am still in and I am around dippers all day everyday so it can be a constant struggle. It is rare to find a Soldier without some sort of habit be it dipping, chewing, smoking, or drinking. Until 5 days ago I had dropped all but the dipping. Being clean is a good feeling. Feeling good and being healthy in the future is what mainly motivates my quit. I can definitely see how people say you have to quit for yourself because I don't think I could quit this death grip of an addiction for anyone else as selfish as it sounds. That's just me being honest. I was really counting on hitting the 72 hour mark that you read about and hoping that the withdraw symptoms would ease off. For me, this has been the worst day so far. I don't even crave dip believe it or not. For me, its the irritability and frustration. I get so damn mad I have to leave the house and I don't even know where I'm going. Just getting away seems to be good enough at times. Once the irritability and frustration subside, this should be a cakewalk. Either way it goes, I will continue to be a quitter and use this website. I look forward to quitting with all of you