I'm not sure how this site is supposed to work.
No, you're not.
Maybe read a little on this site before jumping to conclusions about replacing one obligation with another.
Why don't you ask some of the people around here if they felt "obligated" to talk their quit brother off a ledge when they called at midnight, or if they did it because they have been there before and knew how bad that person needed someone right that minute? Or if a vet felt "obligated" to call a complete stranger in his first couple weeks just to make sure they were doing ok? Dude, there is so much more to this site and these people than an obligation.
I feel obligated to write this off as a dumbass "day one thing," so I will.
Obligated... douche nozzle.
Look man, this place is either for you, or it's not. If it is, get in. If it ain't... get out. If it turns out it is, I'll do everything I can to help you beat this, and so will pretty much everyone else that posts roll the morning that you decide you need someone. But it has nothing to do with obligation.