OK, Let me see if I can help explain this place to you.
Your #1 job: Promise us not to dip by posting roll.
Your #2 job: Keep your promise.
Your optional, but highly recommended job#3: Get active in this forum (and I mean become a post whore like no other) and makes friends and enemies in this community. The more friends you have the more and better support. Even enemies help you quit here, 'cause they still want you to quit, but also because who the hell wants to fail in the face of an enemy.
Our job: Provide you all the help, emotional support, guidance, accountability, friendship, and tough love that you will need once the nic is out of your life. (Note: our job is NOT to make the quit easy nor to quit for you. We have no magic tricks, quitting is not pleasant.) We will also remind you that we are living proof that despite its difficulties, quit IS possible, and IS DEFINITELY worth it.
Couple of helpful links:
Welcome CenterYour Quit Group - August 2011Once YOU DECIDE to quit, let us know. We'll help pick up the other pieces that go along with it.