I have been chewing 2cans of poison a day for the last 16 years and I finally had enough and quit for good, or so I thought. I through away 2 years and 3 months of hard work and dedication over the lies in my head. I decided last Wednesday that I was going to do quit again, for me this time. Its been very hard and very frustrating with work and my family, I have 4 kids under 5 years old and I find my self yelling and erupting at them for being kids. Then the wife yells at me for being so pissy. All this just adds to that voice in my head that lies to me and tells me im a better dad when im chewing and a better husband. Im funnier and easier to be around. I almost believe that voice every single day. Im struggling guys. I want to be free of anything thats taken control of my life, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine. Ive gotten alcohol out, that was easy but caffeine and nicotine are a different animal. sorry for the ramblings, I dont have anyone to talk to about this. My wife, bless her heart has never had any addiction problems so its hard for her to understand.