Author Topic: Intro  (Read 839 times)

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Offline Rawls

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Re: Intro
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2015, 12:49:00 AM »
Keep it in 4x4 Jeepster.
Well done posting roll.
Great start.
Copenhagen sucks.
You will live a better, healthier, happier,stronger, wiser, more confident, at peace, LONGER life. ...without the lie.
I quit with you today!
Rawls 206
I believe.....

Offline Old Dog New Tricks

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Re: Intro
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2015, 01:30:00 AM »
Welcome to the September Samurai. Nice job posting your first day. Your job is to honor your quit one day at a time. Just get thru today my friend...Do not cave in to the cravings. And then tomorrow morning, post roll again and repeat that commitment every damn day.

There are a lot of Old Dogs here, like me, who wish they had your smarts at 19 to quit. For example, me... my habit was twice your age... I was a 38 year dipper who finally took my head out of my ass 15 days ago. You can do this and we're here to help you.

BUT FIRST THINGS FIRST... Walk around the house to every hiding place, find every tin and flush the contents down the toilet. No Nic whatsoever in the house or in your body.

I can tell you the first few days suck, but by Day 10+, things start to get a lot easier. Drink lots of water and/or cranberry juice. Exercise and sweat out the toxins. Stay away from alcohol for the next couple weeks so it doesn't weaken your resolve. It'll take 3 days for the nicotine to physically get out of your system, and then the real mental battle starts fighting the cravings. You can do this.

Proud to quit with you. Check your mailbox. Just sent you a private message (PM). PM me anytime that you need help. Also, people here share their cell numbers, especially during the first few weeks because I promise you that you are going to want to text or call someone when you start having a craving. Really, really helps to have someone in your corner at that moment.

Lastly, check out the LIVE CHAT (in the upper right corner of your screen). There are always some folks in there ready to help or just talk. Proud to quit with you!!! Well done!

PS: This site is serious. I found it the same way you did... just surfing. But you have to make your daily commitment EVERY DAY. This is not something you do just for a couple of days... this is a lifetime commitment to keeping that shit out of your mouth and getting clean permanently. So, if that's what you want, and it sounds like you do, then come on aboard.

Offline Keep_On_Jeepin_On

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« on: June 10, 2015, 09:54:00 PM »
I quit Monday and stumbled accross this looking for withdrawal symptom , I've said I was gonna quit for awhile , I'm 19 and I start dipping shortly I got my drivers license , I've said time and time again that I was gonna quit after this can or after this last dip or next week or this month and it never works , it won't work you can't plan it just do it , I ran out around 6pm Monday and wasn't gonna drive to the store my roommate only had 1 left so I took it as perfect opportunity to quit and look forward to many days without it.