The power of this site is the accountability that you find when you post roll. Posting roll is the backbone of this site, and is the cost of admission to this otherwise free resource.
Here is a link to your April '18 quit group, and
here are instructions on posting roll, you'll also find instructions at the top of the April quit group page.
One important point - dipping/chewing/nicotine is not a habit. It is an addiction, a very powerful addiction. Don't underestimate your body's desire to keep the addiction going. At some point, after the fog of quitting has lifted, I would bet you'll be hit smack in the middle of your face with a very strong crave.
That's where posting your promise on roll comes in. After you've made your promise, if you are a man of your word, nicotine is off the table for the rest of the day.
It may sound silly, making a promise to a bunch of internet strangers, but after a while, if you are active with the site, and jump in with both feet, you will find that there are only a few things in your life more important than making and keeping your promise to your brothers (and sisters) in quit.